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Dodge jumping


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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> I also highly doubt that all these dodge jumpers that spam it on point for no reason are actually doing it without a macro

You can have your suspicions but it is absolutely possible. You just have to find the right binding for the evade.



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Jumpdodges makes you more attackable, cause the animation is longer but your not evading longer at the same time...


So it's useful on small points, cause u get a higher distance but at all it's for eating more dmg, while you try to look cool xD


Oh and you lose time for using some skills. At all very useful the jumpdodges ;)

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> @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> Jumpdodges makes you more attackable, cause the animation is longer but your not evading longer at the same time...


> So it's useful on small points, cause u get a higher distance but at all it's for eating more dmg, while you try to look cool xD


> Oh and you lose time for using some skills. At all very useful the jumpdodges ;)


I thought the benefit was to get to no-port spots without superspeed (or to chase someone onto a no-port spot free-casting on you when you don't have superspeed to make the jump)...


p.s. full disclosure, I never ever jump dodge.

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It can be used for that, but then you need to dodge perfect on some points, so its a hard to master mechanic like the jump bait. At least there aren't that much points and at a fight not all players need to dodge on unportable spots, esp if you could use a skill to save your life or the downstate rezzes that port you or the teammate to each other. So at all maybe you need it all 20 matches on one situation :)


And for that you just can watch the pros, count the times it is useful and useless each match. You can be sure on low/ mid ground it's more useless, only with two aspects: you could learn something else and all players act more randomly as worser they are => you can be happy if they force you to use that mechanicals xD

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Oh don't forget that you still don't evade longer => a thief still can port on you and on worst case imob you on air. So it's gg if the thief know that


The timing has to be really well but it's possible to catch you before you are at the unportable spot


Really ironicall if that happens or? You try to escape but at end you got weaker and can't do anything while bugging on air x)

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Clunky and unintuitive is fine, it distinguishes part of a learning curve.


Jump dodging is not part of the learning curve. It's something that you are either in-the-know about because someone told you, or you aren't in-the-know. Jump dodging is not something that a player is going to naturally learn about while playing the game.


> @"Eme.2018" said:

> > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > I also highly doubt that all these dodge jumpers that spam it on point for no reason are actually doing it without a macro

> You can have your suspicions but it is absolutely possible. You just have to find the right binding for the evade.


Possible but extremely unlikely. Jump dodging requires extra button presses, and (regardless of how much you practice) will always carry a statistically significant chance of failing the combo which will result in the dodge not going off. Because of this using a jump dodge carries a risk, and engaging in that risk in a situation where you gain no benefit is foolish.


If a player always jump dodges and never uses a regular dodge, then I can say with certainty that that player has attached a macro to their dodge key. To believe otherwise is naïve.



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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> Considering that they've removed "tricks" such as aiming your camera at the ground to lower the dash distance of certain skills, I'm surprised they havent removed dodge jumping yet and most likely won't embrace it. I also highly doubt that all these dodge jumpers that spam it on point for no reason are actually doing it without a macro


Maybe get fat like I am, it's pretty easy to hit 2 buttons with chubby fingers.


Also get a gaming mouse with about 19 buttons and keybind the whole game to your mouse, this way the only use for your left hand is to jump dodge or pet ya dog.

Personally I have a baby girl so my left hand/arm is usually holding her and even with her hitting the space bar from time to time, jump dodging is still pretty darn easy.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > Clunky and unintuitive is fine, it distinguishes part of a learning curve.


> Jump dodging is not part of the learning curve. It's something that you are either in-the-know about because someone told you, or you aren't in-the-know. Jump dodging is not something that a player is going to naturally learn about while playing the game.


It's use in pvp is limited, but as an analogy to what you said, it's not like Smash Melee players naturally learned to Wavedash while playing until people noticed they could do it, and for competitive play many would argue it's part of the competitive learning curve.

Other than the level of effectiveness for our game type how is that any different?


