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Orichalcum ore price drop too low! Please remove nodes from new maps.


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Sure, there are tons of the ancient and ori nodes in the new maps. But, I never see anyone stop at them. I'm sure they are, but it's likely the reason they added so many. They figured people wouldn't bother to stop. I'd rather they leave the new nodes in, and remove the stupid amount of T6 leather required for cloth items.

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Well, I'm not happy about it...I'm not a so called speculator, I'm a hoarder. I have stacks of 35 refined ori ingots 50 refined elder planks, 40 anc planks, etc etc.... These are all from gathering and salvaging, never purchased on the TP. Why? Because I thought the the value of gold, over the last 2 years, has continued to decline, alarmingly, and that these materials and others seemed to represent a better way of holding "equity". I was wrong, or we shall see in December depending on Festival and Living Story releases and on into next year.


So at first I was upset about all the new nodes. However, I now think it's mostly due to the influx of new and returning players and perhaps the extreme rush and mad desire to have a riding griffon as previous posters have opined.


Now! What about my ecto's and Superior Runes of Strength darn it???!!! OH, and my silver doubloons ...just stop killing my gw2effeciency value thingy number deal!

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Why did you decide to introduce orichalcum ore nodes in the new maps? the ore price was fair at about 2 silver, now it has dropped to 1 silver and it continues to drop even lower. I bought 60 stacks of orichalcum for about $2 silver about 2 years ago, and during this the price of ore remained fairly the same, now my investment dropped by half the price. Why do you feel the need to ruin the economy? Why did not you introduce hardened leather instead? the price of leather is outrageous.


ANet please do something. This player start his Broker carierr dwo years ago. He just forgot that it can be risky.

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On one hand I don't really loose anything by Orichalkum loosing value. It's a good thing for all those who need it for crafting.

On the other hand, Orichalcum has always been THE high-end high-value metal. For years I've always harvested every Ori-Node because it was guaranteed to be worth it. I would even make a detour when I noticed a Ori-Node on my mini-map. Orichalkum loosing this position and becoming cheaper than Platinum and Iron feels really weird. In a few days we'll see its value drop below that of Copper. The T1 beginner metal will be worth more than the highest ranked, most difficult and dangerous to mine and most scarce (until PoF) metal in the game.


Until now I was happy whenever I found a Ori-Node. Now it has become just another node. By crashing the prices, ANet has basically removed the joy of finding a valuable node from the game.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> Sure, there are tons of the ancient and ori nodes in the new maps. But, I never see anyone stop at them.


Hard for me to stop and gather much of anything with the high aggro and mob re-spawns on the maps. I don't stop to gather because it tends to keep me from getting across the map to my actual objectives.

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> @TwoGhosts.6790 said:

> > @"den aelling.7681" said:

> > Now! What about my ecto's and Superior Runes of Strength darn it???!!! OH, and my silver doubloons ...just stop killing my gw2effeciency value thingy number deal!


> Haha, yeah :)

> My account worth has dropped more than 2K since PoF launch.

> ~TG



I think I lost close to 8k in (perceived) value between the Season 1 boxes and PoF release. Seeing it in GW2Efficiency makes it feel like I lost something, but that something was all made up to begin with. I'd rather just play and have fun.


I finished the trident, Mirage, about a month ago and had to supplement Ori... that was twice as expensive as it needed to be! It wasn't much in the end; I can make the difference up with a half dozen dailies. Our holiday events will be here soon and making daily completion will be near guaranteed and relatively quick.

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> @kharmin.7683 said:

> Hard for me to stop and gather much of anything with the high aggro and mob re-spawns on the maps. I don't stop to gather because it tends to keep me from getting across the map to my actual objectives.

Good point, actually. Once you dismount to collect in a hostile area, you're not getting back on for a while. That tends to dissuade me from stopping unless it's REALLY worth it.


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It would be interesting if you could downgrade materials in the mystic forge. Turn that orichalcum into mithril (and go down even more steps). The mid tier materials are sort of oddly overpriced, because there are not a lot of people on those maps (only those doing world completion or working new characters up), where as a lot of level 80 zones have been added for those top level characters to sit. Allowing downgrade would at least allow some level of equilibrium between the different rarities.


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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Why did you decide to introduce orichalcum ore nodes in the new maps? the ore price was fair at about 2 silver, now it has dropped to 1 silver and it continues to drop even lower. I bought 60 stacks of orichalcum for about $2 silver about 2 years ago, and during this the price of ore remained fairly the same, now my investment dropped by half the price. Why do you feel the need to ruin the economy? Why did not you introduce hardened leather instead? the price of leather is outrageous.


Economic literate people will realize that it's always evolving and changing. Why are you sitting on something for 2 years , as if it's some kind of 'investment', in a video game anyways? These aren't Roth-IRAs here...

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Why did you decide to introduce orichalcum ore nodes in the new maps? the ore price was fair at about 2 silver, now it has dropped to 1 silver and it continues to drop even lower. I bought 60 stacks of orichalcum for about $2 silver about 2 years ago, and during this the price of ore remained fairly the same, now my investment dropped by half the price. Why do you feel the need to ruin the economy? Why did not you introduce hardened leather instead? the price of leather is outrageous.


You played the market and you lost now. That's how it works in real life too. I don't see a reason to change it just because you made a bad call (and for your info I've made similar investments and only 1 of them didn't pay up yet [gossamer] but i will just wait some more time :))


The best deal I've ever made was with snoflakes. I had around 20000 of them and bought them at ~20 copper to sell them at 4 silver, 12 silver and later 30 silver at one point :P

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Well, he does have a point. At launch there were very few places that had ori and ancient wood. All the maps that have been and will be added since then are level 80 maps with elder wood, mithril, ancient wood and orichalcum. Unless ANet adds more sinks these mats are going to decrease in value.


It doesn't matter. He made an investment and took a risk which blew in his face. I've made huge investments before HOT because I had some estimates what will go up and down and I profited on it. Never farmed a gold in my life in GW2 (not dungeonms, not daily, no anything, just investments because I cba to farm). And because I take breaks from GW2 rather than gold I want to have assets ;)

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