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Returning after 3 years. Frustrated with pvp. People keep telling me to stop playing Revenant.

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I don't know what to do at this point. Revenant is basically hard countered by the meta, but it's the only class I enjoy. Upon returning from a 3 year break I've tried: Necromancer (Scourge BORING, and Reaper, pretty fun but not bursty enough for my taste), Engineer (Holosmith and bunker vanilla style), Elementalist (Staff), Guardian (Radiant Hammer, second favorite), Warrior (The popular one, sunspear or w/e and i didn't get it at all, and axe/axe which IS fun but is a 1 trick), Thief (especially deadeye, rifle and p/p but also dagger builds as well), Ranger (soulbeast, power and trapper condi), etc.


I don't like them. I find them boring. I enjoy the bursty assassin-like playstyle of the revenant and the stance dancing, etc.


However every game is filled with Mesmers and Scourges and it's generally pretty anti-fun. It's just boring at this point. I've been on massive losing streaks (doing personally well with my stats), yet never go on massive winning streaks. I'm constantly whispered by people to "quit playing Revenant". What do I do? Just quit? This game just sucks and is too imbalanced and terrible to play now?



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> @"Ravinsild.4637" said:

> I don't know what to do at this point. Revenant is basically hard countered by the meta, but it's the only class I enjoy. Upon returning from a 3 year break I've tried: Necromancer (Scourge BORING, and Reaper, pretty fun but not bursty enough for my taste), Engineer (Holosmith and bunker vanilla style), Elementalist (Staff), Guardian (Radiant Hammer, second favorite), Warrior (The popular one, sunspear or w/e and i didn't get it at all, and axe/axe which IS fun but is a 1 trick), Thief (especially deadeye, rifle and p/p but also dagger builds as well), Ranger (soulbeast, power and trapper condi), etc.


> I don't like them. I find them boring. I enjoy the bursty assassin-like playstyle of the revenant and the stance dancing, etc.


> However every game is filled with Mesmers and Scourges and it's generally pretty anti-fun. It's just boring at this point. I've been on massive losing streaks (doing personally well with my stats), yet never go on massive winning streaks. I'm constantly whispered by people to "quit playing Revenant". What do I do? Just quit? This game just sucks and is too imbalanced and terrible to play now?




Play in WvW. I hear rev is pretty OP in WvW. In sPvP yeah you're going to have a rough time on rev pretty much always, but in WvW rev is supposedly good.


(disclaimer, I haven't tried it personally, but tons of people say its too good in wvw including sindrener)

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Ravinsild.4637" said:

> > I don't know what to do at this point. Revenant is basically hard countered by the meta, but it's the only class I enjoy. Upon returning from a 3 year break I've tried: Necromancer (Scourge BORING, and Reaper, pretty fun but not bursty enough for my taste), Engineer (Holosmith and bunker vanilla style), Elementalist (Staff), Guardian (Radiant Hammer, second favorite), Warrior (The popular one, sunspear or w/e and i didn't get it at all, and axe/axe which IS fun but is a 1 trick), Thief (especially deadeye, rifle and p/p but also dagger builds as well), Ranger (soulbeast, power and trapper condi), etc.

> >

> > I don't like them. I find them boring. I enjoy the bursty assassin-like playstyle of the revenant and the stance dancing, etc.

> >

> > However every game is filled with Mesmers and Scourges and it's generally pretty anti-fun. It's just boring at this point. I've been on massive losing streaks (doing personally well with my stats), yet never go on massive winning streaks. I'm constantly whispered by people to "quit playing Revenant". What do I do? Just quit? This game just sucks and is too imbalanced and terrible to play now?

> >

> >


> Play in WvW. I hear rev is pretty OP in WvW. In sPvP yeah you're going to have a rough time on rev pretty much always, but in WvW rev is supposedly good.


> (disclaimer, I haven't tried it personally, but tons of people say its too good in wvw including sindrener)


Well I enjoy roaming and small group play over running with zergs in wvw and all the builds I've found are like backline support builds. Not my playstyle.

