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I'm being put in a lot of unbalanced SPvP Matches.

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Hi, I wanted to share my experiences in SPvP as a Thief (also played a little Guardian/Ranger, but not much). I've been having real difficulty in SPvP because of the imbalanced skill level of teams. I've played 354 ranked games and only won 155. That is well below a 50% win ratio (roughly 43%), usually unheard of in any competitive game, as it usually floats between 49-51%. Just to give you an idea of how bonkers this is, I was Plat Rank in Overwatch a few seasons back, and I'm only playing in high silver in Gw2. I'm not the best player in the game, but I shouldn't have to be, the matchmaker should do its job to make a fair game. https://imgur.com/a/Pcq8AhK


Thank you for your time.

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There matchmaker is complete shit, here's 4 of the 7 games i had last night. If you keep winning eventally you will hit a point where they stick you with people that have never played before. They firmly deny they do that, but it's completly obvious if you know where the mini map is.


You can't see my toon sadly, but it's a hybrid renegade reverent (power/con) . **a spec that is super squishy**.







It's been like this all season.

I really need to set up video for this game, to show you how horrible the players are when your suppose to lose / win


My point is OP don't take the pvp in this game seriously, the matchmaker is not good at all. and you will just get enraged


*I'm not calling out any names that are listed, if you see your name listed please bare with me, i'm just proving how bad the matchmaker is.


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Keep playing and get better, you play thief and is on silver, that means you're not skilled. Watch or ask for a thief on plat to help you on how to play your class, thief is a hard class to learn, you're either good or bad, there is no middle point for now unfortunately since thief is high risk high reward.


50%+ winrate is where gold players are. Gold players are skilled class wise but lack on how to play conquest mode, they don't control the map, don't pay attention, can't read the enemy.


As a thief, controlling the map is a must, ask help for a thief main on the leaderboards, there is alot of good ones.

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Yes, clearly if your in silver its definitely because the matchmaking is broken for you. To back this up, your plat in another video game so obviously something is wrong here.


I hate all those cheaters in plat and above who secretly know how to fix the broken matchmaking system! (but ofcourse they only fix it for themselves).


I just wanted to validate your theory, im going back to the world is flat forums now cya!



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Sampson, with all of your "sarcasm", you seem to have an inability to understand simple concepts. If the game thinks I deserve silver, cool, I'm not disputing that, it's w/e. Put me in Bronze, or Wood level for all I care, but don't expect me to believe a sub 49% winrate is okay. I just want to have enjoyable games, not constant stomp-fests one way or the other. I mentioned that I'm Plat in Overwatch as a way of saying: "I'm not a window licking mouth breather". It's not cool to have a sub 49% winrate, that just reeks of bad algorithms and imbalanced matchmaking. If I was at wood level I would expect a ranked system to keep me within the 50% win/loss range even if I was running around in circles all day and firing at the sky, (which I'm not). Other Triple A games can move your MMR rating up and down without giving you sub 49% winrates. League of Legends does this, Overwatch does this, as do many other games based off of an MMR system (perhaps integral functions of their algorithms are trade secrets). GW2 can adjust people's MMR up or down without putting them at a sub 49% winrate, that's all I'm saying. It's simple, less points for winning, and more points lost for losing depending on the weight factors. I don't choose the other members of my team, GW2 does. Now, you can come back with some silly argument like "the only constant in all your games is you", or "go watch YouTube videos on how to play" or something like that, but I mean, I'm playing a pretty standard Metabattle build, and at the end of the day, my skill level has nothing to do with the teammates I'm getting stuck with that results in a sub 49% winrate. My level - Bronze/Silver/Gold ect. isn't even the issue, the amount of wins/losses seems to be really out of whack by at least 22 games in my case. It just means the system is heavily flawed in overvaluing the contribution certain people are going to give to the team. If I've played over 355 Ranked games, and the game still can't figure out exactly how to keep me at an even 50% winrate by choosing the right "teammates", that's not a good sign. The more data and feedback you give Arenanet behind the scenes by playing games, the easier it should be for their matchmaker to predict outcomes. This apparently isn't the case with how Arenanet's system works, it's more like a system which has "blind faith" in someone's MMR. It seems 354 ranked games played is no better than 15 ranked games played as far as determining outcomes and team composition based on MMR is concerned, that.... is worrisome.

