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Reset crafting disciplines

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Will it be possible someday to reset crafting disciplines on a specific character? I am not talking about shifting to another one but about the fact that since there was this update displaying all the disciplines on the character screen this has become a little bit messy about those disciplines that you won't use anymore because mastered on another character.


Yes I know this might sound quibbling but to me it matters enough to open this thread and maybe see the "I would like to forget this discipline" option appear at master craftsmen in the future.

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> @"Exun.7825" said:

> Hello,


> Will it be possible someday to remove crafting disciplines on a specific character? I am not talking about shifting to another one but about the fact that since there was this update displaying all the disciplines on the character screen this has become a little bit messy about those disciplines that you won't use anymore because mastered on another character.


> Yes I know this might sound quibbling but to me it matters enough to open this thread and maybe see the option appear at master craftsmen in the future.


First of all, the title is off topic.


Second of all, yeah I agree it would be nice to remove crafting disciplines from a character and remove all the progress you had in that discipline.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> I'm not sure why this is needed, other than OCD reasons, but couldn't it be exploited? Level up via crafting, reset to 0, rinse and repeat, never need to leave DR, boom insta-80. Of course, I'm not sure why one would want to do that...


It's not as if we haven't been able to do this for years already. Levelling 2 disciplines with crafting boosters will get you to level 80 without ever setting foot outside a city.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> First of all, the title is off topic.

Yes I know it sounds like "crafting is useless". What would you suggest instead ? I can edit it.

I'll put "reset" I think this is a more relevant word.

Very happy to see you agree!


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> couldn't it be exploited? Level up via crafting, reset to 0, rinse and repeat, never need to leave DR, boom insta-80. Of course, I'm not sure why one would want to do that...

As said it won't change a lot, plus I don't know why people would like to exploit like that, it's so easy to level up and we have so many Tomes of knowledge. Leveling up has never been a big deal in Guild Wars. However still interesting to put the light on every corners.


> @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> I am actually going the opposite and getting all crafting disciplines leveled on all just so that I can craft what I want on whatever char I happen to be on without changing them out. Not doing it fast just that is what I am aiming for.

What I'm asking is not incompatible with that, I just want additional options (Reset, or I would say "forget" (better for rp integration) a discipline so it won't appear anymore on character screen) I don't want to change what is already set up.

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> @"Exun.7825" said:



> > @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> > I am actually going the opposite and getting all crafting disciplines leveled on all just so that I can craft what I want on whatever char I happen to be on without changing them out. Not doing it fast just that is what I am aiming for.

> What I'm asking is not incompatible with that, I just want additional options (Reset, or I would say "forget" (better for rp integration) a discipline so it won't appear anymore on character screen) I don't want to change what is already set up.


Are you sure it doesn't already go away when you change to another crafting profession? Have you tried it out...as in take any character which has 2 or 4 maxed crafting professions(since that is the most any one character can have) and go to one of the Masters for an entirely different craft and start learning that one...it should tell you something like you will lose all progress in ... and ....

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Well, isn't the way it works now is that if you have the default max per character of 2, and decided to learn something new, you have to pick one of the 2 you already know to drop? It doesn't forget any recipes or reset your progress, you just can't use it until you pick it up again and drop something else, no?


So it's not like we want to forget everything. We just need to be able to turn off the 'i know this crafting profession right now' flag, but without replacing it with another profession. The code is already there to turn the one off, we just don't have something to 'talk' to for 'nothing'. Maybe an NPC called 'Chip the Lazy'?


Chip: "What could I do for you today?"

Me: "I'd like to learn to be lazy!"

Chip: "Well, looks like you cook and make jewelry, you are far too ambitious to be lazy."

Me: "How about I learn to be a 'little lazy'?"

Chip: "Alright, what would you like to stop doing to be a little lazy?"

Me: "Uhm...cooking!"

Chip: "Done! You are now a little lazy!"


Chip: "What could I do for you today?"

Me: "I'd like to learn to be really lazy!"

Chip: "Well, looks like you are already a little lazy, are you sure you would like to be really lazy?"

Me: "Yes!"

[selects the only non-lazy profession remaining and turns it off]

Chip: "Done! You are now a really lazy!"


And uh, we might need a few new titles. :#


I have a few characters I went to a crafter to use the bank at and in my haste accidentally picked up a profession. Yes, it's OCD, but there you go.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Way too much stuff shared between crafting proffessions to be remotely feasible to just reset one.

What do you mean by way too much stuff shared [...] to be feasible ? whatever you have the level required or not you can still learn recipes, it doesn't mean you are able to craft it if you don't have the required level in the required discipline, I think that's all that matter, if you reset the level you can't craft recipes anymore until you get back to the level required.


