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[PvE] Can't enjoy the game anymore (Druid/Chrono meta rant)

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I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...


I like being a support/tank, playing Chrono and Druid was fun at some point but now it's not.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...


Sorry man but there is no reason why they should change. If they pick something else they are slowibg themselves. Also right now anet might somehow make another healer take druids place but there is nothing like chrono so chrono will remain meta. You can always start your own lfg but you will have to wait to find same minded players.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...


> Sorry man but there is no reason why they should change. If they pick something else they are slowibg themselves. Also right now anet might somehow make another healer take druids place but there is nothing like chrono so chrono will remain meta. You can always start your own lfg but you will have to wait to find same minded players.


I don't hate the top guilds in PvE, I think they've done some awesome work for this game and the devs are trying hard to make other options viable and interesting but once you open the pandora box it's all over, you see what I mean? It's no different than IRL when people follow a popular mindset because it was told to them that it's good and warm.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> >

> > Sorry man but there is no reason why they should change. If they pick something else they are slowibg themselves. Also right now anet might somehow make another healer take druids place but there is nothing like chrono so chrono will remain meta. You can always start your own lfg but you will have to wait to find same minded players.


> I don't hate the top guilds in PvE, I think they've done some awesome work for this game and the devs are trying hard to make other options viable and interesting but once you open the pandora box it's all over, you see what I mean? It's no different than IRL when people follow a popular mindset because it was told to them that it's good and warm.


I am no sheep. I am inteligent beeing and i follow their guides because i see the reason behind them and i can calculate for myself that it is the best option.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> > >

> > > Sorry man but there is no reason why they should change. If they pick something else they are slowibg themselves. Also right now anet might somehow make another healer take druids place but there is nothing like chrono so chrono will remain meta. You can always start your own lfg but you will have to wait to find same minded players.

> >

> > I don't hate the top guilds in PvE, I think they've done some awesome work for this game and the devs are trying hard to make other options viable and interesting but once you open the pandora box it's all over, you see what I mean? It's no different than IRL when people follow a popular mindset because it was told to them that it's good and warm.


> I am no sheep. I am inteligent beeing and i follow their guides because i see the reason behind them and i can calculate for myself that it is the best option.


It's the best option when you know how to play sure, but is it the safest? Can you guarantee a kill/clear with Pugs?

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > > > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> > > >

> > > > Sorry man but there is no reason why they should change. If they pick something else they are slowibg themselves. Also right now anet might somehow make another healer take druids place but there is nothing like chrono so chrono will remain meta. You can always start your own lfg but you will have to wait to find same minded players.

> > >

> > > I don't hate the top guilds in PvE, I think they've done some awesome work for this game and the devs are trying hard to make other options viable and interesting but once you open the pandora box it's all over, you see what I mean? It's no different than IRL when people follow a popular mindset because it was told to them that it's good and warm.

> >

> > I am no sheep. I am inteligent beeing and i follow their guides because i see the reason behind them and i can calculate for myself that it is the best option.


> It's the best option when you know how to play sure, but is it the safest? Can you guarantee a kill/clear with Pugs?


Nope. You cannot. There are safer options and optimal options. There is no replacement for chrono now but healing firebrands might work better for pugs maybe (or at least one). Same for soulbeasts instead of weavers. But players that are bad usualy dont know that they are bad or they are not willing to admit it.

Thing is, if you know this stuff and can understand strategy/reasons and diference between "elitists" and "casuals" you can easily play with "elitists" and you dont need to worry about horrific pug experiances.

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Chrono will not fall out of meta unless they nerf the permanent quickness/alacrity. It is the only spec that can keep up quickness and alacrity at the same time. There's Quickbrand/Renegerity (just thought about this, Renegerity sounds awesome) combo but it requires 2 players so..


Druid won't fall out of meta unless they remove spirits and Entangle. If another Healer class could provide the offensive support that a Druid can bring, then it might be replaced.

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Fractals are of similar difficulty to Raids, but you can pug them with any class so long as you know the mechanics. The challenge in raids isn't the raid itself, it's the logistics of herding cats until you get 9 people who know the mechanics to play with you.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> Fractals are of similar difficulty to Raids, but you can pug them with any class so long as you know the mechanics. The challenge in raids isn't the raid itself, it's the logistics of herding cats until you get 9 people who know the mechanics to play with you.


Most t4 fractals still want dudu and chrono

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > Fractals are of similar difficulty to Raids, but you can pug them with any class so long as you know the mechanics. The challenge in raids isn't the raid itself, it's the logistics of herding cats until you get 9 people who know the mechanics to play with you.


> Most t4 fractals still want dudu and chrono


Are you using the same LFG I am? Most T4 fractals don't care so long as you down down, know the mechanics, and have reasonable DPS.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > Fractals are of similar difficulty to Raids, but you can pug them with any class so long as you know the mechanics. The challenge in raids isn't the raid itself, it's the logistics of herding cats until you get 9 people who know the mechanics to play with you.


> Most t4 fractals still want dudu and chrono


Most T4 fractals will try to do it with the first 5 people that join the group and won’t do much as comment on your party comp.

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They started to fix it by giving more classes might generation, and by putting quickness and alacrity on other classes as well. I suspect this will continue and that over time the meta will be more relaxed. However, it's worrying to see them just nerf the meta classes lately instead of creating redundancies.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i hate it too... u dont need chrono/bs for a fast run.