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Rev has been in a tough spot for probably more than half it's existence. I won't lie, the last few patches have continued bringing nerfs or nothing at all. It's not looking good, I would seriously recommend not playing Rev in PvP. It works better in WvW as Rev has several PvP only nerfs (precision strike and surge of the mist mainly). I agree with you in that I have tried every other meta build but nothing is nearly as fun as revenant. Maybe try sword/dagger thief? Not quite the same AoE DPS and CC but it's a single target assassin at least and feels more like rev than stealth builds.


Source: rev main, play every class mostly

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Don't stop playing Rev just because it's not viable or because people tell you to stop.

Now I am not saying to intentionaly play unviable builds, but truth is that I guess, judging from what you wrote, that you'd get bored of Rev if it was easy to play.

Rev is probably the most difficult profession to play at the moment, it's what makes it interesting and fun. You'll get twice as better gaming experience than others because you have to try twice as hard. Just enjoy it.

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Rev can be nice, but it takes a lot more skill than something else that does the same job so most people don't want them. Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed.


Rev and Ele are usually the most looked down upon because they both just require a lot more skill to not only perform their job but just to stay alive.


It's a really fun class but I'm certainly no good at it. Hats off if you can make it work for you.


Renegade is really fun but only in pve. :(



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People say rev is terrible but i just think it just has a very high skill cap to be effective. You see teams run rev instead of necro as a dps class in UGO and Mist Challenger so it's not as bad as people make it out to be but you need a good support to get work done without getting blown up so quickly. Maybe play rev only if you have a suppory fb or something. Don't listen to the haters. You won't get any better if you stop trying.

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Wooden Potatoes plays with Power Herald in Plat occasionally and seems to do OK. You just have to know match-ups really well, rotations really well, and you gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. You've got to be really on it and have tons of patience (my weakness on Rev). Limit yourself to one death per game.


I wouldn't worry about what others think. Play what's fun. (But play in unranked for a bit if you are dying a lot still).

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> @"Les.4872" said:

> People say rev is terrible but i just think it just has a very high skill cap to be effective. You see teams run rev instead of necro as a dps class in UGO and Mist Challenger so it's not as bad as people make it out to be but you need a good support to get work done without getting blown up so quickly. Maybe play rev only if you have a suppory fb or something. Don't listen to the haters. You won't get any better if you stop trying.

Exactly this. Even at the top you can find quite a few people playing power rev. But it's very tough to master it (but rewarding).

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Dunno what you ppl are saying ... Condi renegade is good in raids (not in openworld tho) maybe less now since assassin presence got nerfed. But was still well performing. Power herald or renegade is easy for openworld content. And most of all ... you can make power herlad work in spvp these days (well before condi mirage came to life again...) you just need not to be solo fighting.


so it's not that bad tho. For me , ele is in a worse state than revenant (in spvp)

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> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> I am among these people. You are just a liability and i'm here to win like the 4 other people on your team.


Unless you're top 10/25, i doubt you ever lost simply because you had a Rev on your team, and even then its debatable.


> @"Les.4872" said:

> People say rev is terrible but i just think it just has a very high skill cap to be effective. You see teams run rev instead of necro as a dps class in UGO and Mist Challenger so it's not as bad as people make it out to be but you need a good support to get work done without getting blown up so quickly. Maybe play rev only if you have a suppory fb or something. Don't listen to the haters. You won't get any better if you stop trying.


This exactly, it can work, and it does for some people, it just take a lot more work and game knowledge than some other professions out there, if all you care about is your rating, playing it might not be a good idea, but if you have fun with it and are patient enough to learn it you can get pretty high with it. I do think having at least 1 or 2 alts you can switch to to bail yourself out of Double Scourge games would be a good idea though, not much you can do there as a Rev.


And yeah people just whine about the silliest stuff, pointless to listen to them, i got bitched at for being a Charr Thief a bunch of times lol when race choice makes no difference at all.



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Power rev can 100-0 you as fast as any burst class the problem is it dies extremely fast to condition damage builds and anything that can put out chill/weakness in decent amounts can likewise obliterate a rev as the cleansing isn’t great. Likewise it’s not got a high sustain compared to current meta classes and it’s a lot harder to play.


