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Orichalcum ore price drop too low! Please remove nodes from new maps.


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> @Ellisande.5218 said:



The purpose of the Trading Post is to maintain a healthy economy, by making it easy for people to trade. Regardless of the markets, regardless of the price of mats, regardless of whether there is a TP or an auction house, savvy traders are going to make massive money. The only question is whether their efforts are going to end up supporting a healthy economy or undermining it. In the case of GW2, largely the things that people do to earn tons of coin are ultimately good for the rest of us too.

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> @Ellisande.5218 said:

> OPer:" WHA! WHA! Now people are able to get the Ori Ore they NEED without having to give me money. WHA! WHA!"




Most if the average people make their in game with gold by selling mats.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> There is no reason to introduce orchalcum nodes in the new maps, the market was fine at $2 silver per ore. The price was fair and it was an indication that supply and demand were balanced, but now there is more supply than demand and the price sinked too low.


I have a different view here. I think the prices were too high previously, and this is a market correction. It makes mats more available to everyone, without the rich price gouging the casuals. Exhibit A: look at a certain mat that tripled in price since PoF release. All due to the condi meta some folks could see coming, stock piled the mat knowing the demand was going to be immense, and boom. tripled in price.

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All I see in this topic is one or both of the following (on the part of the subject):

1. I have investments in Orichalcum or derived materials, you just tanked their value with new expansion.

2. I have now farmed a an even larger stock of Orichalcum, please decrease supply so that I can turn a profit.


If you ask me there is nothing to be done, here as far as Orichalcum is concerned, leather on the other hand... the bottom line, it doesn't take much of an economist to predict this would happen given the changes they introduced, the only question is if the effect was within expectations or not and only the devs know that, but they clearly wanted to change the value of Orichalcum with PoF either way, if anything there might be some subtle tweaks but I'd guess the lower price point is expected and here to stay at least in the short term while the expansions is fresh, while it may go up a bit in the long term once the honeymoon period is over.

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> @Cliffracer.9745 said:

> Meanwhile leather is really up there in price.


Nope, Thick Leather sections also tanked from 2.4s to under 1s each currently. Hardened Leather is the exception, probably because people are building various exotic medium armor. Even so, it was a modest increase (was ~12s pre-PoF; currently running ~15s).

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> @DaShi.1368 said:

> Why would any> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > @Ariurotl.3718 said:

> > > It's the market. Things don't always work out as you expect, of which fact I'm regularly reminded by my Aqua Satin dyes I've got listed at 187.69.69 (yeah, I know, nice) and will never sell.

> >

> > Like i said, orichalcum nodes were completely unnecessary because the market had shown that the price was fair and there was good supply of materials, now the market has been flooded with orichalcum. What anet did was "print orichalcum". Just like when USA prints money!

> >

> >


>...Second, how do you think money works?


I'm really interested in *your* answer to this.

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> @Hawken.7932 said:

> It does feel like if their intention was to devalue Ori ore, it went a bit too far. It's gone down so far that it's barely worth stopping to mine them.


Whatever it _feels like_, the fact is that prices for basic mats are very likely to drop when people return to the game, which happens with new living stories and expacs. People convert their stockpiled goods into gold (to pay for stuff), more people are playing open world than crafting (leading to more loot = more salvaged goods), and the demand declines _relative_ to the supply. One of the ways we know this is that silk also tanked, even though there aren't any new silk nodes.


Only when the game returns to its new equilibrium (either mid-October or mid-November, depending on Halloween) will we be able to say whether there really has been a significant impact on the prices.

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I don't know about investing in it one way or another, but as an observer of the economy, it does seem out of balance. Take Orr for example: one of the big motivators for continuing to roam around in Orr and farm materials has always been those rare and exciting nodes of Orichicalcum ore and Ancient Wood Logs that pop up. Both of those mats are completely in the toilet as far as value goes now, so there's not much reason to farm around in there anymore. Unless they introduce some big Orichalcum sinks into the game, as there is for Mithril ore, but there haven't been as far as I can tell.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> There is no reason to introduce orchalcum nodes in the new maps, the market was fine at $2 silver per ore. The price was fair and it was an indication that supply and demand were balanced, but now there is more supply than demand and the price sinked too low.


They want people playing on the new maps. There is no justification for feeling entitled to keep exclusivity over your crafting mats.


The problem isn't with the orchalcumand other level 80 mats... the problem is that the game still has too many of the lower level mats. Been plying ESO lately and I liked how ever there, the nodes I tap drop mats of my level, not some zone level... so as the entire playerbase levels up, the lowbie mats start to clear out.