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> @"Panda.3620" said:

> 50%+ winrate is where gold players are. Gold players are skilled class wise but lack on how to play conquest mode, they don't control the map, don't pay attention, can't read the enemy.


Wouldn't agree on this. You also have the opposite, people that actually know how to play conquest, control the map and every classic stuf, but aren't so good at handling 1v1 fights ( they're mostly going to survive instead of beating the enemy ).

Fighting these players is however interesting and learning for a thief, since 1v1's won't be " that hard "



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> @"Necronaut.6028" said:

> Sampson, with all of your "sarcasm", you seem to have an inability to understand simple concepts. If the game thinks I deserve silver, cool, I'm not disputing that, it's w/e. Put me in Bronze, or Wood level for all I care, but don't expect me to believe a sub 49% winrate is okay.

Winrate is irrelevant. The thing that matters is your rating at the end of the day. If you keep playing as you go down you will eventually start recovering your winrate.

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> @"Necronaut.6028" said:

> I mentioned that I'm Plat in Overwatch as a way of saying: "I'm not a window licking mouth breather".

that doesnt mean anything considering you can reach top 500 as mercy main without knowing what to do except following your team (i think there were multiple girl streamer who were top 500 as mercy mains, but couldnt even aim abilities, the only thing they did was healing behind a corner and pressing the ult rezz before the remake)


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I bin getting into matches where my team loses 50--- a little over 100 to 500 this is crazy since the first season I bin around 50% not no more with this season I am more like 30% why I did not get worse the match making in rank seems to put the same players together all the time so the good player get put with the way better players and the good players lose almost all the time over and over again

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Why do people think that blowout games have anything to do with the freaking matchmaker?

In a meta were thief and mesmer are strong, snowballing a game is just that much easier....so ofc bigger score discrepancies are to be expected.

Even more so in lower tiers (as in silver for example) were people simply dont have the map awareness to NOT get farmed.

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Not to be _that_ guy, but you are the common factor in all your games. Look at how you could improve. Seeing as you've played a lot of thief, you might not be rotating as fast as the enemy thief. Or you might focus too heavily on +1ing rather than decapping. It's hard to tell from just seeing your match history.

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> @"Marxx.5021" said:

> I can confirm match making has never been good. It is getting even worse with class stacking, lowering mmr of high end player, pve focused class balance and short queue times on a limited playerbase.


I would prefer longer queue times if it meant only allowing one profession per team. Excluding rev there's eight professions with five slots per team so it is definitely doable. Only way to see how it would affect queue times is for it to be implemented.

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> @"Stephen.1207" said:

> why is there some one that always says get better I am sick of it the only ones that keep saying this is on the good side of the broken matchmaking


There the ones that that think there skilled. for an example look at Sampson, he has a thread open where he doesn't even know the order of condition removal.

Or Panda: who can't even identify what every single decent thief will tell you, "your only as good as your team" (which should be pretty basic knowledge at this time)


It is what it is OP, Just collect the free gold. Professional balance is so screwed at the moment it's not worth taken this game seriosuly, it's pretty well know at this point that gw2 Pvp is NFG.



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I think I understand what OP is getting at.


His point seems to be that that assuming you're


* playing a meta build, and

* playing it decently well,


after nearly 400 matches OP thinks the matchmaker should have a better idea of where to put him so that he has a better chance of winning than he has so far.


There are two problems that the matchmaker can't really account for: (1) dwindling population, and (2) the conquest game mode itself. There is a third problem we as forum readers have, which is (3) we actually don't know if you're any good at thief. Yes, we heard you're decent at a totally different game. That really doesn't prove anything.


