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Many new low rank roamers in WvW

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I've been seeing many new low ranked roamers in WvW.

> And quite a few fight like pros.

> Just wondering why all the new accounts with low ranks =/


They are probably PvP players that already know how to play their profession. I was one of those players.

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All my accounts are on TC, but most are low rank cause when I ticket cap one I switch to the next. Silver, bronze, bronze, and after this past week, bronze on the last one too. It was fun being no rank and having gold+ think I was a pve'er and then blow them up.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> All my accounts are on TC, but most are low rank cause when I ticket cap one I switch to the next. Silver, bronze, bronze, and after this past week, bronze on the last one too. It was fun being no rank and having gold+ think I was a pve'er and then blow them up.


Hehe this is why I never assume anything from rank until I see how they play - it's exciting to risk letting them do some hits to see their level unless they one shot you. Gotta always be on toes even if they have low rank or default looking armor lol.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Alt accounts if their mains were banned for 6 months from the wave?


I think this is why we are seeing way more hacks now than before the ban wave. Seems harsh, but they should make it so F2P accounts can not do wvw or ranked pvp.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> I've seen several pairs of identical (including rank) mesmers lately. I don't know if it's a new thing or I just haven't been paying close enough attention before. It makes for very confusing fights.


Ahh, that reminds me of some people in pvp who use almost identical names and they make identical looking characters, it is very confusing indeed. I've only seen a few people do it in wvw and it always makes people scratch their heads because they think they are fighting one mesmer with insane cooldowns/skills. I wonder if any irl twins do that with their mesmers :)

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Yup, whenever I lose to new wvw players they're always covert pvp veterans or hackers using alt accounts. Otherwise it was because the sun was in my eyes.


> Everyone knows youre supposed to play WvW with sunglasses on.



The sunglasses get in the way whenever I have to wipe away my tears though.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > Yup, whenever I lose to new wvw players they're always covert pvp veterans or hackers using alt accounts. Otherwise it was because the sun was in my eyes.

> >

> > Everyone knows youre supposed to play WvW with sunglasses on.

> >


> The sunglasses get in the way whenever I have to wipe away my tears though.


Such a strong soul. The glasses hide your pain


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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Alt accounts if their mains were banned for 6 months from the wave?


> I think this is why we are seeing way more hacks now than before the ban wave. Seems harsh, but they should make it so F2P accounts can not do wvw or ranked pvp.


All that would do is create a situation where ArenaNet and their payment method is going to be dealing with fraudulent accounts. This is why even games where you pay for your accounts (i.e. GTA Online) still end up suspending the same people several times indefinitely or until the person gives up buying cheap fraudulent accounts.

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I love playing my alt and luring 'high ranks' over to me who think I'm an easy kill. I'll say it again, full zerk Berserker elite spec using Gun Flame. They'll never see it coming because _wow look at this NOOB clad in starter gear let's go ki--- WTF IT 1 SHOT ME 1.5k RANGE AWAY WOW WHAT A HACKER REPORTEDDD._


In all seriousness though it's a combination of alt accounts either genuine or their mains got banned, pro pvpers who just want to mess around in WvW or legit new players to gw2 who've played other mmos before so they can at least fight decently due to experience in other games similar to gw2. Hope that helps answer your question.

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Some players just really know how to play a class and are only doing WvW for legendary armor.


I was under 20 weeks ago (got that high from making 4 legendaries) and now I'm 90 because I'm trying to get legendary armor. I only get in zergs when I come across them. I've set into a routine that gets me max Diamond in a couple nights so I can get back into PvE where I actually want to play.


I don't want to be in WvW but Raids don't fit my definition of what PvE is, so you're seeing players like me wandering around.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Alt accounts if their mains were banned for 6 months from the wave?


> I think this is why we are seeing way more hacks now than before the ban wave. Seems harsh, but they should make it so F2P accounts can not do wvw or ranked pvp.


They never should have from the start to be honest.


It takes only a few hours to bring a F2P account into WvW and use it as a spy.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > Alt accounts if their mains were banned for 6 months from the wave?

> >

> > I think this is why we are seeing way more hacks now than before the ban wave. Seems harsh, but they should make it so F2P accounts can not do wvw or ranked pvp.


> They never should have from the start to be honest.


> It takes only a few hours to bring a F2P account into WvW and use it as a spy.


F2P is really irrelevant anyway - so many people bought several accounts when it was like $10 years ago. And if F2P couldnt join WvW... they would just do it again with paid accounts.

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