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Dodge jumping


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Why doesn't anet just embrace it and lower the threshold to do it?


Instead gid gud scrub, it's rng heavy when your in the mist of a fight and instead of it being a cool little trick to clear gaps they should just go ahead and embrace it and lower the threshold to do it.




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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> Why doesn't anet just embrace it and lower the threshold to do it?


> Instead gid gud scrub, it's rng heavy when your in the mist of a fight and instead of it being a cool little trick to clear gaps they should just go ahead and embrace it and lower the threshold to do it.


I wouldn't exactly say that dodge jumping is very RNG heavy. it's all about timing your key presses. Press the jump key just slightly after you press the dodge key. It may seem difficult at first, but with enough practice, you can execute dodge jumps like a boss.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > Why doesn't anet just embrace it and lower the threshold to do it?

> >

> > Instead gid gud scrub, it's rng heavy when your in the mist of a fight and instead of it being a cool little trick to clear gaps they should just go ahead and embrace it and lower the threshold to do it.


> I wouldn't exactly say that dodge jumping is very RNG heavy. it's all about timing your key presses. Press the jump key just slightly after you press the dodge key. It may seem difficult at first, but with enough practice, you can execute dodge jumps like a boss.


The fact that you I wouldn't excactly say..... Means ya it is RNG. The mechanic is clunky and unintuitve they should just make it a thing. Skill is more about knowing when to use a skill or reacting correctly to something, for example weapon stowing is a reliable key press and using it to cancel chain skills or put a skill on CD is an example of skilled gameplay.

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Clunky and unintuitive yes.


However I've been consistent with it for years without macros.

(Plus I'm fairly certain macros would be allowed by devs since it's "1 input - 1 action"?, idk take it up with them)


It was key to breaking out of mad king's clock tower lobby to portal people the first (maybe also 2nd?) year(s) of Halloween.

It was a godsend when first feeling through blind tribulation mode SAB.

For PvP it has saved me and been stylish~ on certain maps when terrain is involved around points, and it has all been consistent.


It is not RNG if you land the timing right consistently, the only RNG factor involved is yourself.


PS. DD and Mirages miss having it sometimes.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Clunky and unintuitive yes.


> However I've been consistent with it for years without macros.

> (Plus I'm fairly certain macros would be allowed by devs since it's "1 input - 1 action"?, idk take it up with them)



Therefore your saying yes they need to change it? Clunky and unituitve suggesting even using macros. My issue with it, is not only is it 3 separate button presses but pulling it off in fights is pretty much rng.


They should just embrace it as a mechanic and open up the threshold.



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> I remember learning about jump dodge. At first I could not do it. So I practiced it over and over while running all around pvp lobby waiting for q. At first it seemed rng, but now I do it on cmd


Question what would be worst thing to happen if they opened up the threshold?

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> @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> You're good at dodge-jumping, you rarely miss it.

> You're bad at dodge-jumping , you often miss it.


> That's not RNG


So read paragraph 2 of my post and since your like so good breh. What would be worst thing to happen if they lowered the threshold and made it a reliable mechanic

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:


> Question what would be worst thing to happen if they opened up the threshold?


Even if the majority of the PvP population called for this (I'm not one that would) ANet wouldn't do it. There are certain jumps in SAB that require dodge rolling and to make dodge jumping easier would be a nerf to SAB.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > I remember learning about jump dodge. At first I could not do it. So I practiced it over and over while running all around pvp lobby waiting for q. At first it seemed rng, but now I do it on cmd


> Question what would be worst thing to happen if they opened up the threshold?


Why not just practice like everyone else?


It's honestly not that hard...

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> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> >

> > Question what would be worst thing to happen if they opened up the threshold?


> Even if the majority of the PvP population called for this (I'm not one that would) ANet wouldn't do it. There are certain jumps in SAB that require dodge rolling and to make dodge jumping easier would be a nerf to SAB.


Ah finally anwser that has some merit and no im fairly certain all jumps in sab can be done without dodge jumping the clunkyness of dodge jumping would kind of tips my off that it wasn't intentional game design but they just left it do to it's niche gameplay.



Lol most of the PvP community doesn't even know how, when or why to dodge jump. I seen it in matches in plat 1 and 2 like twice. Why not just clean up the mechanic for everyone

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I'm pretty sure the Dodge Jump is unintentional and has only been left in for the fun of it and because it doesn't really hurt game play at all, it would be very odd for them to 'clean it up' and turn it into an intentional mechanic at that rate.


Also as others have said, there isn't any RNG involved - so long as you learn the timing required you can pull it off 100% of the time, otherwise the only difference is you sometimes accidentally getting it right, which is definitely not RNG.


Saying all that, I really enjoy it being a part of the game especially were SAB is concerned but other than that I don't exactly see it being useful enough to bother making it an official part of the game mechanics.

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> @"Eleazar.9478"

I would suggest to stop normal dodging and start only jump-dodging. You will master it in no time. All these people who are saying is not that hard, have probably mastered it too and as a result it gets incorporated intuitively into their gameplay. After you master it there will be no reason not to use it all the time.



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It shouldn't be an easy mechanic for new players. That's part of the learning curve of the game. Making things "easier and more reliable" for bad players is what got us into the powercreeped mess we are in right now. Jump dodging is fine the way it is now, just spend some time learning it and practicing it instead of asking for it to be done for you.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > Clunky and unintuitive yes.

> >

> > However I've been consistent with it for years without macros.

> > (Plus I'm fairly certain macros would be allowed by devs since it's "1 input - 1 action"?, idk take it up with them)

> >


> Therefore your saying yes they need to change it? Clunky and unituitve suggesting even using macros. My issue with it, is not only is it 3 separate button presses but pulling it off in fights is pretty much rng.



No I'm saying learn it better.

Clunky and unintuitive is fine, it distinguishes part of a learning curve.

Besides it alone is not necessary to win in PvP, it does help with some match ups depending on the point.


Could you please tell us what your doge button is?

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Could you please tell us what your doge button is?

Daishi has got a point. Don't even try to jump-dodge with double tapping. Just bind the evade into something that is close to space-bar (something like C or the default V).



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Considering that they've removed "tricks" such as aiming your camera at the ground to lower the dash distance of certain skills, I'm surprised they havent removed dodge jumping yet and most likely won't embrace it. I also highly doubt that all these dodge jumpers that spam it on point for no reason are actually doing it without a macro

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If your jump and dodge keys are shift and space, I can almost guarantee that no matter how much your practice, you will still fail the jump dodge some of the time. The threshhold is tight enough that the different speeds of the pinky and thumb are enough to miss the timing.


The solution here is to choose different bindings but it's rather pointless imo since jump dodging really isn't required anywhere in the game.

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