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Please remove mounts from Claw of Jormag event.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > > Ah, I see. No one is exploiting the event; people are just making use of the new mechanic to do things more quickly, as people always do. Some of those without access to the new mechanic get less loot, but then again, so do those without access (since the event goes more quickly). However, since the event goes more quickly, it means everyone involved has more time to do things after the Claw dies too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like @"RoseofGilead.8907", I'm not against ANet tweaking this fight to be more interesting. But neither do I think it's worth any resources at all if all they are going to do is enforce a longer fight.

> > > > >

> > > > > As soon as you tag the event the loot is the same for all...

> > > > > The champs shouldn't drop anything extra... So i really can't tell what's the problem, really?

> > > > > I haven't done that event in a while, but, it seems to me that people are just using mounts to get it over with faster, since the final phase can be kinda boring.

> > > >

> > > > **IF** the event is scaled up high enough there are additional champions that spawn. I think you can get up to 9 additional champ bags if you manage to drag it out long enough and tag all of them, maybe it was 16. It's been a long time so memory is a bit fuzzy. These days if it happens it's more like 2 or 3.

> > >

> > > Weird, those used to not drop anything... Maybe they changed it... Still, if you want champion bags, grab 1/3 of the people doing Claw and go do Coil.

> >

> > The champs that spawn during phase 1 never drop loot. During phase 2, SOME champs (the ones that spawn due to scaling) do drop loot. So, people will often hang back and wait for those champs to spawn to get some extra champ boxes before the event ends. It's been that way for quite some time now, I believe.


> Well, then, in my opinion, i'm glad people found a way to negate that.

> There's a reason as to why Arena Net stopped champs spawned in a lot of meta-events and world bosses from dropping bags, exactly to stop that behaviour, and get people to focus on the objective at hand, and not stalling the event for extra loot.

> So basically people are complaining because they were stuffing their pockets while people were doing the work on the world boss for them, and now people doing the world boss are able to do it so effectively they can't leech of their effort. That's a nice reason to complain.


Meh ... removing loot from the champs wouldn't do much since people already ignore the objective anyway.


Back before megaserver the event was completed much faster and that was long before the power creep from HoT and PoF.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > The event is in dire need or rework anyway. It's long, tedious, unrewarding and annoying.


> Edit: Sorry. Mistaken for another event. Better rewards like with Tequatl or the Shatterer would be a nice addition to this, I agree.


> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > Path of Fire slowly being turned into Path of Mounts Are Not Allowed In This Area, You Have Been Dismounted.


> Isn't it? I still don't get what's in the south/southwestern corner of Timberline Falls that people are deliberately being dismounted for.


There's a jump puzzle hidden around there I think. Probably don't want players to just be able to hop the wall with the springe


edit: Oh wait I was thinking of that area in Lornar's Pass, near False Lake waypoint.

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I'm just curious, but if the intention is to farm champ bags, wouldn't it be far more efficient to just go to Silverwastes and play there? You'll get way more champ bags from Vinewrath and the champ farm / maze event that happens shortly after than you'll ever get from Jormag. Hell, you could even just look for a chest farm train. I have no idea why anyone would ever use Jormag as a farming event, it is incredibly inefficient.

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During the crystal phase of the fight (before Jormy comes down) champ quaggan can spawn. These have a drop which is necessary for the H.O.P.E. collection, and the collection even states that should the intended event not fail, players can do Jormy for the champ quaggan. This is, however, dependant on player population as the quaggan will merely be veterans or elites and thus will not have the item in their drop tables.


During the second phase, i'm normally on golem duty as i like to play events as intended. However if there's a jackal rush to kill jormag quickly, i don't have a problem with that as i only do it if it's a daily. I know there's a collection-unlocking item from the chest at the end, but i have yet to get it (and i begrudge paying for it on the tp).

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