- that's better design. Cater to what people need to use... not self-entitled speculators.


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> @"Lumin Arius.6952" said:

> So you expect the ore nodes to remain mostly mithril in areas level 80+ in **the second expansion**? Eventually we need access to max level materials without paying an arm and a leg for it. Not everyone is trying to sell on the auction house for a profit.


HoF and PoF are all lvl 80 areas. And so will be all the coming maps. We're not going up with the levels. Unless they introduce rarer minable ores, Orichalcum should stay as being rare.


> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > There is no reason to introduce orchalcum nodes in the new maps, the market was fine at $2 silver per ore. The price was fair and it was an indication that supply and demand were balanced, but now there is more supply than demand and the price sinked too low.


> They want people playing on the new maps. There is no justification for feeling entitled to keep exclusivity over your crafting mats.


> The problem isn't with the orchalcumand other level 80 mats... the problem is that the game still has too many of the lower level mats. Been plying ESO lately and I liked how ever there, the nodes I tap drop mats of my level, not some zone level... so as the entire playerbase levels up, the lowbie mats start to clear out.

> - that's better design. Cater to what people need to use... not self-entitled speculators.

> -


I wonder how that is better design. Like you said lowbie mats will start to clear out, thus making them rare. In GW2 you need even the lowest material to craft high lvl components (spiritwood plank, etc), so that's where the lowbie mats go. They are ever relevant.


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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > There is no reason to introduce orchalcum nodes in the new maps, the market was fine at $2 silver per ore. The price was fair and it was an indication that supply and demand were balanced, but now there is more supply than demand and the price sinked too low.


> They want people playing on the new maps. There is no justification for feeling entitled to keep exclusivity over your crafting mats.


> The problem isn't with the orchalcumand other level 80 mats... the problem is that the game still has too many of the lower level mats. Been plying ESO lately and I liked how ever there, the nodes I tap drop mats of my level, not some zone level... so as the entire playerbase levels up, the lowbie mats start to clear out.

> - that's better design. Cater to what people need to use... not self-entitled speculators.

> -


Here's an even better desing, create newer material by taking those lower level materials and combining them with the higher level and then creating new recipes to use those new materials, then all materials are relevant.

As for your ESO comparison, I haven't noticed the affect you have, but I have noticed that you can no longer harvest the lower level material if you no longer need it, perhaps that is a result of playing for free...that's what I've noticed, not that it gives me level appropriate material.

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> @ONko.7460 said:

> HoF and PoF are all lvl 80 areas. And so will be all the coming maps. We're not going up with the levels. Unless they introduce rarer minable ores, Orichalcum should stay as being rare.


Yeah this is the problem as I see it. They've always been those rare nodes that you feel happy to find when you come across them - a diamond in the rough. Without that mechanic, the gathering part of the game is undermined, when there are no longer those nice little surprises when out cruising around the maps.


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Gonna say, it became much harder to make money by selling mats in general. only leather stayed at its general level, because, well, it's leather. Everything else is dirt cheap. Which is ok if you need money to craft, as it's relatively unchanged, but becomes huge pain whenever you are hunting some external gold sink.

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On the positive side, with so many materials being less than half the value they had before PoF launch, there has never been a better time to build a Legnedary.


As for the people panicking over the price drops, the expansion has been out for just over a week. OF COURSE THE MARKET IS IN CHAOS.


The same thing happened when HoT came out. It happens when balance patches hit, and so on.


You can either choose to sit and do nothing but complain on the forums about it, or you can adapt and find a way to make money off of it. For me, chaotic times in the market are the most profitable. It is also why I don't do long term investment. The game changes enough that it simply isn't that profitable when it comes to materials.


Anet does *not* need to remove ori nodes (and ancient nodes as well). Even if there turns out to be a long term over-supply, the solution is *not* to remove them. The solution is to add more ways of using them.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Why did you decide to introduce orichalcum ore nodes in the new maps? the ore price was fair at about 2 silver, now it has dropped to 1 silver and it continues to drop even lower. I bought 60 stacks of orichalcum for about $2 silver about 2 years ago, and during this the price of ore remained fairly the same, now my investment dropped by half the price. Why do you feel the need to ruin the economy? Why did not you introduce hardened leather instead? the price of leather is outrageous.


Because these zones are Lv80 if I'm not mistaken, and seeing as all Lv80 zones have orichalcum nodes present (Core Tyria, HoT zones, LWS3 and so on), it would make no sense to suddenly exempt them from these zones, especially not for a reason as petty as yours.

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