> druid is meta though cuz of healing + 25 mights. u can't replace that. but sometimes i dont really care, heal tempest is fine too.


rofl. You dont need chrono/bs for run. You need it for fast run since warrior + banners is higher dps then another dps profesion and chrono increse dps of all party members by 33 percent. That means either 5xdps dps ot 4x1,3dps = 5,2xdps and that is even without chrono damage. Not to mention all ultility chrono provides. With meta group i can finish 99 cm and 3 dailies in 30 minutes. With random T4 group (even if i am still playing chrono) it is 30 minutes just for t4. Even longer if we have 5 random dps classes. From my experiance chrono is much more important then druid in fractals.

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This game has always suffered from the meta issue. One specific build or gear set was just op and so everyone runs with it. The underlying issues are two fold in my view.


1) ArenaNet are not good at balancing things so this topic keeps coming back

2) It's a farm/grind game, which means the key activity is doing the most beneficial activity as often and therefore as fast as possible.


And I think point 2 is the biggest culprit. GW2 is about farming. The whole game is built around it really. Every activity in essence is subordinate to this. You can enjoy that or hate it but that's what it is. Even the old dungeons where you could get gear rewards had to be farmed for currency to buy them. I didn't mind that cause it was very reasonable, the legendaries on the other hand....well to each their own. I was just lucky I didn't actually like any of the legendaries.


I really don't think this game will ever go away from that because it's how they keep people busy...grind or farm your way to riches or skins. The point is that most of what you do is dead easy...you just need to do it a lot of times.


So it's all about speed clearing. Most specs are actually perfectly viable but you already heard some people talking about not choosing the fotm (or fote=flavour of the expansion) is that it slows you down. Now why would it be a problem if you took 22 minutes instead of 20 minutes to clear something? That's because people limit themselves to repeating the most rewarding activities and repeating them over and over. It's not the content they enjoy but their progress in rewards that they play for.


The only solution is that you find a group of people that collectively stick their middle finger up to the meta but still want to do raids and stuff. I suppose most guilds are either too casual or too meta-oriented so it may be difficult to find like minded people.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> Chrono will not fall out of meta unless they nerf the permanent quickness/alacrity. It is the only spec that can keep up quickness and alacrity at the same time. There's Quickbrand/Renegerity (just thought about this, Renegerity sounds awesome) combo but it requires 2 players so..


> Druid won't fall out of meta unless they remove spirits and Entangle. If another Healer class could provide the offensive support that a Druid can bring, then it might be replaced.

This. Chrono dominance is a simple result of the balance team either being unwilling or having no clue how to reduce the massively overblown support arsenal of chronos to a more reasonable level. Until that happens, they can create as many redundancies as they want, but they will not be able to compete with chronos.

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I always though that the boon-system in GW2 is just absolutely bonkers. I mean, you can have every important boon permanently on you and they kinda double your dps. No other sane MMORPG features such a system. Nerfing boons drastically and reducing specs to their roles could also be a solution.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> I always though that the boon-system in GW2 is just absolutely bonkers. I mean, you can have every important boon permanently on you and they kinda double your dps. No other sane MMORPG features such a system. Nerfing boons drastically and reducing specs to their roles could also be a solution.


I wouldn't call the entire boon system bonkers. It wouldn't hurt if they weren't as strong as they are, but the system could work if we had a more reasonable distribution of boons among the classes. That's where we have the big problems.

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> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...


> I like being a support/tank, playing Chrono and Druid was fun at some point but now it's not.


So you're triggered because metagaming isn't how you'd like to play?


Meta gaming has existed in nearly every MMO. The only way to stop this would be to give every single elite spec the exact same numbers-producing skills and animations. It just wouldn't be a reality.

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> >

> > I like being a support/tank, playing Chrono and Druid was fun at some point but now it's not.


> So you're triggered because metagaming isn't how you'd like to play?


> Meta gaming has existed in nearly every MMO. The only way to stop this would be to give every single elite spec the exact same numbers-producing skills and animations. It just wouldn't be a reality.


Oh that's the "only way" to stop it? I'm reminded of this Simpsons quote: http://i.imgur.com/i1MVklE.png


Fact: Chrono is overpowered

Fact: ANet literally JUST released a balance patch but chose not to fix it.


That's now how balance problems get solved.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > > @"Amineo.8951" said:

> > > I had a 5 month hiatus, came back and everytime I login and see these "Chrono, Druid, BS" stuff in the LFG I get triggered, no trolling but the game is in a state where I can't enjoy playing it any longer, the Druid/Chrono meta (which was made up by top tier guilds) is not fun, there are 18 Elite specs in this game after 2 expansions and people can't change? It's been 2 years and a half since this nonsense started...

> > >

> > > I like being a support/tank, playing Chrono and Druid was fun at some point but now it's not.

> >

> > So you're triggered because metagaming isn't how you'd like to play?

> >

> > Meta gaming has existed in nearly every MMO. The only way to stop this would be to give every single elite spec the exact same numbers-producing skills and animations. It just wouldn't be a reality.


> Oh that's the "only way" to stop it? I'm reminded of this Simpsons quote: http://i.imgur.com/i1MVklE.png


> Fact: Chrono is overpowered

> Fact: ANet literally JUST released a balance patch but chose not to fix it.


> That's now how balance problems get solved.

The last balance patches weren't any better and the problem has been known for a long, long time.

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