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[Suggestion] Add a "auto hide" option for the UI

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I know the UI (skillbar, map, etc) is practically mandatory to play the game. However for those times you are just exploring and "smelling the roses" it would be great to have an option that makes the UI fade away after.. say, ten seconds of not being struck? For example. Maybe the chat UI could still appear to show new messages, and the NPC dialog could show up (without all the other cruft until end of dialog).


I am just really struck by the difference whenever I use the key to hide the UI.. it's like a whole different world. So much detail in the world that you never see.


I configured my UI like that in EverQuest II and I loved it. Whenever I run from pt A to pt B.. I would get that little bit of immersion and focus away from all the bling of the UI.


I understand in GW2 there are very few times you will be out of combat but I imagine this would be for map completion and otherwise off times.

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> @"fabd.7026" said:

> I know the UI (skillbar, map, etc) is practically mandatory to play the game. However for those times you are just exploring and "smelling the roses" it would be great to have an option that makes the UI fade away after.. say, ten seconds of not being struck? For example. Maybe the chat UI could still appear to show new messages, and the NPC dialog could show up (without all the other cruft until end of dialog).


I'm not sure just how many UI elements would be able to appear like the chat UI if someone writes a message while the other UI elements remain hidden.

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I'd like this. Elder Scrolls Online does this and it's very different to just turning it off.


The main advantage over manually hiding it is that things fade in and out as needed - if someone speaks the chat box reappears, if you enter combat your skills and health reappear, etc. I've rebound hide UI to one key, but even so it's nice to not worry about activating it because you're suddenly being attacked.


ESO let's you toggle each part of the UI to on, fade or off, but even if it was just one switch it would be a nice option.

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What I'd like is the ability to customise the UI by having the option to turn parts on or off. A minimalist option would also be welcomed.


Being able to completely hide the UI is all well and good (for screenshots), but it's honestly not very useful for combat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I second this. I generally dislike the UI of games when they're not necessary for my gameplay, considering I use Action Camera not the traditional controllers. I don't need the UI while I'm exploring, gathering etc. - and I need minimal UI elements when questing, participating in events. A smart UI hiding feature, with the ability of turning it on and off, would be a great addition to the arsenal of hidden features, really. It would be turned off as default and could be switched on with a checking of a box. Just like that.


I like this idea.

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I've made a thread about this too but cared too little to bump it.


I just hate that the mandatory UI elements take up so much space. I wish we could hide squad/party UI entirely and that the right side of my screen wasn't entirely dedicated to walls of texts from events nobody cares about. Or that the personal story pops up again and again no matter how many times you finish or quit it.. the list is long and annoying.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm late to the party but I'm super on board with this idea and highly implore ArenaNet implement it. I came online looking if there were any mods that did this kind of thing.


Danikat's is easily the most preferred option, but the ability to toggle elements on/off in general would be really helpful. Or have them hidden in action cam mode and appear when off, stuff like that. The old Combat Mode mod from before Action Cam was a thing would hide some elements of the UI when toggled, for example.

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