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Can we please have a new PvP game mode Anet??


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I hate to be that guy, but its been almost 6 years and here we are playing the exact same game mode. The same goes for WvW. We saw an attempt with Stronghold, which I honestly didn't think was too bad - but just because Anet received negative feedback they decide to scrap the whole thing and put it on unranked and leave it alone? Instead of throwing all that work away why couldn't they rework it till it works? This was also the case with team deathmatch.


Why is this the case? Because Anet doesn't work closely with their community to receive their feedback before they release these things. So the moment things go wrong and people aren't happy with the result arena net will scrap the whole thing and give up on it. I have seen hundreds upon hundreds of great game mode suggestion posts on the forums, yet we get nothing in return from anet? There seems to be no slowing down and no problem in releasing PvE content, so why must the PvP/WvW players be left out all the time?


The only thing that has been keeping PvP/WvW barely alive is the classes and new builds they add through expansions and balance patches. Its just simply not good enough anymore. Many people like myself are growing tired of being ignored and made out to not matter to Anet. Please stop treating this game like PvE is the only game mode, PvP hasn't changed a bit since release, WvW hasn't changed a bit since release (all that got was 1 new map, and now world reconstruction which still changes nothing).


This is a wonderful game, its just such a shame that Anet can't focus on anything more than the PvE content. This is why GW2 esports failed so hard, because once again the community was ignored and instead of fixing what they had they gave up on it.



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What happened was that they introduced stupid game modes that failed and then said, "New game modes don't work" ... instead of saying, "Well that was bad design, let's try capture the flag."


Oh well. At least scourge will ALWAYS be meta now unless they are nerfed to the ground. Ground circles are good.

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> we already had teamdeathmatch and no one want it because its like wvw .... zerging .... so maybe capture the flag ... or maybe new pvp maps


I know we had TDM. I was just using it as another example of a gamemode which failed and they gave up on. Because they didn't talk to their community about it.

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We have the mode people asked however... We had skyhammer, people asked to change glass panels. Spirit watch, people asked to get it out of ranked. Khylo mapchanged. Capricorn was out of ranked due to underwater. Stronghold was " too complicated " . People asked basically for easy maps where you can sit on points.



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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> We have the mode people asked however... We had skyhammer, people asked to change glass panels. Spirit watch, people asked to get it out of ranked. Khylo mapchanged. Capricorn was out of ranked due to underwater. Stronghold was " too complicated " . People asked basically for easy maps where you can sit on points.




Sorry but this is not true at all. The glass panels and knock out of maps were not "hard", they were stupid and now sky hammer is way better than it was. All the other things you spoke about aren't new modes except Stronghold, which like i said I like the idea but arenanet didn't bother to fix the things that was wrong with it. Even till this day, people can do things like perma heal a champion, a guardian can cast sanctuary while he caps mist essence. People can chain blocks while they cap mist essence. The list goes on and on.

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> @"Noodica.5428" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > We have the mode people asked however... We had skyhammer, people asked to change glass panels. Spirit watch, people asked to get it out of ranked. Khylo mapchanged. Capricorn was out of ranked due to underwater. Stronghold was " too complicated " . People asked basically for easy maps where you can sit on points.

> >

> >


> Sorry but this is not true at all. The glass panels and knock out of maps were not "hard", they were stupid and now sky hammer is way better than it was. All the other things you spoke about aren't new modes except Stronghold, which like i said I like the idea but arenanet didn't bother to fix the things that was wrong with it. Even till this day, people can do things like perma heal a champion, a guardian can cast sanctuary while he caps mist essence. People can chain blocks while they cap mist essence. The list goes on and on.


What i meant is that you had to differ builds and strategies in order to win each map. Skyhammer could require pull off map builds, Khylo would require people to be mobile and have some ports, spirit watch required people to have running facilities + could win by only using 1 point.


Right now, you can win every single map with the same setup. Skyhammer buff, temple buff, capricorn cannon. All are about firebrand + scourges spamming on these. Pretty much why people ask new game modes, since it's quite the same on each map..

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> @"Noodica.5428" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > We have the mode people asked however... We had skyhammer, people asked to change glass panels. Spirit watch, people asked to get it out of ranked. Khylo mapchanged. Capricorn was out of ranked due to underwater. Stronghold was " too complicated " . People asked basically for easy maps where you can sit on points.

> >

> >


> Sorry but this is not true at all. The glass panels and knock out of maps were not "hard", they were stupid and now sky hammer is way better than it was.


That's your opinion...



You could have 100 people who liked it the way it is and play PvP too have fun, then you got 15 people who don't like it and complain on the forums until it gets changed while simultaneously claiming to speak on behalf of the PvP playerbase.




