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Core spec only weekend?


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i think in a thread about more event weekends a dev said there wont be weekends exlucing professions/specs etc.


edit , found the post :

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We certainly welcome any ideas for future WvW events!


> Here are some guidelines we've been using in our brainstorming.


> Change the way WvW is played in some way. Doesn't have to be a big change, but should be a change.


> Using events as test beds for permanent changes can be nice, but isn't necessary. There are many things we probably would be willing to do for the length of a matchup, but wouldn't want it to be forever.


> Events shouldn't require large art changes. We want to be able to implement these events quickly and not rely on getting a lot of art that may never be used again.


> **Events shouldn't exclude large sections of the player base. No restricting events to specific classes, expansions, etc.**


> Looking forward to hearing more ideas!


therefor i dont think we will have a no condi or no stealth weekend either because that only affects some people because of build choice.


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Yep, I've already been throwing the "core classes only" idea around for quite a while and people seem to love the idea. Would definitely be a fun weekend, but a dangerous one, because it would probably make lots of people realize how much more fun WvW is without specs :)

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> @"samo.1054" said:

> Yep, I've already been throwing the "core classes only" idea around for quite a while and people seem to love the idea. Would definitely be a fun weekend, but a dangerous one, because it would probably make lots of people realize how much more fun WvW is without specs :)


necros would cry sooo loud, id love it

pre hot wvw was when it was the most fun

you even needed skill and coordination for group heal, blasting waterfields

power creep not being there, good times

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I've brought up core specs only idea before but seems now a lot more people don't mind such a thing, maybe it should be considered. Would Revenant technically be counted in core though (without herald of course) since it's not included in core game? That would be one of the things that could be problematic, though I don't see why it couldn't be allowed.

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> @"Coldtart.4785" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > necros would cry sooo loud, id love it


> Why would necros cry about returning to a time when necro was actually fun to play?


because the major part of them has fun in easy loot and kills, there wouldnt be that many scourges if they didnt have fun

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We had alot of core spec weekends up until HoT.


Let's not do this because many of the elite specs use completely different stats than their base class. This would turn into nothing but a 1-event gold sink to participate. Or worse, cause people to not play

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> i think in a thread about more event weekends a dev said there wont be weekends exlucing professions/specs etc.


> edit , found the post :

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > We certainly welcome any ideas for future WvW events!

> >

> > Here are some guidelines we've been using in our brainstorming.

> >

> > Change the way WvW is played in some way. Doesn't have to be a big change, but should be a change.

> >

> > Using events as test beds for permanent changes can be nice, but isn't necessary. There are many things we probably would be willing to do for the length of a matchup, but wouldn't want it to be forever.

> >

> > Events shouldn't require large art changes. We want to be able to implement these events quickly and not rely on getting a lot of art that may never be used again.

> >

> > **Events shouldn't exclude large sections of the player base. No restricting events to specific classes, expansions, etc.**

> >

> > Looking forward to hearing more ideas!


**> therefor i dont think we will have a no condi or no stealth weekend either because that only affects some people because of build choice.



Your last part is what I think he was referring to and not restrictions on the Elite Special. At least that's the way I see it.

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Interesting fact, but did you know you can still run core specs?

Did you know guilds use to run class nights, and you could do the same and run a core spec night?

Did you know you could set up gvg's with other guilds using just core specs?


The options are still in the players hands, but they want to force everyone to run a core spec, and want to force players not run the extra class and the 18 extra specs in the game. Gooooooood luck with that.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I've brought up core specs only idea before but seems now a lot more people don't mind such a thing, maybe it should be considered. Would Revenant technically be counted in core though (without herald of course) since it's not included in core game? That would be one of the things that could be problematic, though I don't see why it couldn't be allowed.


Core specs would be **No Elites** regardless of what xpac you have.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Interesting fact, but did you know you can still run core specs?

> Did you know guilds use to run class nights, and you could do the same and run a core spec night?

> Did you know you could set up gvg's with other guilds using just core specs?


> The options are still in the players hands, but they want to force everyone to run a core spec, and want to force players not run the extra class and the 18 extra specs in the game. Gooooooood luck with that.


You're making it sound like I'm asking for WvW to be permanently Core only specs. Maybe you misheard the weekend event bit?

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Interesting fact, but did you know you can still run core specs?

> > Did you know guilds use to run class nights, and you could do the same and run a core spec night?

> > Did you know you could set up gvg's with other guilds using just core specs?

