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I was PvPing with my guild Heavy Metal Quaggans and we all stupidly decided to rush lord at the start for fun while a mesmer watched in horror (we all rushed in together at once!). Then later we noticed there was an ANet employee on the other team by the name of 'anaknif'. They were probably like "wtf?" LUL!

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few months back... i joined a pug VG group... and saw this charr GM her name (or at least i think it's her) starts with "R" (i'm so bad at remembering names) and i was like,, "HOLY cow first time i get to raid with anet employee" and was like... i didn't even know anet raided with peasants like us.


while i was farming for backpack Warbringer in wvw, i saw a lot of things being captured by "ANET" guild... i was shocked... cuz while i was playing core game wvw 5 years ago, never seen this lol.


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I once collected ANET accounts in my friend list which grew really long.

But then I had a nightmarish dream of them all running towards me on an otherwise empty map. They chased me around (nobody else there to help me) throwing bricks on me (yeap), before they decided to ban me or "something weird with acronyms" which they loudly discussed in chat.

Since then I cleaned up that ANET list to only Gaile and some other story person whose name I always forget.


God I felt so needlessly guilty for stalking xD

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The lastest ANet GM I saw and actually talked to was at the Knight of Thorns side events, she was the artist who desinged the new Calaboldgs weapons. ?


I've seen a few ANets employees at Queensdale, awaiting on Lake Doric to come LIVE. There was so many players dancing on a floating boat at a lake in Queendale ?


I've also seen Gaile Grey once in LA a few years ago.


Not sure if this count but I also met the famous Dulfy in Grove during Living World S2 at the World Summit, (all races leaders were meeting.)


I've also seen a few GMs during my time here but I dont remember their names and where I met them.

I also remember during BETA or open BETA me and some GMs along some other players dancing off in Divinity's Reach, that's how I got my GW2 cap/hat... probably from Gem store or something :P

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I have seen a few Anet devs, notably Anet devs who claim they work in the Sound department who have told me and other players they would look into certain issues we brought up regarding the 'global' cooldown on instrument notes (each note should have their own cooldown), that in conjunction with the fact they have not released any new instrument(s) in 3+ years.


With that being said, my first two encounters with two different Anet devs was roughly 2 years ago, one dev from the sound department, and another dev who worked on balancing, and no changes were made to this day. And then just recently about 4 months ago I saw another Sound dev, and still, no changes on things he said he would look into and/or relay to other members on his team.

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Used to see Gaile regularly in euro districts in GW1, but in GW2 I've only ever seen one Anet player in-game - Zharra Embermane (don't know who the player is) in Bloodstone Fen in June last year, standing next to Rasman The Boss!

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> I did DS meta with a nice GM named Violet the other night.


I saw Violet doing Auric Basin and DS last night!


I felt really bad because I made a big deal about spotting an Anet employee and should have just ignored them and let them play the game...


Oh well! Too late now!

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> @"vampirelazarus.9403" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > I did DS meta with a nice GM named Violet the other night.


> I saw Violet doing Auric Basin and DS last night!


> I felt really bad because I made a big deal about spotting an Anet employee and should have just ignored them and let them play the game...


> Oh well! Too late now!


I'm sure they're kind of used to it. Violet was very cool with the few people pointing them out in chat during that particular DS run and even chatted with the map a little bit at the end.

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