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Does wintrading occur regularly in ranked PvP?

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I have encountered the accusation of wintrading being thrown around as I pvp in the higher tiers (plat 2/3). I myself have been accused even though I have no friends to wintrade with (not saying I would if I did). Is this a typical slur/insult hurled at teammates/opponents to disregard effort and skill? Is there an actual resurgence in wintrading as we have seen in the past?

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people often make a mistake thinking a person is wintrading due to his/her perfomance, but that's really relative and the only way to know that is by knowing that specific person. What is really suspicious is the classic "dc" after the match starts then the player comes back without saying anything.


So it's kinda hard to know if someone is wintrading or not but the best examples are from your own experience, knowing what a person regularly plays against you and suddenly they play another class you never seen before when they are with you or the "dc" one I said before.

Also some people may hate you and throw the game but that doesn't mean it's wintrade.


This barely happens anyways and if it happens it is always in the last days of the season, there's still a few people that do that and will keep doing that for the titles but that's like the 1% so you don't have to worry about that tbh.


This is coming from a player that played in season 5 which was the best season but also a wintrade fiesta.

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> @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> people often make a mistake thinking a person is wintrading due to his/her perfomance, but that's really relative and the only way to know that is by knowing that specific person. What is really suspicious is the classic "dc" after the match starts then the player comes back without saying anything.


> So it's kinda hard to know if someone is wintrading or not but the best examples are from your own experience, knowing what a person regularly plays against you and suddenly they play another class you never seen before when they are with you or the "dc" one I said before.

> Also some people may hate you and throw the game but that doesn't mean it's wintrade.


> This barely happens anyways and if it happens it is always in the last days of the season, there's still a few people that do that and will keep doing that for the titles but that's like the 1% so you don't have to worry about that tbh.


> This is coming from a player that played in season 5 which was the best season but also a wintrade fiesta.


Yeah same here. I'm in that 1% that theoretically is affected by being high ranked in pvp, but I just see a lot of angst and not a lot of correlated incidents of DC/throwing from one player for another.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> Theres enough people that only use the /sit emote in games that its for sure not uncommon. Anet needs to act on reports faster and harsher regarding idle players and manipulation.


Well throwing is not the same as wintrading. Where is the line drawn? If you hate an ally who verbally abused you and you refuse to participate in anything that benefits him, is that wintrading? How much participation is needed to clear a player from being banned?

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> @"The Night Fox.6018" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Theres enough people that only use the /sit emote in games that its for sure not uncommon. Anet needs to act on reports faster and harsher regarding idle players and manipulation.


> Well throwing is not the same as wintrading. Where is the line drawn? If you hate an ally who verbally abused you and you refuse to participate in anything that benefits him, is that wintrading? How much participation is needed to clear a player from being banned?


If you afk and throw the game because you're getting verbally abused, you deserve to get banned. Either just grow a thicker skin or block him. Don't ruin the game for three other players trying to win.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"The Night Fox.6018" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > Theres enough people that only use the /sit emote in games that its for sure not uncommon. Anet needs to act on reports faster and harsher regarding idle players and manipulation.

> >

> > Well throwing is not the same as wintrading. Where is the line drawn? If you hate an ally who verbally abused you and you refuse to participate in anything that benefits him, is that wintrading? How much participation is needed to clear a player from being banned?


> If you afk and throw the game because you're getting verbally abused, you deserve to get banned. Either just grow a thicker skin or block him. Don't ruin the game for three other players trying to win.


I mean I get your point but the OP is about wintrading let's stay on topic.

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Events in a match yesterday:

- Got home

- ally runs back to home and sits afk

- Ally moves off point slightly and afk's

- Home node starts flipping, no indications of players on the mini as there are when players are in combat

- ally still afk next to home point while its flipped to enemy team, has taken no damage at all.

- Another ally runs back to home to cap, swearing in team chat.

- Afk player runs towards mid and dies

- Afk player returns back to our home node and proceeds to repeat this cycle.


Not sure if bad player or win trading.



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> Events in a match yesterday:

> - Got home

> - ally runs back to home and sits afk

> - Ally moves off point slightly and afk's

> - Home node starts flipping, no indications of players on the mini as there are when players are in combat

> - ally still afk next to home point while its flipped to enemy team, has taken no damage at all.

