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Swim Infusions - Relative Difference in Effect?

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> 99% more speed?! Making swimming a little faster is okay imho, but transforming everybody into a living torpedo?

> Don't know about that. Seeing how everybody is using their mount to walk 5 meters, the game has devolved into a run and gun game enough already.

> What happened to taking your time and admiring things? Nope, gotta run there, collect that, jump here, collect this, skim hither, kill that, jackal thither, view vista and log out to play something else.


> Sounds more like a chore to me than actually having fun, but if it makes the people happy.


I doubt that even a significant minority, let alone everyone, will get +30.

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> @"Wizler.8192" said:

> Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.


You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.


I doubt we'll see an underwater mount any time soon (but I'd have said the same before the swim speed infusions were introduced) but I wouldn't rule out them adding one eventually, especially if the rumours/requests for more underwater maps actually come true.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.


> You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.

What type of special movement would be interesting for an underwater mount though? Very fast descent/ascent? Swimming against currents the player characters can't beat? Jumping (dolphin-style) over obstacles too high for the skimmer?

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.

> >

> > You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.

> What type of special movement would be interesting for an underwater mount though? Very fast descent/ascent? Swimming against currents the player characters can't beat? Jumping (dolphin-style) over obstacles too high for the skimmer?


Getting past barriers, like currents that push you back would be my guess. Maybe special actions, like a dolphin sonar to see enemies that are stealthed or to see through barriers.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.


> You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.


Mmmm. If I was the boss of ANet, I'd just ditch all the +25% traits and utility skills, and apply it to everyone all the time. Moving faster feels significantly better during gameplay. Balance everything else against the new player speed. It isn't about "run faster relative to things", other than where "things" means "world".

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.

> >

> > You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.


> Mmmm. If I was the boss of ANet, I'd just ditch all the +25% traits and utility skills, and apply it to everyone all the time. Moving faster feels significantly better during gameplay. Balance everything else against the new player speed. It isn't about "run faster relative to things", other than where "things" means "world".


I really hope they don't do that. I much prefer being able to activate or disable speed boosts when I want to than being stuck with them all the time. I wish I could turn off the one we get in cities from the Pact mastery line. Not all the time, but for example when I want to do Troll's Revenge in Lion's Arch.

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so i just did a few tests with a guildmate- result is :

swim speed is capped at 40%

so if you use swiftness 33% + infusion it does stack but if you use a +10 or +13 doesnt make any difference

if you have a 25% movement buff (we used rangers with sigill for that) you can profit from an infusion up to +15 (we only had +10 and +13 to test so i let him use swiftness + sigill without any infusion and i used the +13 + sigill without swiftness and i was slower but not by far.... when i used swiftness + sigill + infusion there was no difference to him using no infusion and only sigill + swiftness)

so this is how we found out the cap and that the swim infusions actually have written on them how much speed they do increase (+10 is + 10% and so on)

if you wanna test with permanent swiftness on both you can just use LA if you both have Tyria masteries.


so personal result:

if i am in combat i can keep up permanent swiftness as a ranger (weapon swap on cd)- so i'd only profit from a +10

if i am out of combat and just want to swim to a destination under water (because on top i'd just use skimmer) i'd still use my sigill and can profit from up to +15 swimspeed

the only people who have to worry about getting +30 infusions are the ones without any movement speedbuff and/or any access to swiftness

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > > > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.

> > >

> > > You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.

> > What type of special movement would be interesting for an underwater mount though? Very fast descent/ascent? Swimming against currents the player characters can't beat? Jumping (dolphin-style) over obstacles too high for the skimmer?


> Getting past barriers, like currents that push you back would be my guess. Maybe special actions, like a dolphin sonar to see enemies that are stealthed or to see through barriers.


You mean I could finally overcome all those "strong currents" messages at the edge of maps?! YES!!

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > > > > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.

> > > >

> > > > You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.

> > > What type of special movement would be interesting for an underwater mount though? Very fast descent/ascent? Swimming against currents the player characters can't beat? Jumping (dolphin-style) over obstacles too high for the skimmer?

> >

> > Getting past barriers, like currents that push you back would be my guess. Maybe special actions, like a dolphin sonar to see enemies that are stealthed or to see through barriers.


> You mean I could finally overcome all those "strong currents" messages at the edge of maps?! YES!!


Unlikely. Those currents are the under-water equivalent of the steep mountains which mysteriously follow the edge of each map. It's there to stop you hitting the real edge of the map, which is typically just behind it, because things tend to get weird if you do - you can see over the edge and realise the ground is actually just a pixel-thin sheet stretched over nothing, and if you're right up against the edge your characters run/walk animation stops working properly and everything goes all jittery. It's generally considered bad game design to let players see that (and can cause some real problems, like being stuck and unable to get back) so games typically find a way to seal it off.


I suspect what @"Just a flesh wound.3589" meant was they'd add new maps with areas inside them that have currents too strong for us to swim through but which the underwater mount can get past. Like how in HoT they added areas with poisonous gas and a mastery to let you survive it, or areas which can only be reached using updrafts or ley gliding.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"JDub.1530" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > > > @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > > > > > Off topic but I just realized last night that if they gave us underwater swim speed boosters, that could mean there's no need for an underwater mount (boo!). But of course the swim speed booster requires an ascended aqua breather which is never really necessary.

> > > > >

> > > > > You could say the same about movement on land. There was no need for mounts at all because we already had a variety of ways to get a speed boost. That didn't stop them adding mounts eventually, and is probably part of why Anet made them more than just a speed boost.

> > > > What type of special movement would be interesting for an underwater mount though? Very fast descent/ascent? Swimming against currents the player characters can't beat? Jumping (dolphin-style) over obstacles too high for the skimmer?

> > >

> > > Getting past barriers, like currents that push you back would be my guess. Maybe special actions, like a dolphin sonar to see enemies that are stealthed or to see through barriers.

> >

> > You mean I could finally overcome all those "strong currents" messages at the edge of maps?! YES!!


> Unlikely. Those currents are the under-water equivalent of the steep mountains which mysteriously follow the edge of each map. It's there to stop you hitting the real edge of the map, which is typically just behind it, because things tend to get weird if you do - you can see over the edge and realise the ground is actually just a pixel-thin sheet stretched over nothing, and if you're right up against the edge your characters run/walk animation stops working properly and everything goes all jittery. It's generally considered bad game design to let players see that (and can cause some real problems, like being stuck and unable to get back) so games typically find a way to seal it off.


> I suspect what @"Just a flesh wound.3589" meant was they'd add new maps with areas inside them that have currents too strong for us to swim through but which the underwater mount can get past. Like how in HoT they added areas with poisonous gas and a mastery to let you survive it, or areas which can only be reached using updrafts or ley gliding.


Can't hear you! I'm halfway to Cantha!

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