Also I don't know if doge jumping is complicated enough for randoms to not have just tried it despite the game not teaching it to you. Most players in the early days just tried it since the mechanics look like they were there, and we used to have a ton of other bugs involving inputs, swaps, or cancels and we tested everything... So in a way it kind of was natural to test sorta?

Not so much now I guess, but it's not hard to see people doing it or just asking... It's literally the combination of three of the most used buttons.


You are right though, Either A. You can do it, and avoid some hard hits in certain matchups. or B. You cannot and don't know it exists.

But if I'm doing it against someone that is whiffing because I'm using it and they are not aware, that an aspect to the learning curve because I just forced that player to deal with it.

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Dodge jump is simple. Im new and i can do it 100% of the time, no excuses. Practice it.


I practiced that a long with about face forward mesmer phase blinking between every match for a week and i can do both in my sleep now.


FYI My dodge key is on my mouse which i hit with my thumb and my jump key is spacebar. Probably easier with two different hands, but clearly manageable with one hand from what other players have posted above.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Possible but extremely unlikely. Jump dodging requires extra button presses, and (regardless of how much you practice) will always carry a statistically significant chance of failing the combo which will result in the dodge not going off. Because of this using a jump dodge carries a risk, and engaging in that risk in a situation where you gain no benefit is foolish.


You are doing it wrong because failing the jump-dodge actually results in the jump not going off, not in the dodge not going off. People have you even tried to learn it?! Or did you just come here to complain once you learnt that such mechanic is available?



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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Possible but extremely unlikely. Jump dodging requires extra button presses, and (regardless of how much you practice) will always carry a statistically significant chance of failing the combo which will result in the dodge not going off. Because of this using a jump dodge carries a risk, and engaging in that risk in a situation where you gain no benefit is foolish.

> >

> You are doing it wrong because failing the jump-dodge actually results in the jump not going off, not in the dodge not going off. People have you even tried to learn it?! Or did you just come here to complain once you learnt that such mechanic is available?


The only way failing the combo would result in the dodge going off is if you literally didn't press the jump key.


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> @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> Jumpdodges makes you more attackable, cause the animation is longer but your not evading longer at the same time...


> So it's useful on small points, cause u get a higher distance but at all it's for eating more dmg, while you try to look cool xD


> Oh and you lose time for using some skills. At all very useful the jumpdodges ;)


Jumpdodging shifts the dodge frames forward so where the vuln frames would normally be in the dodge animation they are covered but at the cost of a bit more vulnerability at the beginning of your dodge (this is why jump dodging when daredevil first came out was so important, the vuln frames at the end of bound and dash could be covered until they specifically removed that influence). If you dodge at the right times the earlier vuln frames are inconsequential and the later frames just help to protect you a little bit better (or at least it used to, no idea if they ever changed it) especially if you switch between the two to throw off your enemies timing.

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Just a few remarks because that thread was fun to read:


- If you had a backlog of things to do as a dev in which position would you put dodge-jump ?

- Jump-dodge is not really intended, it's more of a side effect than anything. It's just that adding a little more range in a dodge doesn't break the game, otherwise they would nerf it just like jump + Infiltrator's Return on s/d thief.

- Jump dodge is quite easy to do, but it's more tricky if you have some latency. Anyway you have a hundred skills to use as a gap maker....If you rely so much on dodge jump to go as far as making a thread about it, you might room to improve elsewhere...

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> If your jump and dodge keys are shift and space, I can almost guarantee that no matter how much your practice, you will still fail the jump dodge some of the time. The threshhold is tight enough that the different speeds of the pinky and thumb are enough to miss the timing.


> The solution here is to choose different bindings but it's rather pointless imo since jump dodging really isn't required anywhere in the game.


That is the difficulty I have encountered with the Shift-Space combination as well. V+Space is alright because you can hit the buttons in a smooth slide motion, but any other combination handy to people should work.


I actually have Dodge on Space, Jump on Alt so I can press with the left thumb.

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the game has lost all fine mechanical instant vs 1/4s timings and stomp races....and you want to dumb it down even further?


And i doubt theres more than 2 players per region left online where the duel gets decided by who outpositions enemy with a jumping puzzle.

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