It does however get to 20-25 might without trying with permanent fury and anything from 80-100% crit chance with roiling mists even on builds. In WvW it is much much stronger but so are it’s counters.

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Conquest is not at all competitive, play whatever the hell you want. If it receives pips and gold at the end of a match, it's fine.


If people wanted a balanced, competitive PvP game mode they'd be playing an different game, because that isn't offered in GW2. If other people get mad, that sucks for them until they realize the same.

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> @"Ravinsild.4637" said:


> However every game is filled with Mesmers and Scourges and it's generally pretty anti-fun. It's just boring at this point. I've been on massive losing streaks (doing personally well with my stats), yet never go on massive winning streaks. I'm constantly whispered by people to "quit playing Revenant". What do I do? Just quit? This game just sucks and is too imbalanced and terrible to play now?



Don't known in plat but in gold power Herald with hammer/ss and hammer/sa pretty much counters Scourges and does massive damage in teamfights if the enemy team choses a "static" composition (2 or more Scourges, Scourge+ support Firebrand).


I would say: keep playing the class you enjoy; you paid the same good money to earn the right to enjoy every game mode; if a player feels their team in disadvantage due that He should stop playing ranked and go with his own team to conformed team matches.

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Like many people here are saying, just keep on playing rev, mate. It is a difficult class to play in this meta, no question about that. Acceot the challenge, improve yourself and you will start to have better games. I don't see why you should stop playing it because others are telling you to, ignore them and keep on playing what you enjoy the most

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Play whatever class/build you enjoy. You can be effective on almost any class/build as long as you are a decent player. Just because a class/build isn't meta doesn't mean that it cannot be utilized effectively. In WvW, Rev is great for roaming/smallscale and zerging. I had a ton of fun doing both in WvW. Might be more your flavor.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed. **





**Rev is so bad its aggravating. Rev has been nerfed multiple times (and extremely over nerfed at that) purely because of people crying on the forums. Rev has never been the most OP class and I have been legend every season since s1 (outside s6-s7 which I did not playl).**


Some of the skills such as shiro heal for example were nerfed immediately after somebody I know personally got farmed in ranked and came to the forums crying and the devs actually implemented his suggested nerf in the immediate patch. (It was never even that good lol).


Another story: In season 9 there was a **Rev who could not make it top 250** in any of the previous season as Rev. He re-rolled scourge and was **top 10** season 9. **True and aggravating **


If you look at the PVE bench marks, the only spec that rev has that puts out anywhere near as much damage as the other classes is so far useless in PvP its really baffling (Renegade). Not only that, the spec has extremely long ramp up time to reach it's damage so basically unless you are training a target for a good 15-20 seconds it's still not putting out as much damage as other specs.


Every day I play Rev there are match ups i come across that are 100% un-winnable and the way I win is by using map terrain to my advantage, hit and run tactics and just generally having a good gauge of what people on my team and enemy team are capable of doing. The only class Rev can win exchanging blows with is thief, and that will only happen vs bad thieves as good ones realize that is not what the class is meant to do.


The class has low damage, low baseline sustain, two level resource system with two bar swap which locks you out of skills and puts you at an extreme disadvantage off rip as most classes have just as strong skills (if not stronger) available to them much easier offering smoother game play.


I would not play Rev if I did not already spend so much time playing it and tbh it's been boring for a while now because there is only one build that is even capable of doing about 75% of what meta builds can do and outside of that there isn't much a point in trying.


**EDIT: Look at my post history lmfao FFS**

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed. **


> >

> >


> **Rev is so bad its aggravating. Rev has been nerfed multiple times (and extremely over nerfed at that) purely because of people crying on the forums. Rev has never been the most OP class and I have been legend every season since s1 (outside s6-s7 which I did not playl).**


> Some of the skills such as shiro heal for example were nerfed immediately after somebody I know personally got farmed in ranked and came to the forums crying and the devs actually implemented his suggested nerf in the immediate patch. (It was never even that good lol).