> >

> > The options are still in the players hands, but they want to force everyone to run a core spec, and want to force players not run the extra class and the 18 extra specs in the game. Gooooooood luck with that.


> You're making it sound like I'm asking for WvW to be permanently Core only specs. Maybe you misheard the weekend event bit?


Or maybe you missed that @"XenesisII.1540" started a thread like this about 3 weeks ago and it currently resides about three threads from yours?

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Interesting fact, but did you know you can still run core specs?

> > Did you know guilds use to run class nights, and you could do the same and run a core spec night?

> > Did you know you could set up gvg's with other guilds using just core specs?

> >

> > The options are still in the players hands, but they want to force everyone to run a core spec, and want to force players not run the extra class and the 18 extra specs in the game. Gooooooood luck with that.


> You're making it sound like I'm asking for WvW to be permanently Core only specs. Maybe you misheard the weekend event bit?


Maybe you didn't hear the dev saying they don't want to do anything that excludes class or expansions?

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> Boring.


> Here's what it would be:

> Radiant Guards

> S/D Thieves

> Condi Mesmers

> Your current cookie cutter Warrior

> SF FA Zerk Eles


> 0 Revs

> 0 Necros

> 0 Engies

> 0 Rangers (assuming this event also means no smokescale)


All HoT/PoF pets, stats and whatnot would be available. Just not elite specs.

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It needs to be a world of core only kind of like an open pvp world in other games. It would be hard on ppl who do not have the wepon they need to play with out an elite spec. I also think if you did do a core only week ppl would want it all the time so much so that you could find a pop. that would be willing to give up all elite spec. in wvw for good.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> Core specs have a global 50% damage increase.


> Fixed. Now people can play their godly pof builds if thats all they want to do but they can enjoy being 1 shot but the core runners all weekend.


Yeah that wouldnt at all cause issues with vanilla specs that are already strong. Warriors with 4k armor and more damage than a zerker berserker, pff np.

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Would love to see this, as I'm another one of those that loved the meta and fights before HOT. I also realize it won't happen, because of reasons like the Dev said we can't have that, and that it would exclude a lot of people that just doesn't enjoy playing the core-spez etc, all the build problems and what not.


I have no hope that the devs will ever balance out all the spez with the elite's either. And the problem with Xenesis's idea of running core for yourself, or organizing a gvg with core only, is that you can't enforce others to the same in the rest of the maps, so roaming for example I'm still going to run into all the cancer builds. But it is what it is, can either live with it or go play pve.




Another option: Make one WvW map "core only".


There are problems with this, but basically a copy of an existing map (or possibly a smaller new map more focused around fights) that specifically have disabled the elite-spez, so those that are interested could go there to play and meet others with similar preferences.


Alpine would be a good option for that, that oldschool feel, Another copy of EBG wouldn't be a bad idea either since we honestly could use another copy of that anyways. But this map would have to be outside of the normal 4 maps, because we can't have main EBG like this, and people would cry so hard about unfair if their home bl was "core only".


Another alternative to this would be a copy of OS, since we can't enforce this on the main OS now that it's the new WVW hub.


And before anyone says it, EotM would be one of the worst maps to force as Core only, considering the type of players that has traditionally preferred the map.


Again, this would work much better if they abandoned the "Home map" system, and made all maps stand alone "BattleGround" maps like EBG.

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I would love to see this, but I don't think it will ever happen, because IF it is successful, it will make it very obvious to the community that much of Anet's time and effort over the last 3 years has been detrimental to this game mode.


IMO elite specs were designed to help sell expansions (i.e. higher base damage, lower cooldowns, more passives & procs etc). Anet (again my opinion) can, but are not willing to change elite specs to balance them with core specs (towards the release of PoF, HoT specs were balanced enough that core specs were viable). People at Anet have probably been playing WvW for yonks. They know that huge AoEs negate smart positioning, they know that massive damage negates water blasts etc, and they can also change it, but they don't for some obvious reason..


Instead of a "core spec" weekend, why not have a level field weekend? In Anet's best interests, have a weekend where everyone has access to PoF and HoT specs and gets temporary gear, kind of like Steam free weekends or the trial weekends when PoF launched. This way they can fish for sales, and not make the game unfair for a few days.


But, I think it was a lot more fun empowering behind a rock, then mighty blow/ringing into dudes, this was the kind of stuff that made you feel like a man.



Edit: A core spec weekend would exclude absolutely no-one. Anyone who can play GW2 will have access to core specs and will have likely played using core specs in early PvE. This is probably the most "inclusive" thing that Anet could do for WvW.

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