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I don't see why its taken so long to introduce a Team Deathmatch gamemode. Basically every single PvP game has it.


All they need to do is create an open arena with no capture points and let us go at it and have fun. Instead, we're forced to do Conquest. Stronghold failed spectacularly because this game isn't balanced around being a MOBA. Even if it was, the map design, mechanics, and state of balance wouldn't have allowed for it to flourish anyways. It ended up being a PvE meta race to kill the lord first in under 3 minutes.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I don't see why its taken so long to introduce a Team Deathmatch gamemode. Basically every single PvP game has it.


> All they need to do is create an open arena with no capture points and let us go at it and have fun. Instead, we're forced to do Conquest. Stronghold failed spectacularly because this game isn't balanced around being a MOBA. Even if it was, the map design, mechanics, and state of balance wouldn't have allowed for it to flourish anyways. It ended up being a PvE meta race to kill the lord first in under 3 minutes.


We had a TDM but some forum people complained until they removed it.


Now just about everyone complains there's no TDM.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I don't see why its taken so long to introduce a Team Deathmatch gamemode. Basically every single PvP game has it.

> >

> > All they need to do is create an open arena with no capture points and let us go at it and have fun. Instead, we're forced to do Conquest. Stronghold failed spectacularly because this game isn't balanced around being a MOBA. Even if it was, the map design, mechanics, and state of balance wouldn't have allowed for it to flourish anyways. It ended up being a PvE meta race to kill the lord first in under 3 minutes.


> We had a TDM but forum people complained until they removed it.

> ...

> Now we complain there's no TDM.


Did we?


Was that the Courtyard map? If it was, that map was poorly designed, cramped, small, and made using the camera unnecessarily difficult.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > I don't see why its taken so long to introduce a Team Deathmatch gamemode. Basically every single PvP game has it.

> > >

> > > All they need to do is create an open arena with no capture points and let us go at it and have fun. Instead, we're forced to do Conquest. Stronghold failed spectacularly because this game isn't balanced around being a MOBA. Even if it was, the map design, mechanics, and state of balance wouldn't have allowed for it to flourish anyways. It ended up being a PvE meta race to kill the lord first in under 3 minutes.

> >

> > We had a TDM but forum people complained until they removed it.

> > ...

> > Now we complain there's no TDM.


> Did we?


> Was that the Courtyard map? If it was, that map was poorly designed, cramped, small, and made using the camera unnecessarily difficult.


Exactly my point. Small minority of forum complaints ruined it for the rest of us and now we all want new game modes... Some of us were extremely happy with Courtyard but it got removed because the people on forums were extremely vocal on behalf of all PvP players that we apparently hated it.


You thought the map was poorly designed, cramped, small and made the camera difficult, complained on the forums and had it removed.

I thought the map was fun and a good way to casually kill people or to help train my small roaming WvW guild builds.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > I don't see why its taken so long to introduce a Team Deathmatch gamemode. Basically every single PvP game has it.

> > > >

> > > > All they need to do is create an open arena with no capture points and let us go at it and have fun. Instead, we're forced to do Conquest. Stronghold failed spectacularly because this game isn't balanced around being a MOBA. Even if it was, the map design, mechanics, and state of balance wouldn't have allowed for it to flourish anyways. It ended up being a PvE meta race to kill the lord first in under 3 minutes.

> > >

> > > We had a TDM but forum people complained until they removed it.

> > > ...

> > > Now we complain there's no TDM.

> >

> > Did we?

> >

> > Was that the Courtyard map? If it was, that map was poorly designed, cramped, small, and made using the camera unnecessarily difficult.


> Exactly my point. Small minority of forum complaints ruined it for the rest of us and now we all want new game modes... Some of us were extremely happy with Courtyard but it got removed because the people on forums were extremely vocal on behalf of all PvP players that we apparently hated it.


> You thought the map was poorly designed, cramped, small and made the camera difficult, complained on the forums and had it removed.

> I thought the map was fun and a good way to casually kill people or to help train my small roaming WvW guild builds.


You have to realize that camera control is extremely important both for the players and any spectators who attempt to watch. Courtyard was ridiculously small and as such, you couldn't even pan around in a circle without your camera spazzing out.


That's the problem though. Instead of redoing the map, Anet decided to give up just like they did with Stronghold.

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Introducing an entirely different game mode would also introduce different supposed "class imbalances" for players to complain about. A class could be great in conquest but be undervalued in wvw. A class could be great in wvw but never be used in conquest. In other words, the game will be even harder to balance with the introduction of yet another pvp game mode.