@"Zaklex.6308" Yes I'm sure

![](https://i.imgur.com/R05ABK5.png "")

This guy is doing huntsman & leatherworker, he has artificer at level 20 or something and didn't use it for like many years and this is still displayed and many time when I want to use artificer I take the wrong guy before reminding that he has just started the artificer course many years ago but can't do anything interesting with and every time it happens I wonder why I can't just forget that artificer crafting for this guy.


@"notebene.3190" And so the picture above also answers your statement which is totaly correct : artificer is turned off on this guy because he has 2 other crafting disciplines but it is still displayed the the character screen and this is exactly what bothers me, I want it gone for good because I have artificer maxed on another guy and this one will never do any artificer stuff anymore.


I was thinking about something more like this (see picture below) but your funny idea about one specific npc that does the thing could work as well.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Df4MSkQ.jpg "")

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> @"Exun.7825" said:

> Hello,


> Will it be possible someday to reset crafting disciplines on a specific character? I am not talking about shifting to another one but about the fact that since there was this update displaying all the disciplines on the character screen this has become a little bit messy about those disciplines that you won't use anymore because mastered on another character.


> Yes I know this might sound quibbling but to me it matters enough to open this thread and maybe see the "I would like to forget this discipline" option appear at master craftsmen in the future.


I'd like that too. On my Revenant I misclicked when trying to sell to a weaponsmith NPC and now he's a level 0 weaponsmith forever. I already have a level 500 weaponsmith so I don't need that. Not a big deal, it's just a little untidy. Also, having a confirmation dialog there would have been nice.


I'd like them to just remove the crafting disciplines from the selection screen. I know who my crafters are.

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I would also like to see the option "forget this discipline" or whatever. I don't need to know all the disciplines with every hero. If it's a Warrior, then Armorsmith and Weaponsmith are all he needs. When the need arises, other characters can provide him with food and jewelry. Thus, each character is special in his own way.

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> @"Exun.7825" said:

> Will it be possible someday to reset crafting disciplines on a specific character? I am not talking about shifting to another one but about the fact that since there was this update displaying all the disciplines on the character screen this has become a little bit messy about those disciplines that you won't use anymore [...]


I have asked for this, too, because I have a few characters that I selected disciplines for which I never leveled on them. I wish they finally made it possible to remove those from the character.

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> @"Exun.7825" said:

> @"Zaklex.6308" Yes I'm sure

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/R05ABK5.png "")

> This guy is doing huntsman & leatherworker, he has artificer at level 20 or something and didn't use it for like many years and this is still displayed and many time when I want to use artificer I take the wrong guy before reminding that he has just started the artificer course many years ago but can't do anything interesting with and every time it happens I wonder why I can't just forget that artificer crafting for this guy.


> @"notebene.3190" And so the picture above also answers your statement which is totaly correct : artificer is turned off on this guy because he has 2 other crafting disciplines but it is still displayed the the character screen and this is exactly what bothers me, I want it gone for good because I have artificer maxed on another guy and this one will never do any artificer stuff anymore.


It *should* be shown there (look at the icons to see which disciplines he's working on, and at the text to see which he knows at least *something* about). I guess that's the whole point: the two presentations (icons and text) don't show the same information. Whether it's a useful idea to be able to forget a discipline is a separate question that I don't have a strong opinion about. I know it's useful to have at least the option of *keeping* your progress (compare: SWTOR where if you drop a "crew skill", you forget all progress in it and if it's a crafting skill, you forget all learned recipes(1)), but the option to forget? I know I *wouldn't* use it, but ...


(1) SWTOR recipes, called "schematics", are learned per-character, even if you learn them from the equivalent of a recipe sheet, and you can only learn them if you are high enough level in the crew skill to use them.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> It *should* be shown there (look at the icons to see which disciplines he's working on, and at the text to see which he knows at least *something* about). I guess that's the whole point: the two presentations (icons and text) don't show the same information. Whether it's a useful idea to be able to forget a discipline is a separate question that I don't have a strong opinion about. I know it's useful to have at least the option of *keeping* your progress (compare: SWTOR where if you drop a "crew skill", you forget all progress in it and if it's a crafting skill, you forget all learned recipes(1)), but the option to forget? I know I *wouldn't* use it, but ...

Yes I understand the 2 display info : what you have learned is written and the icons are for currently "active" disciplines. This is totaly fine to me, I don't want to change this. I am really focusing on the forget discipline option. The display will adapt anyway I guess because the discipline will have desapeared.

And for what is taken into account in case this is implemented (recipe or not or partly etc..) well this is details, I totaly trust Anet in doing what is best & also most relevant considering what forgeting a discipline implies.


