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Please build a new LA

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> @"agmmagm.6295" said:

> We need a second scarlet attack to bring destruction for this seafood themed LA. Old LA is fine new LA with the integrated mount system is also fine. so in short please build a new and EPIC LA.

No. Just no. LA isn't just going to destroy itself over and over again just because you don't like its current design.. - _-


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No need to destroy anything. You can make the same by creating stuff.

Just add more dock activity, more commerce, people doing unruly things, way more exotic content and a layer of much needed dirt to the place. It is a market city! And a port one!

Things don't stay new forever, you know?



- People selling fish on the docks area, from asuran holographic fried shrimp to smoked norn trout, and of course lots of fresh, uncooked tuna. And orrian gulper.

- A non very smart party (make it multi species so its more fun) of adventurers just coming back form Elona, in the wider empty area of the plaza trying to get people to pay for touching a "Perfetly Safe Domesticated Baby Hydra".

- A group of dock laborers unloading cargo from various ships. Here and there they let see what they are working on: a shipment of lava lamps from Ember Bay, a collection of botanical samples from the maguuma jungle, some really huge but strangely light crates coming from Bloodstone Fen (Hey guys, help! this box is falling UP!), a set of fragile magical incubators with Griffon eggs inside, etc.

- A bunch of mafia types, trying to look intimidating in front of a single very calm lady (which we know is Livia).

- Tizlak and Ibli leading a group of representatives from the friendly tribes of maguuma, acting like child tourists on the "strange, fun and weird foreigner's city".

- Some Elonian refugees selling carpets, fabrics and Joko's figurines (Praise!)

- Etc.


Basicly, transform the port into a.. port. Add more life, more ugliness, more noise. And add some NPCs we already know from other sections of the story, or new ones whose reason to be there we can relate to the lore.

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I'm not too happy with the "new" LA either, I mean, it's been around for what, 5 years, and while I definitely got used to it, it's just so... flat and dull, which is ironic, since the old LA was (as far as I can remember) a lot flatter geographically. All the architecture is nice from really far away and it's great vista-bait, but it's just this really big patch of land cluttered with stuff and NPCs. I know they're probably not going to rebuild it any time soon, but I really miss the old Lion's Arch. I nearly shed a tear when I was doing personal story on an alt and that step came where Destiny's Edge meet in an Old LA instance (I think it's before you choose an order or something like that).


Also, it has bad "MMO-town" syndrome, as in, it looks like a place where no-one really lives - I'd even buy someone residing in the Black Citadel (or think no one des and BC is just an administrative center) before you'll convince me there's someone actually living in LA. The Grove and Divinity's Reach are wonderful in that regard, for example - I'd say DR is probably my favourite capital (I can forgive the Minas Tirith-ness); LA should've been more like that, JMHO.

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What I want to know is where they got all the money to build New LA? Old LA was built out of broken ships and rotting wood. Suddenly they have access to smooth stone and clean building materials, as well as some massive coastal geography reshaping.


Also, New LA looks far more livable than Old LA. It actually has buildings that can support housing like in the NW and along parts of the shore. Old LA had like one house, for the Commodore.

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The problem with the new city is that its too open, empty, dead.

Old LA was a hub of trade, come and go. Crowded, narrow streets, full of people, lots of ships in the docks.

Now its just a massive parking lot, just outside and abandoned disney park.

I no longer get the feeling that LA is where all the big merchants go.


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The problem with LA is that all that white concrete and wide open spaces radiates a cold sterility. It’s interesting to look at the way the contents of a modern museum is interesting to look at but it’s as inviting for people to congregate and chat as a hospital waiting room. The old LA had places like the steps in front of the old bank where people gathered to meet and talk. Places that were full of color and whimsy that were people sized, not giant sized. All gone now and people have spread out to the other cities. This may have been deliberate to make the other cities more lively instead of most people going to LA to socialize.

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well there could be a petition from the townspeople demanding a minor renovation to increase the amount of buildings while reducing the giant plaza, which is too big for the amount of people, with a reason being with the recent mass migration of the elona people.


Hehe, this could also lead to where some areas around lions arch become a little x race town or some hybrid areas like charr fixtures running through a norn home or area, asura and sylvari with the asuran using a specialized vine conducting magic as a way to power stuff (mordy tentcales based on) and other planty stoney stuff, and maybe norns with sylvari, humans, or asuras?

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