(1) is self-explanatory. No matter how well designed the MMR system is, if the mix of players is simply not diverse enough, you'll get high volatility. The MMR system can't just invent competent players to fill teams, and the results are just as bad (if not worse) when the MMR system resorts to combining really good and really bad players in matches to meet some sort of MMR average. I think the spvp population, by most indications, has been stagnant at best, with many feeling that the population is declining noticeably.


(2) ranked spvp matches require your team to hold nodes to win, and that is unfortunately something your chosen profession does not excel at. You can certainly _help_ your teammates hold points by helping them secure important kills quickly, or by disrupting the enemy team's focus with decaps, but at the end of the day you rely on your teammates to hold the point itself while you do your thief thing.


I think it's possible (if a bit unlikely), that if you ride another class into gold and then switch back to thief and keep the same thief playstyle, you might find your wins come easier as your teammates might be more reliable then what you get in silver.


As for point (3), I am in no way saying that you're bad, or that you need to L2P. I'm just saying that I don't know either way, and nothing you've said proves you deserve more wins than you have.

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No offense, but if you are silver then you may be worse than you think/feel.


I too am far from the best, but can be a solid player, and have never sunk too far despite massive loss streaks. I am usually low plat-2 at peak, and plat-1 to gold-3 average. I have never dropped below high gold-1, even with a 9 game losing streak this season and a 17 game losing streak last season.


In fact, the time that I did drop to high gold-1, I literally started to carry teams. I had 5x top stats, 40% team kills, 35%+ team damage, won every single 1v1 and many 1vX, and so on. It is very obvious when you drop a bit below your level.


Just keep playing. Eventually you will get a hot streak and pull off 10+ wins in a row. This game settles you where you belong eventually. Just keep improving and ignore your rank (yeah, easier said than done).

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I wouldn't want to play thief in a lower rank anyway. Even if you are good at thief, which I never have been, if you want to carry your team the majority of your matches will be controlling caps instead of actually engaging in combat.

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getting stuck in silver is hard


it's probably your play + build (and what role you're using it for)


brute forcing your way to plat on warrior mes or Holo is p simple. even new support scrapper and DH would work lol (I like DH because I can stomp hard on it but your mileage may vary)


> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> There matchmaker is complete kitten. If you keep winning eventally you will hit a point where they stick you with people that have never played before.


> **You can't see my toon sadly, but it's a hybrid renegade reverent** (power/con) . **a spec that is super squishy**.


> i'm just proving how bad the matchmaker is.



like you have people like this w zero self awareness playing renegade and thinking it's the matchmaker that's the cause of their subpar winrate. tinfoil headgear abound my dudes

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If you want to climb, you should play something simple and with a defined playstyle. Warrior perhaps, it's very solid all around.


In some ranked games on Gold, you can contribute nothing, maybe kill-steal here and there and dying a lot, but still win regardless.

In most ranked games on Plat, you have to be conscious of what you're actually doing, knowing your class inside out is a basic requirement.


What I'm trying to say is Win Rate comes and goes, but your skills and knowledge won't fail you, so just focus on improving those. Win Rate means jack.


Thief is especially hard to learn, since their role in a game goes beyond fighting capability and goes into map rotational knowledge and being at right place doing the right thing. And as you go up in rating, people know how to handle you (aware of your location, counter your burst etc.), and a lot of the times you have to decide if you need to bail, making Thief increasingly hard to play.


That is why people always say either Bad Thief or Good Thief, there is no in between. You either reliably decap, or get a +1, or win a Thief duel, you can't fail. You fail, you die, and your team is now 4v5.


You shouldn't bring expectations from other games into GW2, or any game for that matter, they only lead to disappointment. Everyone gets kittened on at first, you just gotta get that learning curve sorted. It's not the system's fault. Improve, and you'll climb.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> getting stuck in silver is hard


> it's probably your play + build (and what role you're using it for)


> brute forcing your way to plat on warrior mes or Holo is p simple. even new support scrapper and DH would work lol (I like DH because I can stomp hard on it but your mileage may vary)


> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




If you haven't figured out, your rating is pretty much set from your placements matchs there is no hope for you. I've also seen you play multiple times, i'm sure the majority of the leftover player's could do a better job playing one handed

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