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> Or you could, you know, write it down on a post-it and stick it to your monitor.

Hahaha thanks for the idea but not for me.


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If this gets implemented, the same day it goes live, there will be an outcry from more than one person having accidentally deleted there level 500(400) crafting discipline...


As easily as it was for some of you to inadvertently learn a discipline, it will likely be just as easy to delete the wrong one...


And really not interested in debating all the safe guards that could be put in to make it fool proof - there will always be a superior fool....


Just calling it now.

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> @"Mourningcry.9428" said:

> If this gets implemented, the same day it goes live, there will be an outcry from more than one person having accidentally deleted there level 500(400) crafting discipline...

Well I must admit that this is very possible. In the other hand there is a functionality to delete characters, and like you said there probably are plenty of fools that might have done terrible things already.


More freedom means always less safety. And I won't argue on all the safe guards neither, these are details.

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I would find it more useful if each discipline had the current level listed. With 25 characters it gets confusing as to which toon has mastered what and there is a lot of logging back and forth which can be frustrating.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Exun.7825" said:

> Hello,


> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Way too much stuff shared between crafting proffessions to be remotely feasible to just reset one.

> What do you mean by way too much stuff shared [...] to be feasible ? whatever you have the level required or not you can still learn recipes, it doesn't mean you are able to craft it if you don't have the required level in the required discipline, I think that's all that matter, if you reset the level you can't craft recipes anymore until you get back to the level required.


> @"Zaklex.6308" Yes I'm sure

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/R05ABK5.png "")

> This guy is doing huntsman & leatherworker, he has artificer at level 20 or something and didn't use it for like many years and this is still displayed and many time when I want to use artificer I take the wrong guy before reminding that he has just started the artificer course many years ago but can't do anything interesting with and every time it happens I wonder why I can't just forget that artificer crafting for this guy.


> @"notebene.3190" And so the picture above also answers your statement which is totaly correct : artificer is turned off on this guy because he has 2 other crafting disciplines but it is still displayed the the character screen and this is exactly what bothers me, I want it gone for good because I have artificer maxed on another guy and this one will never do any artificer stuff anymore.


> I was thinking about something more like this (see picture below) but your funny idea about one specific npc that does the thing could work as well.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Df4MSkQ.jpg "")


Please make this exact suggestion happen! Pretty please and thank you!! It would mean the world to me! :)

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I use a single screen on GW2efficiency.com to show all my characters, what crafting disciplines they each know, and at what levels.


I do that so I know who needs to level up, who I can go to for crafting upper level items, and I don't have to bounce between individual characters in-game to find what I want.


I think it's a waste to "forget" disciplines. What of the recipes that character has unlocked? Would they remain unlocked for the account? Or would they revert to the Locked state.


If you want to "forget" a learned discipline, just go to another master craftsman you don't know and have them teach something else in exchange. Voila, forgotten.

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  • 2 years later...

> @"Exun.7825" said:

> Hello,


> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Way too much stuff shared between crafting proffessions to be remotely feasible to just reset one.

> What do you mean by way too much stuff shared [...] to be feasible ? whatever you have the level required or not you can still learn recipes, it doesn't mean you are able to craft it if you don't have the required level in the required discipline, I think that's all that matter, if you reset the level you can't craft recipes anymore until you get back to the level required.


> @"Zaklex.6308" Yes I'm sure

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/R05ABK5.png "")

> This guy is doing huntsman & leatherworker, he has artificer at level 20 or something and didn't use it for like many years and this is still displayed and many time when I want to use artificer I take the wrong guy before reminding that he has just started the artificer course many years ago but can't do anything interesting with and every time it happens I wonder why I can't just forget that artificer crafting for this guy.


> @"notebene.3190" And so the picture above also answers your statement which is totaly correct : artificer is turned off on this guy because he has 2 other crafting disciplines but it is still displayed the the character screen and this is exactly what bothers me, I want it gone for good because I have artificer maxed on another guy and this one will never do any artificer stuff anymore.


> I was thinking about something more like this (see picture below) but your funny idea about one specific npc that does the thing could work as well.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Df4MSkQ.jpg "")


This is really needed for me.


When I enter Tyria at my first time, I learned every discipline by the idea "I want everything on my primary character". But soon unfortunately I got the message that I can only activate 2(it's 4 now, but not all) disciplines at the same time, that means I should paid every time I have demands besides the activated, that pushes me split disciplines into 4 characters.


So, there are actually 2 mastered disciplines on my primary character and "It displays 8 at the charaters layer", which makes me very uncomfortable, disciplines that are not mastered means nothing to me this time, so there are no reasons showing them to me, all I wish is giving me the choice.

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