> - Another ally runs back to home to cap, swearing in team chat.

> - Afk player runs towards mid and dies

> - Afk player returns back to our home node and proceeds to repeat this cycle.


> Not sure if bad player or win trading.




That's the million dollar question. Did that guy get tackled by a puma irl and was fighting for his life or did he personally know the other player?

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> @"The Night Fox.6018" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Theres enough people that only use the /sit emote in games that its for sure not uncommon. Anet needs to act on reports faster and harsher regarding idle players and manipulation.


> Well throwing is not the same as wintrading. Where is the line drawn? If you hate an ally who verbally abused you and you refuse to participate in anything that benefits him, is that wintrading? How much participation is needed to clear a player from being banned?


You can wintrade by not participating in a match.

And on that second note any amount of purposeful inactivity should equate to a ban. You need to leave the game if you que into someone who you refuse to play with. If its that serious its more than likely you did not make use of your privilege to report and block that person immediately. You do not get to throw a game for 3 other players who are not involved in your dispute simple because you dislike one of the players. Thats more than likely going to end up with you looking bad and the person you hate being glorified because, after all, you were the one who afked.


Theres also this thing called que dodging. Ya might try it sometime before throwing more games.

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I think i have never encountered a purposeful wintrader in my matches so far. Then again, my ranking is not high :)

I did however encounter multiple toxic persons affecting the outcome of the match. (Stopping contribution to the team after something happens in match)

As long as there is no meaningful and quick sanction for players acting with bad intentions, you will get into situations where it's impossible to say is it a win-trade scenario, or simply bad blood between 2 teammates.

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> I think i have never encountered a purposeful wintrader in my matches so far. Then again, my ranking is not high :)

> I did however encounter multiple toxic persons affecting the outcome of the match. (Stopping contribution to the team after something happens in match)

> As long as there is no meaningful and quick sanction for players acting with bad intentions, you will get into situations where it's impossible to say is it a win-trade scenario, or simply bad blood between 2 teammates.


It's not impossible to say. Anet banned a BUNCH of people for wintrading last season. There is a formulated system on how to manipulate match making and a lot of people know how to do it if they so choose. They simply risk getting caught. The system is obviously weak.

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From what i faced it still happens way too often. Together with frustrated trolls just don't care on their alt accounts and don't even try to win or clearly throw on purpose and together with the matchmaking manipulating your win- and lose streaks depending on your hidden mmr in a predictable way leading to 70% one-sided blow outs. In the end there are very few matches enjoyable and not fishy.

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Although I don't think I've experienced much wintrading in low plat I do have a related question.

This season the following happened at least 3-4 times on separate occasions:

Begin match, start to lose (being outplayed, poor team choices etc. - it happens). A player from our team offers 10g to the 1st person from our team to leave the game to prevent the rest of the team losing any points. One player takes the offer and promptly DCes from the game.

My first question is whether this can be considered as wintrading.

The second is more complicated.

Having seen this happen more than once, there have been some matches where a player has left for gold, the match has continued for 2-3 mins but at the end of the game I still noticed that I was loosing the same quantity of points as if I would have a full team.

The query is - what are the parameters which determine if a DC is "enough" to prevent point loss? I was under the impression that 120seconds+ of the match 4v5 was sufficient to prevent point loss but on at least 2 occasions, this definitely did not happen.

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It happens sometimes, but people overblow it out of proportion, treating meme talk too seriously.


There are people who go afk at the start of the match because they went for a piss, there are people who got matched outside of their skill level and struggle, there are good players who have a bad game. Always been.


Also, if you accuse someone of wintrading below plat 3, rethink your life choices.

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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> It happens sometimes, but people overblow it out of proportion, treating meme talk too seriously.


> There are people who go afk at the start of the match because they went for a kitten, there are people who got matched outside of their skill level and struggle, there are good players who have a bad game. Always been.


> Also, if you accuse someone of wintrading below plat 3, rethink your life choices.


Playing PvP in this game and taking it seriously should be enough to think life choices lmao

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