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Question about Account Sharing

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Hi all! I just have a question. I know its dangerous to account share and most games don't allow it. I'm trying to get HPs in PoF maps for the deadeye spec but the game just keeps crashing. My brother said he would get the HPs for me on his PC. Its way better than mine. But I don't want to get banned for this.


My PC just barely meets the recommended specs for the game so I do deal with crashes. I fear that if my brother can't do it for me I'll never get the deadeye spec fully trained which is very disheartening.


So basically the question is... Would I be okay to let him do it for me just this one time?


UPDATE: I mean it took me 2 hours... 2 HOURS just to get 2 HPs in Crystal Desert.

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Answer is clear: On the paper, sharing an account is not allowed. A deviation to that rule is at your own risk. So, it is purely a risk management matter, that only you can decide.

Of course, what we can do here is estimate if the risk is big or not, but it will not help you because nobody can give you a guarantee that it will have no consequences. This is sort of "between you and Anet".


Question from my side: Why don't you go play yourself on computer of your brother? That way, the problem does not exist at all: You are allowed to open your account on different computers as long as you are the one playing. Good luck. :)

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> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> Answer is clear: On the paper, sharing an account is not allowed. A deviation to that rule is at your own risk. So, it is purely a risk management matter, that only you can decide.

> Of course, what we can do here is estimate if the risk is big or not, but it will not help you because nobody can give you a guarantee that it will have no consequences. This is sort of "between you and Anet".


> Question from my side: Why don't you go play yourself on computer of your brother? That way, the problem does not exist at all: You are allowed to open your account on different computers as long as you are the one playing. Good luck. :)


He won't let anyone on his computer, that's the thing. Weird, but it is what it is. I do know that Anet can't just ban me regardless of their rules. It would be my first and only violation of the rules. So the worst they could do is a suspension. And that's IF they even did that.


Thank you for your answer! I'm not sure sending a ticket would help. It's just a question.

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In my opinion you have extremely extremely low risks of getting caught. I'd say 0% if you live in same house as your using same ip. If they live far away though it may be flagged and investigated but still not super likely.


Your biggest chances of getting in trouble is that you posted here you break the rule.

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Surely if it takes 2hrs to get 2 Hero Points because of all the crashes you experience, your solution would be to improve your system, not to have someone else do them. You won’t suddenly enjoy the game with Deadeye if you continuously keep crashing, because that is what is stopping you from playing to your enjoyment.

Just my 2p.

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I know you've already gotten an answer, but I just want to let you know something. As long as you guys are in the same household, you're not really account sharing from any possible way they could detect it. My wife, son, daughter and I all play gw2 and we do it from two PCs. Of course my wife only plays from her PC and I only play from mine, but the kids bounce back between both of them. If they don't detect this as account sharing (it's not) they're not going to know that your brother played on your account for 2 hours ( it's kind of not as long as you're watching over his shoulder)

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How much can you really enjoy the game if your system is underperforming so much?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not discouraging you from playing but if you're struggling to get the basic tasks completed, I can imagine the rest of your processes must be pretty laggy also.

Also don't take other peoples experiences as gospel - some will be banned, others won't. There's always the risk, especially since you've announced it on forums.


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They don't want people sharing accounts simply because it's an easy way to get hacked. The only problem is that you associate your account with theirs, so if one of you later gets banned for whatever reason, you both will, but if you're already sharing an IP, that's already the case.


> @"kileran.1485" said:

> As long as you guys are in the same household, you're not really account sharing from any possible way they could detect it.


Some information about your PC is sent when logging in. ArenaNet could tell, assuming they both play and have only ever logged in on their own computers, but they'd never do anything about it.

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I would have to agree that getting your computer updated would greatly increase your enjoyment of the game. But I see people all the time share a cool unts to help each other, anet doesn't want you to do it because if they screw your account or steal it, that's totally on you. Worst case create a new password for your brother to use while he's doing stuff and change it when he's done. ?

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When my computer was off being repaired, I used another computer in the same household to play. You say this is not allowed???

Lisa-All of a sudden concerned. Computers, like people, breakdown...just had my second hip replacement...If there is another computer in the house to play on while yours is at the computer hospital, you should be able to play on it.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> When my computer was off being repaired, I used another computer in the same household to play. You say this is not allowed???

> Lisa-All of a sudden concerned. Computers, like people, breakdown...just had my second hip replacement...If there is another computer in the house to play on while yours is at the computer hospital, you should be able to play on it.


I don't know that anyone said that. You can play _your_ account on any computer you wish, and from anywhere you wish.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > When my computer was off being repaired, I used another computer in the same household to play. You say this is not allowed???

> > Lisa-All of a sudden concerned. Computers, like people, breakdown...just had my second hip replacement...If there is another computer in the house to play on while yours is at the computer hospital, you should be able to play on it.


> I don't know that anyone said that. You can play _your_ account on any computer you wish, and from anywhere you wish.


Agree noone said that, Lisa-All you can play on any computer you like just cant let your friends play your account.

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