> Another story: In season 9 there was a **Rev who could not make it top 250** in any of the previous season as Rev. He re-rolled scourge and was **top 10** season 9. **True and aggravating **


> If you look at the PVE bench marks, the only spec that rev has that puts out anywhere near as much damage as the other classes is so far useless in PvP its really baffling (Renegade). Not only that, the spec has extremely long ramp up time to reach it's damage so basically unless you are training a target for a good 15-20 seconds it's still not putting out as much damage as other specs.


> Every day I play Rev there are match ups i come across that are 100% un-winnable and the way I win is by using map terrain to my advantage, hit and run tactics and just generally having a good gauge of what people on my team and enemy team are capable of doing. The only class Rev can win exchanging blows with is thief, and that will only happen vs bad thieves as good ones realize that is not what the class is meant to do.


> The class has low damage, low baseline sustain, two level resource system with two bar swap which locks you out of skills and puts you at an extreme disadvantage off rip as most classes have just as strong skills (if not stronger) available to them much easier offering smoother game play.


> I would not play Rev if I did not already spend so much time playing it and tbh it's been boring for a while now because there is only one build that is even capable of doing about 75% of what meta builds can do and outside of that there isn't much a point in trying.


> **EDIT: Look at my post history lmfao kitten**


I know nothing about it and tried it out in the arena earlier. Pretty much insta died each time because I don’t know how to even sustain on rev and it only had a few decent damage dealing abilities. The one good thing I noticed was that it had 25 might really easy but I’m not sure what good that does when you spend the entire time the boon is up just trying to stay alive.


Plus, pretty much everything runs around with easy 25 might stacks right now which is pretty insane to begin with.


I liked playing it last expansion but in the current meta it just doesn’t seem like it has a place.


And it’s odd that shiro heal would have a nerf when it doesn’t seem like it’s ever been as strong as the guardian heal with damage or even the weaver aquatic stance which nobody even takes.


I don’t know. It’s a visually stunning class and fun to play but I just can’t get into it. It also doesn’t feel like a heavy armor class. Both guardian and warrior can run high sustain bursty or consistent builds but if you do that on rev you still won’t have sustain or that high of damage. Seems odd.



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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed. **

> >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > **Rev is so bad its aggravating. Rev has been nerfed multiple times (and extremely over nerfed at that) purely because of people crying on the forums. Rev has never been the most OP class and I have been legend every season since s1 (outside s6-s7 which I did not playl).**

> >

> > Some of the skills such as shiro heal for example were nerfed immediately after somebody I know personally got farmed in ranked and came to the forums crying and the devs actually implemented his suggested nerf in the immediate patch. (It was never even that good lol).

> >

> > Another story: In season 9 there was a **Rev who could not make it top 250** in any of the previous season as Rev. He re-rolled scourge and was **top 10** season 9. **True and aggravating **

> >

> > If you look at the PVE bench marks, the only spec that rev has that puts out anywhere near as much damage as the other classes is so far useless in PvP its really baffling (Renegade). Not only that, the spec has extremely long ramp up time to reach it's damage so basically unless you are training a target for a good 15-20 seconds it's still not putting out as much damage as other specs.

> >

> > Every day I play Rev there are match ups i come across that are 100% un-winnable and the way I win is by using map terrain to my advantage, hit and run tactics and just generally having a good gauge of what people on my team and enemy team are capable of doing. The only class Rev can win exchanging blows with is thief, and that will only happen vs bad thieves as good ones realize that is not what the class is meant to do.

> >

> > The class has low damage, low baseline sustain, two level resource system with two bar swap which locks you out of skills and puts you at an extreme disadvantage off rip as most classes have just as strong skills (if not stronger) available to them much easier offering smoother game play.

> >

> > I would not play Rev if I did not already spend so much time playing it and tbh it's been boring for a while now because there is only one build that is even capable of doing about 75% of what meta builds can do and outside of that there isn't much a point in trying.

> >

> > **EDIT: Look at my post history lmfao kitten**


> I know nothing about it and tried it out in the arena earlier. Pretty much insta died each time because I don’t know how to even sustain on rev and it only had a few decent damage dealing abilities. The one good thing I noticed was that it had 25 might really easy but I’m not sure what good that does when you spend the entire time the boon is up just trying to stay alive.


