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I have never seen so many helpful people in game before. Are you paying them or something?

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I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained shit at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?


For me it's pretty natural to help the players with Hero Points or whatever somebody asks me to do.


So I think I'm not only one that thinks that helping the people is something natural. :)

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Anet employees do play the game, but they obviously don't make up the majority of the player population. GW2 allows for more friendly interaction between players than some other games, generally speaking. I think this is partially due to the more casual crowd the game seems to attract, as well as due to things like loot and kills all being shared (as long as you did damage, you'll almost always get kill credit and loot).

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Yeah, no one is competing in PVE, so most people are more than happy to help out with events, hero points, and exploration. Others probably did the same for them at one point. When you get to a point that you're comfortable helping others out, pass it along! They'll do the same eventually, and the positive vibe will keep going.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?


In PvE, most players are willing to help you. In PvP or WvW, not everyone is going to help you. There are toxic players, but if you ask politely for help in PvP, pay attention to those that help you. Many players would say that helping new players in PvP is non existent, but there are still players that do try and help out others.

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> @"Ray Koopa.2354" said:

> Also helping with hero points is a good chance to show off your natural Asuran genius ;)

...or Norn physical prowess ;)


When I'm down or in trouble I'd sure like a helping hand, so I try to help whenever I can to repay those kindnesses past and pre-pay those kindnesses yet to come.

Perhaps it's one of the main reasons why I stick with GW2. Whenever you got a question or are stuck, just ask in map chat and you will be helped rather quickly.

If we all do our small part to keep this community kind and helpful, we will be repaid tenfold in times of need.

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I help people all the time, so much so that I even made a character named New Player Helper. I've gone way out of my way to help people, mostly because I enjoy it. But the cooperative nature of the game does lend itself to people being generally nicer, at least in open world PvE.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?


Well, sure, quite a lot of us ArenaNet folks play the game on a daily basis. But what you're coming across is a very warm community playing a game that doesn't actively discourage someone from helping another player. (Remember kill or loot stealing? Guild Wars 2 doesn't have that unfortunate mechanic.) I've always said we have the best community in gaming, and I believe that -- and see proof of that -- every day.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> I help people all the time, so much so that I even made a character named New Player Helper. I've gone way out of my way to help people, mostly because I enjoy it. But the cooperative nature of the game does lend itself to people being generally nicer, at least in open world PvE.


@"Vayne.8563" is one of the nicest, most helpful, selfless AND funny... players in GW2... Hands down one of the best examples, and role models, of great people this game has.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Selminus.1490" said:

> > I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?


> Well, sure, quite a lot of us ArenaNet folks play the game on a daily basis. But what you're coming across is a very warm community playing a game that doesn't actively discourage someone from helping another player. (Remember kill or loot stealing? Guild Wars 2 doesn't have that unfortunate mechanic.) I've always said we have the best community in gaming, and I believe that -- and see proof of that -- every day.


You are always super nice in the game, and out on the forums! I remember you selflessly rezzed a ton of people, me included, at a Jormag event long ago... And never once did you called us "noobs" or say "get gud"! Was so awesome! You are awesome! All the Anet employees are awesome!


Have an awesome day!


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While this game does have some toxic elements, those are mostly contained in WvW, sPvP, and raiding. In the open world, GW2 has the best community I've seen this side of City of Heroes/Villains. (RIP those awesome games)


People are generally very friendly and helpful here, and it's a great way to only be as stressed as you want to be while gaming.

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I love how GW2 rewards everyone and encourages teamwork and players helping players, but it's not perfect. "Kill stealing" can still happen if someone blows up a mob before another player can tag it (perhaps we can call it "kill denying").


Whenever I'm doing hearts or some events and I see another player around I usually just tag mobs and then run to another so that the other player can tag the mobs too, but sometimes I see them run to another mob instead of the the army following behind me. I think some new players don't understand how tagging works.


A similar thing can happen in large events too. If some people have too high dps, they can kill the mobs before others have a chance to tag it. You see people executing their entire burst chain on trash mobs when just a few light aoe skills will do the trick. It can be quite frustrating.


But all in all, it's much better than other mmos out there. I think we've been spoiled a bit ;)

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Try playing part of the game that is not carebare land of open world Tyria. Your perception's gonna change fast.


I would call that an exaggeration. But yes, when you get to the HoT and PoF maps, it's a little harder to find basic help because it is harder to survive. In Tyria, a downed player gets everyone in range running to resurrect you. In PoF and HoT, a downed player is a sign of danger and if you try to help them you are quite likely to end up dead beside them. (You will also see some of that in the biggest boss fights in Central Tyria, when it is more dangerous and time-consuming for people to rez a dead character than it would be for the dead character to just use a waypoint and come back.) In addition to which, trying to find your way to a player in distress through some of the maze-like maps can be quite difficult.


But even in the hard maps, people are willing to give advice over the map chat, help with events or HPs if they are not busy (and know how to get there) or stop to help a nearby player in trouble.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?


You'd be surprised at how many people will be willing to lend a hand outside of the anet crew. I, too, often partake in these random acts of kindness. Sometimes I'm portaling a jump puzzle. Sometimes I'm helping a worldboss train move. And sometimes, I often give alerts to potential guild bounty hunters about a certain bounty's location If I happen to cross paths. But it's all random here. Some are a bit more generous. But you will never find out if you don't ask. :)

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