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So, this Baruch Bay server on EU.


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Where to start without trying to insult a whole server. But here goes.

This is without a doubt the most unfun server to be up against in the whole EU roster. In the past there have been more complaints so I doubt Anet can or even will do something.

If there even is a thing to do, I do not want to deny anyone their game.

What's wrong with it? It's not the people on it, it is the imbalance between 'normal' EU hours and the off peak.

During the day there is nobody, the other servers can T3 upgrade all their structures on their hbl. And in the night it is the other way around. It is just no fun at all, and I cringe when my server has them on the roster.

What the solution is I dont know it cannot be fun for them either to ppt empty land without competition during the night.


Sorry if I insulted you people of BB, it is nothing personal just something to say about an unfun situation.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Where to start without trying to insult a whole server. But here goes.

> This is without a doubt the most unfun server to be up against in the whole EU roster. In the past there have been more complaints so I doubt Anet can or even will do something.

> If there even is a thing to do, I do not want to deny anyone their game.

> What's wrong with it? It's not the people on it, it is the imbalance between 'normal' EU hours and the off peak.

> During the day there is nobody, the other servers can T3 upgrade all their structures on their hbl. And in the night it is the other way around. It is just no fun at all, and I cringe when my server has them on the roster.

> What the solution is I dont know it cannot be fun for them either to ppt empty land without competition during the night.


> Sorry if I insulted you people of BB, it is nothing personal just something to say about an unfun situation.


Only thing that you can do is gather and make a community on your server.


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BB pretty much has primetime 2h after the rest of EU, just when people are starting to log. We see the same thing vs French servers too, except with about 1h delay instead so at least there they come out in force mid prime.


The only thing Anet could do is delete BB and spread people to balance the playtime. Which is exactly what alliances will do, so it doesnt really matter.

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You havent ever seen DL, with their early morning blobs that reset everything because the opposition sleeps? Or any german server that does the same? Or deso when they were linked with WSR and they had the neverstopping nightcrews? Plenty of servers that do what BB do...

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> It‘ ANets fault of course that there is not one Spanish speaking server in NA. Even if there are many more Spanish than English speaking people in the Americas. And many many more Spanish speaking in the Americas than in Europe.


I agree, I do not blame the people of BB. They just feel attracted to the Spanish nature of the server. But it can't be fun for them, it's not fun for their other 2 worlds either.

But as someone mentioned here, alliances could solve that. :/

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Let's hope problems like this get better with alliances.


> Depends of course if NA alliances will be able to declare languages other than English.


TBH when I had my EU account the only servers that fought were the english speaking ones and the french, german and spanish ones just ppt'd. I think they should just mix everyone up. Heck, A lot of cities in North america have a ton of people speaking different languages and such. GW2 wvw might have to become a melting pot in EU or you're never going to get good balance.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > Just wondering: Why does BB play late at night en masse?


> because NA does not have a spanish server.




Yet we have many guilds on NA speaking Spanish, Portugese and French.

Not to mention Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, German etc. etc.


They shouldn't have segregated EU by language tbh.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > Just wondering: Why does BB play late at night en masse?

> >

> > because NA does not have a spanish server.

> >

> >


> Yet we have many guilds on NA speaking Spanish, Portugese and French.

> Not to mention Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, German etc. etc.


> They shouldn't have segregated EU by language tbh.


They should have segregated by timezone tbh.



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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> You havent ever seen DL, with their early morning blobs that reset everything because the opposition sleeps? Or any german server that does the same? Or deso when they were linked with WSR and they had the neverstopping nightcrews? Plenty of servers that do what BB do...


Vizunah did that alot back in the day..

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > > Just wondering: Why does BB play late at night en masse?

> > >

> > > because NA does not have a spanish server.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yet we have many guilds on NA speaking Spanish, Portugese and French.

> > Not to mention Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, German etc. etc.

> >

> > They shouldn't have segregated EU by language tbh.


> They should have segregated by timezone tbh.


> D:


Giving each timezone their own server would only exasperate the issue described in the first post.

Unless you mean force a balance of every timezone for each server -- in which case okay -- though its a semi moot point atm, (with the communities already established and alliances on the way.)


