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trasmuted skin to shield can i undo it if i get a better shield help

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Generally advise for the start: Do not waste too many Transmution Charges on low tier items as you gonne get better more optimal gear pretty soon. Transmution Charges are really easy to get via PvP/WvW, Login-Daylies and Map Completion, but as new player you still might gonna get less than needed at start. Later you wont know what to do with them, yeah. ^^

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Short answer: Yes.


Long answer: When you equip an item it's skin is automatically saved in your wardrobe, and once a skin is in there it's there forever, there is no way to lose it or use it up. So you don't need to worry about that.


As you may have already discovered transmutation is specific to that one item - if you equip a different shield it will have a different skin and if you want the one you're using now back you will need to transmute your new one. But when you're levelling up you'll find better equipment quite often so it's probably not worth spending transmutation charges to change it every time.

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Will agree with the notion that you really shouldn't waste your transmutation charges on gear that will eventually be swapped out. Also, yes - by equipping an item, that skin gets added to your wardrobe. You can apply that skin as many times as you have transmutation charges. If you like the skin, but don't want to soulbind it (mainly because you're holding the item for another character), the "Add to Wardrobe" command adds the skin but makes the item account-bound.

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It occurs to me that @"merkaveteran.8064" may have meant "I applied a 'skin' object to a shield. Can I unapply it and get the skin object back?". And of course, the answer is no, but the act of transmuting *to* a skin has the effect of unlocking that skin in your wardrobe, at which point you just use the wardrobe tab of the Hero panel to apply the skin to your new shield.


There are five ways to unlock object(1) skins in your wardrobe:

* Equip the object.

* Salvage the object.

* Acquire the object, if it is "Account Bound On Acquire" or "Soulbound On Acquire".

* Right click the item in your inventory and select "Unlock in wardrobe". Also account-binds the item if it is not blue or white rarity. For a "skin" object, that option is "Store in wardrobe".

* Apply a skin-object to an item (unlocks the skin-object's skin).


EDIT: if someone knows of another way, don't be shy!


(1) Armour, weapon, back item, breather. In this context, shields are weapons, not armour.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> It occurs to me that @"merkaveteran.8064" may have meant "I applied a 'skin' object to a shield. Can I unapply it and get the skin object back?". And of course, the answer is no, but the act of transmuting *to* a skin has the effect of unlocking that skin in your wardrobe, at which point you just use the wardrobe tab of the Hero panel to apply the skin to your new shield.


> There are five ways to unlock object(1) skins in your wardrobe:

> * Equip the object.

> * Salvage the object.

> * Acquire the object, if it is "Account Bound On Acquire" or "Soulbound On Acquire".

> * Right click the item in your inventory and select "Unlock in wardrobe". Also account-binds the item if it is not blue or white rarity. For a "skin" object, that option is "Store in wardrobe".

> * Apply a skin-object to an item (unlocks the skin-object's skin).


> EDIT: if someone knows of another way, don't be shy!


> (1) Armour, weapon, back item, breather. In this context, shields are weapons, not armour.


Throwing stuff into the mystic forge will also unlock the skin.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> It occurs to me that @"merkaveteran.8064" may have meant "I applied a 'skin' object to a shield. Can I unapply it and get the skin object back?". And of course, the answer is no, but the act of transmuting *to* a skin has the effect of unlocking that skin in your wardrobe, at which point you just use the wardrobe tab of the Hero panel to apply the skin to your new shield.


> There are five ways to unlock object(1) skins in your wardrobe:

> * Equip the object.

> * Salvage the object.

> * Acquire the object, if it is "Account Bound On Acquire" or "Soulbound On Acquire".

> * Right click the item in your inventory and select "Unlock in wardrobe". Also account-binds the item if it is not blue or white rarity. For a "skin" object, that option is "Store in wardrobe".

> * Apply a skin-object to an item (unlocks the skin-object's skin).


> EDIT: if someone knows of another way, don't be shy!


> (1) Armour, weapon, back item, breather. In this context, shields are weapons, not armour.


hi indeed that's what I ment but ive come to relise that I have the shield skin as a unlock now and am able to put it on any shield also to note I had put the skin on a shield that I have got with a level 80 boost so the shield looks pretty end game to me but I might be wrong i had searched the AH for better shields and i was unable to find one as im aware the gear your giving with the level 80 boosts is pretty decent? maybe theres better with crafted gear im new so i don't know a hole lot about guild wars 2 i had bought this game ages but i would allways pick it up then put it down because i simply couldn't get into it thus far im really enjoying it

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The gear you get from the boost is soldier's stat(necro and thief get something else but neither uses a shield). If you were to buy it on the TP it would be the "Soldier's Pearl Shell" but a "Guild Defender" is slightly cheaper. Exactly the same except a different skin.


The only thing "better" would be a different stat combination or an ascended version. Ascended gear is not tradeable(they are all account bound) so you won't see any on the TP.

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