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Tips or advice for a scourge in wvw?


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Hey everyone,

I used to main necro and scourge in PVE. When I transitioned back to WVW I played other classes, usually support, and wanted to start playing my scourge again.

Below is my build, with slight variations for roaming, commanding, or being in a zerg. Any tips or advice for playing the class? Any variations for scenarios like commanding or roaming that you would suggest? Any strategies or tactics you use that could be of help?



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Use your allies as meat shields and buffer them with barrier. Stay behind enough to maneuver for big pull outs. Don't be afraid to dump aoe diarrhea everywhere, you will generate enough lf regardless of your build if you dump it on a bunch of people. Don't be a frog in boiling water, just be aware of your position, use sand swell and f5 if you in big doodoo or caught out of position. Scourge is mostly a set-it-and-forget-it build that you can actually be doing something else while clicking buttons randomly [just pay attention to your positioning and you don't need to worry much]. Also hang around other scourge, fbrand and revs.

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