Just know what you're asking for and don't be upset if your wish is granted.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Introducing an entirely different game mode would also introduce different supposed "class imbalances" for players to complain about. A class could be great in conquest but be undervalued in wvw. A class could be great in wvw but never be used in conquest. In other words, the game will be even harder to balance with the introduction of yet another pvp game mode.


> Just know what you're asking for and don't be upset if your wish is granted.


I would rather have a new game mode with builds that work in that game mode and not others - which we can work on over time, rather than playing the same game mode I have been playing for 6 years. Different comps and builds work and do not work in each PvE raid, why does one build have to work for every mode in PvP/WvW?

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> we already had teamdeathmatch and no one want it because its like wvw .... zerging .... so maybe capture the flag ... or maybe new pvp maps


Oh really? I wasn't aware that a half finished project with no leaderboards and no specific ruleset to accomodate said game mode is somehow considered to be finished, silly me. Don't get it twisted, the community as a whole myself rejected it because they didn't put any effort into it. Attempting to throw in conquest rules to a TDM based map "that was terribly made mind you" is like trying to play baseball with ice skates on, It's not going to be a smooth experience.

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Also I wouldn’t say the teams responsible for balance and stronghold aren’t very bright. Seems like any good idea they ever have is fixing obvious stuff that the community notices 6+ months before they attempt to fix it. Expecting these guys to create a fun good mode seems unrealistic to me. They have enough of a struggle with pvp as it is..

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> We have the mode people asked however... We had skyhammer, people asked to change glass panels. Spirit watch, people asked to get it out of ranked. Khylo mapchanged. Capricorn was out of ranked due to underwater. Stronghold was " too complicated " . People asked basically for easy maps where you can sit on points.




Those are all the same game mode, just with different gimmicks. They are all capture games, revolving around capturing and holding nodes.

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Nodes should be changed the following way: put a flag in the center of them and in order to cap it you channel just like you’d channel tranq (any dmg interrupts). This would make fights more about winning the fight and capping between fights rather then camping and nuking the hell out of a circle or bunkering them by chaining evades etc. I think conquest not being about standing on nodes would make it very refreshing and solve some of the balance issues along with it and I think it would over time create a more engaging meta for the game.

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> @"Kraitan.8476" said:

> Nodes should be changed the following way: put a flag in the center of them and in order to cap it you channel just like you’d channel tranq (any dmg interrupts). This would make fights more about winning the fight and capping between fights rather then camping and nuking the hell out of a circle or bunkering them by chaining evades etc. I think conquest not being about standing on nodes would make it very refreshing and solve some of the balance issues along with it and I think it would over time create a more engaging meta for the game.


Problem here would be thieves just running and interrupting and blinking around (once nodes are captured of course). I think this type of node capture would be fun to try... but it would be more successful with more nodes and bigger maps (and bigger teams). But maybe I'm wrong!

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> I'd prefer classes be properly balanced for conquest before attempting new game modes.

> New maps would be fine, but I don't think exploring new game modes is a good step right now until they tidy up steeply overperforming builds.


Good balance is different for different game modes. Yes, some broken builds would remain broken in other builds. But some stuff that is broken in a conquest style game mode would be well balanced, or even on the weak side, in another game mode that didn't rely at all on capturing and holding nodes. Scourge can be oppressive because their shades can cover an entire node, but if you didn't have to worry about capturing/keeping a node from a scourge, then you would be free to maneuver around them as you fight them, and not have to worry about their team gaining points through that entire fight because they held a node.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > I'd prefer classes be properly balanced for conquest before attempting new game modes.

> > New maps would be fine, but I don't think exploring new game modes is a good step right now until they tidy up steeply overperforming builds.


> Good balance is different for different game modes. Yes, some broken builds would remain broken in other builds. But some stuff that is broken in a conquest style game mode would be well balanced, or even on the weak side, in another game mode that didn't rely at all on capturing and holding nodes. Scourge can be oppressive because their shades can cover an entire node, but if you didn't have to worry about capturing/keeping a node from a scourge, then you would be free to maneuver around them as you fight them, and not have to worry about their team gaining points through that entire fight because they held a node.




The reason I wish them to balance for conquest, though, is to show that they're willing to do it to as close as reasonably possible, and arent just violently shaking the meta every few months to see what happens. As it stands now, I wouldn't give a new mode much time on release if there isn't a reasonably consistent look at what makes gameplay weak or strong across the spheres. We certainly have enough specs to handle multiple modes, but the moment you introduce another sphere to keep tabs on you reduce balancing speed significantly.


And right now its glacial.

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