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You can buff 1 thing on Revenant, but you also have to nerf one thing as well. What do you do?

chaotic balz.9654

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Buff every other trait line and legend

> Nerf Herald because its over providing as a whole to the profession. IT should be useful but not super dependent upon it to make it acceptable as a whole.


> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Make everything other than Herald viable. The rest of the specializations and traits are so mediocre compared to Herald. Buff them to give Revenants more build variety instead of the same old build that pretty much everyone uses.



Y’all mustve missed the part where I said “buff 1 thing and nerf 1 thing”

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> @"chaotic balz.9654" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Buff every other trait line and legend

> > Nerf Herald because its over providing as a whole to the profession. IT should be useful but not super dependent upon it to make it acceptable as a whole.


> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > Make everything other than Herald viable. The rest of the specializations and traits are so mediocre compared to Herald. Buff them to give Revenants more build variety instead of the same old build that pretty much everyone uses.



> Y’all mustve missed the part where I said “buff 1 thing and nerf 1 thing”


Well, @"ZDragon.3046" did mention to nerf Herald. I was just saying in general to give Revenants something different to use other than Herald. Every Revenant nowadays uses Herald and I guarantee you that they are getting bored of using the same thing that other Revenants are using.

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> i can see sword 4 and 5 will be nerfed soon... because its to good ... and we get nothing real in compensations... that for real


Both of those skills do less damage and are on a longer CD than the old precision strike.


They won’t be nerfed because every POF spec has multiple single strike skills that out damage them with more reliability.


Not to mention, you have to go full offensive (not that rev defense was great anyways) to even have access to either of those attacks with any possibility of decent damage.


Rev has been balanced around the best players in the game right now and it shows with how unforgiving it is.

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I would revert the Enchanted Daggers nerf to make hem not consume charges when blocked/evaded. This was a nerf that felt like it was catering to a very specific group of forum complainers... But now those people have spell breaker and firebrand, so I think old ED wouldn't even seem that strong in the face of those elite specs. Reverting it would also do a lot for our terrible heal generation and add a little back to our burst potential to help justify how squishpants we are.


As for a nerf, I have a few serious ideas for things that I feel might be a little TOO strong... But I would never write them down, because with my luck anet would see it any nerf away the last good things we even have left. So, uh, I'm gonna say Momentary Pacification's cooldown should be increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds to counter how _out of control_ this trait is when coupled with alacrity. :bleep_bloop:

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Buff every other trait line and legend

> Nerf Herald because its over providing as a whole to the profession. IT should be useful but not super dependent upon it to make it acceptable as a whole.


The way I see it Herald is the only legend which delivers the expected performance in terms of energy cost, and the fact that in dps test does "so-so" and isn't used in raids proves that doesn't _"over provides"_ at all.


I can't think about any thing to buff, because every skill and trait which was strong/too strong at the release was nerfed and ANet just keeps randomly nerfing everything, being powerful or not. Really don't want any change because every patch in the last two years was a downgrade. I went from using 4 legends, 4 traitlines and half dozen of weapons to only play Glint/Shiro with the same 3 traitlines and 4-5 weapons. Nerf Glint at will: I won't touch any other spec/legend in their current status.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:


> The way I see it Herald is the only legend which delivers the expected performance in terms of energy cost, and the fact that in dps test does "so-so" and isn't used in raids proves that doesn't _"over provides"_ at all.


Raids. This game isn't just about raids though and in other areas it is VASTLY over toned compared to base Revenant or Renegade. Especially when it comes to PvP and WvW. I would happily accept a nerf to Herald if it meant meaningful buffs to Renegade and base Revenant.


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> I would happily accept a nerf to Herald if it meant meaningful buffs to Renegade and base Revenant.


Renegade is nothing but a % buff damage to the same gameplay of the core condition Rev; Renegade and core Rev doesn't need buffs: they need a remake in their skills to get blocks, evades, i-frames or mobility in order to get sustain or chasing/disengaging capabilities if they want to be viable against humans.




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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> Nerf - Reduce the might gain from might on fury trait in Invocation.


> Buff - Increase the initial healing from Shiro's heal.


The unreliableness (and play-around-osity) of Rev heals does make it tough to play at times. Sure the Glint heal CAN BE the best in the game, but it can also do jack-poop if the player is aware and plays around it (it's usually more of an invuln than a heal against better players). And then Shiro's heal being more about DPS than actually healing...


BOTH heals require active combat to activate them. (So you can't kite away and find a nook to resustain for a bit... you have to be getting hit or doing the hitting). The rest of the Rev kit just doesn't make up for it (good mobility, but not the best; no stealth; good damage, but not the best; hardly any condi clear; etc etc etc).

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