~ Kovu


edit- Also, I'm not sure how you'd go about that. People often play at different times each day. To use myself as an example I play PST/OCX up to five times per week (usually thrice) and EU usually once. I almost never play EST despite living in NA. The next guy will be different, but with a comparable amount of variance.

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Nothing wrong with BB, their guilds play too early to play in NA (NA prime is like 3 hours after they end) thus they're spanish and too late in EU to face anything much.


BB gets 2 map queues typically (1 guilds + 1 pug) but typically at least 1 out of the 2 opposing servers has a group to defend against them, sometimes both.


You can't beat their PPT during night but this is only because they have this 1 dude (the diamond ex-Gcef guy) leading every night until around 4 AM GMT. Any server with chill nightcrew commander that joins teamspeak for a few years would end up having decent night coverage. If you want to counter him, you just need to get a commander that tags up exactly around the time he tags off and reset the things because bb has max 2 players after he logs out. Its just most servers dont have any coverage for several hours in the morning.


He has the same problems during nighttime if he loses fights, I have seen servers match BB night coverage (I was a nightcrew commander for a few years also) and he ends up with like 10 players backcapping and defending T3 towers with acs. Even his group consists of fairweather players that only play when facerolling/outnumbering.


I dont know what server you're from but only servers that are fully dead (less than 15 players) every night are something like SFR, RS and Vabbi, every other server should be able to appreciate the farm BB provides every night.



You can complain about every server: Piken is full of casuals, Deso havent had any super strong groups for a month, Vabbi is full of tryhard bandvagoners, SFR has been terrible past few years, FSP plays only when winning etc etc.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > > > Just wondering: Why does BB play late at night en masse?

> > > >

> > > > because NA does not have a spanish server.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yet we have many guilds on NA speaking Spanish, Portugese and French.

> > > Not to mention Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, German etc. etc.

> > >

> > > They shouldn't have segregated EU by language tbh.

> >

> > They should have segregated by timezone tbh.

> >

> > D:


> Giving each timezone their own server would only exasperate the issue described in the first post.

> Unless you mean force a balance of every timezone for each server -- in which case okay -- though its a semi moot point atm, (with the communities already established and alliances on the way.)


> ~ Kovu


> edit- Also, I'm not sure how you'd go about that. People often play at different times each day. To use myself as an example I play PST/OCX up to five times per week (usually thrice) and EU usually once. I almost never play EST despite living in NA. The next guy will be different, but with a comparable amount of variance.


Given this will prolly be closed as a matchup thread anyway, I guess I will entertain the idea. I wouldn't be against people having multiple time zones. Currently I do EU/NA but not ocx/sea. As you said however people established their servers...so doing this now is irrelevant. Just as removing the language barriers now is moot with alliances "on the way" followed by _soon_...

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > It‘ ANets fault of course that there is not one Spanish speaking server in NA. Even if there are many more Spanish than English speaking people in the Americas. And many many more Spanish speaking in the Americas than in Europe.


> But as someone mentioned here, alliances could solve that. :/




I think there's far too many servers and population, presumably due to the state of the game, is on decline,


![](https://i.imgur.com/2i0iaKQ.png "")


If they plan on doing something hopefully it will be done soon.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> lol yeah this server is legendary. I mean they literally stomp everything. Lots of dedicated players which use specific classes/builds and the casual WvW players go down like flies.


I don't mind strong builds. It's just that for a server that is supposed to be full on EU times it clearly is not.


Due to Hot weather I could not sleep and decided to try a little gw wvw in the night. It had a blob. Not 10 or 15 no a full map blob taking it all without someone to fight.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Nothing wrong with BB, their guilds play too early to play in NA (NA prime is like 3 hours after they end) thus they're spanish and too late in EU to face anything much.


This would fit Argentinia which is (like Brazil) GMT-3, while USA is mostly GMT-5 till GMT-8


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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > Nothing wrong with BB, their guilds play too early to play in NA (NA prime is like 3 hours after they end) thus they're spanish and too late in EU to face anything much.

> >

> This would fit Argentinia which is (like Brazil) GMT-3, while USA is mostly GMT-5 till GMT-8




Argentina is fully in -4

Only half of Brazil (which isn't a spanish speaking nation) is -3

50% of US population lives in -5, it goes up to 80% when you add -6


That's not much of a gap

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