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Player Housing?

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Introducing Animal Crossing in GW2 might be a good idea for some of us, no doubt. But basically in all the MMOs where you "physically" have a land/piece of open map assigned to your character, it means that only the richiest players can buy it (or you think that ArenaNet could create a map so huge to contain thousands of houses?).

This is a bit against the idea of an MMO for casual players, since new players won't have the gold to compete with veteran players.


But I have absolutely nothing against instanced houses. Though, as @"starlinvf.1358" said, we already have them. But if we also want to customize the exterior (halloween/candy/chocolate theme, whatever you like) that would be a punch in the eye in Divinity's Reach/The Grove, etc. Then fine, another location/map is ok. It will be also a good way to make some money for ArenaNet, in the future. But still instanced; you enter through a common door/portal. You can invite the people in your friend list. A new map with houses phisically there for everyone passing by, would be too costly and would benefit only few players.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Huge NO from me. Utter waste a time for a minority of players to sit there playing housekeeper by themselves in dead instance.


Have to agree with this. The investment i would rather see put into another expansion or more story.

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I remember the dev response to the PoF leaks stating that housing didn't make it into the expansion because of time constraints and that its likely to be added in the following one. They said you would be able to place the nodes where you want. I personally want it to be accessible wherever you are and have crafting benches/vendors in it.

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Player housing, when done well, is a big selling point. There are a lot of people who want this and it will bring in more people that want this kind of content who will also participate in other game modes once they are here which will push sales and provide more longevity in terms of funding and player base.


Sure there are some people who DON’T want this at all but the same holds true for PvP, WvW and raids. They have to appeal to many types of players and just because this isn’t something that some players do not want doesn’t mean it won’t benefit the game overall.


I’m all for housing. Why not. It’s a fun distraction.

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