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so mirage is fine in arena net's eyes?

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Im curious cus it hasn't been changed or nerfed for a long while now and mirage is one of the main reasons why path of fire is garbage and why i barely even bother with this game


i mean, seriously what the actual hell? how is this class fine in your eyes?


you can't get caught cus you have stunbreak on dodge, you can cast skills while in iframe and it even removes condition for good measure. How the hell do you kill a mirage that isnt a complete newb considering he can just use his dodge and get out of anything and it has no cooldown ? On top of that they have all the other mesmer skills like distortion or stealth and they also have axe 3 which is so ridiculously overpowered like yeah mesmer basically has a 30 sec+ utility skill (that requires a slot) that's 10 times worse than axe 3 cus it does the same thing except it has no damage and it has 3 times longer cooldown - how does that even make any sense whatsoever ?


on top of that mirage is by far the highest mesmer dps spec and both condi and normal damage do so much while being virtually unkillable in 1v1 and the only way they die even in 1v5 is if they're greedy and they don't disengage.


I've never seen something as ridiculous as this in my entire life. And then arena net nerfs mesmer instead of mirage so normal mesmer and chrono get screwed when mirage is the problem (and that chrono bunker build but thats gone now) . It's way too forgiving and way too rewarding and i can't see any skill expression on mirage cause every single mirage regardless of how random it is does the same thing cus the class is actually literally just button mash and everything else works out by itself

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> One problem at a time. I don't think most people were even aware that Mirage is strong


i've been super frustrated and it makes me quit every 2 weeks ever since path of fire came out cus of mirage


elusive mind is the most ridiculous "skill" ive ever witnessed in a mmorpg in my entire life and on top of that you're giving it to a "glass cannon".


If mirage had no damage then i could see elusive mind working somehow cus they wouldnt be able to kill you in 3 sec but giving essentially whats invulnerability to a ranged glass cannon is just too much

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> Yeah... Thief is still allowed to use weapons after all. Anets gonna fix that soon ish.


Well current dev's did say thief role is solely decap and +1, you don't need weapons to procc steal's daze or share basilisk venom. Wepons are OP, thief's weapons should give you health when he hits you.





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> @"Arioch.4810" said:


> > Yeah... Thief is still allowed to use weapons after all. Anets gonna fix that soon ish.


> Well current dev's did say thief role is solely decap and +1, you don't need weapons to procc steal's daze or share basilisk venom. Wepons are OP, thief's weapons should give you health when he hits you.


> /sarcasm




Well, it might be sarcasm but I'm pretty sure a good thief can manage some results even without weapon. Though necro can do this as well with their op downstate.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > One problem at a time. I don't think most people were even aware that Mirage is strong


> i've been super frustrated and it makes me quit every 2 weeks ever since path of fire came out cus of mirage


> elusive mind is the most ridiculous "skill" ive ever witnessed in a mmorpg in my entire life and on top of that you're giving it to a "glass cannon".


> If mirage had no damage then i could see elusive mind working somehow cus they wouldnt be able to kill you in 3 sec but giving essentially whats invulnerability to a ranged glass cannon is just too much


I agree with you - but don't forget even without elusive mind, mirages can still dodge while stunned and while casting/ doing other actions. Elusive mind just acts as the stun break.

Mirage cloak is just as broken as elusive mind.

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This same argument/reason for topic is elsewhere. I actually just commented on one just before this. Sadly I am pretty much going to state the same thing word for word as a copied thread only deserves a copied response:


"Dodge while stunned is OP? You realize that when its done this way, it removed the stunned but gives them a -100% penalty to endurance regeneration right? If you cant dodge, you cant spawn those clones, thus dps loss and greater chance of getting bursted. Its more risk vs reward now.

I dont run it (Elusive Mind) due to the penalty as the con outweighs the bonus imo, however its far from OP. Pre nerf I would agree was unbalanced for sure."

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The problem is the stupid rotation mirage can pull out.


Every single spec has a sort of sustain rotation to survive, one easy example is spellbreaker, rotating shield5, into full counter, into gs3, into endure pain passive and balanced stance passive, plus endure pain active and again into full counter can maintain a solid defense, but it's possible and easy to counter a spellbreaker especially for a skilled player.