> Plus, pretty much everything runs around with easy 25 might stacks right now which is pretty insane to begin with.


> I liked playing it last expansion but in the current meta it just doesn’t seem like it has a place.


> And it’s odd that shiro heal would have a nerf when it doesn’t seem like it’s ever been as strong as the guardian heal with damage or even the weaver aquatic stance which nobody even takes.


> I don’t know. It’s a visually stunning class and fun to play but I just can’t get into it. It also doesn’t feel like a heavy armor class. Both guardian and warrior can run high sustain bursty or consistent builds but if you do that on rev you still won’t have sustain or that high of damage. Seems odd.




imo I think it's worth the effort playing rev if you want to learn pvp because it forces you to think about your actions. Sadly though, without rune of Surging rev has taken a big hit to its survivability so I'm not sure how much harder it is to play now since I haven't been on it for the past 2 seasons. I just roll chrono because it is immune to anet nerfs lel

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Although a tad arrogant, Jay is good at rev and could probably give you some tips if you needed. **


> >

> >


> **Rev is so bad its aggravating. Rev has been nerfed multiple times (and extremely over nerfed at that) purely because of people crying on the forums. Rev has never been the most OP class and I have been legend every season since s1 (outside s6-s7 which I did not playl).**


> Some of the skills such as shiro heal for example were nerfed immediately after somebody I know personally got farmed in ranked and came to the forums crying and the devs actually implemented his suggested nerf in the immediate patch. (It was never even that good lol).


> Another story: In season 9 there was a **Rev who could not make it top 250** in any of the previous season as Rev. He re-rolled scourge and was **top 10** season 9. **True and aggravating **


> If you look at the PVE bench marks, the only spec that rev has that puts out anywhere near as much damage as the other classes is so far useless in PvP its really baffling (Renegade). Not only that, the spec has extremely long ramp up time to reach it's damage so basically unless you are training a target for a good 15-20 seconds it's still not putting out as much damage as other specs.


> Every day I play Rev there are match ups i come across that are 100% un-winnable and the way I win is by using map terrain to my advantage, hit and run tactics and just generally having a good gauge of what people on my team and enemy team are capable of doing. The only class Rev can win exchanging blows with is thief, and that will only happen vs bad thieves as good ones realize that is not what the class is meant to do.


> The class has low damage, low baseline sustain, two level resource system with two bar swap which locks you out of skills and puts you at an extreme disadvantage off rip as most classes have just as strong skills (if not stronger) available to them much easier offering smoother game play.


> I would not play Rev if I did not already spend so much time playing it and tbh it's been boring for a while now because there is only one build that is even capable of doing about 75% of what meta builds can do and outside of that there isn't much a point in trying.


> **EDIT: Look at my post history lmfao kitten**


My take is Anet has to undo the PvP only nerfs on sword 2 and staff 5 at the very least.


Rev is a lot more effective as a glass cannon in WvW because those nerfs don't apply. You can go full glass cannon in PvP and hit like a 3k (total) precision strike, where as my Marauder/Zerker Leadership WvW rev often hits 3k per missile of precision strike. Having Hydromancy to act as a 2k to 3k "Equilibrium" also helps a lot.


While these PvP only nerfs are kept in place, revenant damage is kneecapped to the point where we HAVE to go glass cannon Invocation/Devastation (its not like we have any sustain builds) to be effective at all, and even then revenant struggles to keep up with the burst and pressure output of other builds.


And don't even get me started on the removal of Equilibrium, Expose Defenses change, Impossible Odds neutering...it's like never a happy day as a rev main. Honestly it's depressing, because every time I win as a rev I always have the thought in my head "I probably would've won that fight with any toon."

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:


> Don't stop playing Rev just because it's not viable or because people tell you to stop.



> Rev is probably the most difficult profession to play at the moment, it's what makes it interesting and fun.


Golden advice here.

If you want the glassiest of glass cannons, look no further than power rev.

Condi rev has some clout too, but its significantly harder.

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