Mirage rotation feels so brainless and "pve style". Seems like a pve rotation applied to pvp in which he can chain 10 freaking evades invuln, stealth while at the same time giving you so much pressure you have to use all your defensive abilities. If the mirage fails the rotation can still disengage in a matter of seconds and reset the fight and not even a thief can chase him fast enough.


It's not as brainless and spammy like scourge, and not easy to play like warrior, but its exactly in the middle.


A low risk high reward spec, and I don't think much time is required to master is and kill better players than you, that's the frustating part.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> This same argument/reason for topic is elsewhere. I actually just commented on one just before this. Sadly I am pretty much going to state the same thing word for word as a copied thread only deserves a copied response:


> "Dodge while stunned is OP? You realize that when its done this way, it removed the stunned but gives them a -100% penalty to endurance regeneration right?

Only if you have Elusive Mind.

>If you cant dodge, you cant spawn those clones, thus dps loss and greater chance of getting bursted. Its more risk vs reward now.

Exhaustion only lasts 3 seconds, you still have a lot of skills to cast aside from dodges. It is more risky now, yes, but Exhaustion is by no means "a fix". "Stunbreak on dodge" shouldn't exist.

> I dont run it (Elusive Mind) due to the penalty as the con outweighs the bonus imo, however its far from OP.

You might be the only person thinking that.

>Pre nerf I would agree was unbalanced for sure."


Exhaustion was a bandaid fix and EM is still OP as it is right now.

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Is condi mesmer broken or is confusion broken? What if confusion had a 1-2 secs icd befor each tick( kinda like how everyother condition works in this game)? This will stop almost all instant deaths against a condi mesmer i feel, because you wont trigger 20 stacks confusion 3-5 times in 1 second or less if your a quick bursty class such as fa ele. Or trigger it when u are using a cleasing skill like cleansing fire does. If u want to insure u get hit with 20+ stack of confusion when u want to clear it use cleansing fire, full proff way to die to confusion.

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> The problem is condis are generally worse than power, nerfing a condition is going to hit all classes using that not just the one currently abusing it.


Condi builds have always been a problem because there is no real solution in order to counter it. Furthermore, it dumbs down players level.. When going in solo queue, you have to deal with these setups, but it's not at all training you in order to face top teams in AT's since they do run totally different builds..

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> @"Menyus.4610" said:

> I have nothing to add to this conversation, im also waiting for a serious mirage nerf oh and they also dominate wvw roaming too.


Good. They're pretty terrible in a zerg. They should at least be good at roaming! You see the same issue in PvP. Mirage is among the strongest builds in 1v1, but then you have to consider that their damage gets diluted quickly with multiple targets present and any sort of decent support cleansing will nullify them. A knee-jerk nerf based on 1v1 performance could take this class from OP to irrelevant.


I agree with the others. Kill EM already. Mirage doesn't need it. Then let's see where Mirage stands and if further nerfs are needed.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > The problem is condis are generally worse than power, nerfing a condition is going to hit all classes using that not just the one currently abusing it.


> Condi builds have always been a problem because there is no real solution in order to counter it. Furthermore, it dumbs down players level.. When going in solo queue, you have to deal with these setups, but it's not at all training you in order to face top teams in AT's since they do run totally different builds..


Maybe good against pugs but that’s about it.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> Also confusion already got nerfed hard a few patches back, to the point where they had to come back and ridiculously buff its on-skill-use damage against NPCs to keep it from being completely unusable in PVE.


Good thing this is the PvP sub forum.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Menyus.4610" said:

> > I have nothing to add to this conversation, im also waiting for a serious mirage nerf oh and they also dominate wvw roaming too.


> Good. They're pretty terrible in a zerg. They should at least be good at roaming! You see the same issue in PvP. Mirage is among the strongest builds in 1v1, but then you have to consider that their damage gets diluted quickly with multiple targets present and any sort of decent support cleansing will nullify them. A knee-jerk nerf based on 1v1 performance could take this class from OP to irrelevant.


> I agree with the others. Kill EM already. Mirage doesn't need it. Then let's see where Mirage stands and if further nerfs are needed.


Erm i said they dominate it, there is a difference between dominating and being good at something, the amount of escape, invuln and burst they can produce is stupid, you can only kill them if they get greedy for a kill

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