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Shared Accounts Actioned

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> How does ArenaNet know that an account has been shared?


They have not given concrete details, and probably never will, because while obscurity is not security, it can certainly help in some threat models, including this one.


> I NEVER shared my account but I take my laptop with me and play Guild Wars 2 at other peoples internet connections. Do I risk being flagged as a false positive now?


No, you are not at any significant risk of that, unless you are, like, a pilot, and those other people's Internet connections are on the other side of the planet each day or something.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> How does ArenaNet know that an account has been shared?

> I NEVER shared my account but I take my laptop with me and play Guild Wars 2 at other peoples internet connections. Do I risk being flagged as a false positive now?


IP addresses, device fingerprinting, typical schedules of both involved parties, etc.

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I don't pvp much at all, but I had a question. I have 3 computers at my house. Would they confuse the system if I were to get into pvp? Or when I visit my sister's house or a friend's house? ( They have GW2 on their computers. I don't plan on doing pvp at their houses, but I wondered for your system if that'd make a false positive.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Any organization using an online service can track its users by their IP address or even the device used to access their service. It's not that difficult to compare the information of one user against another; especially if it's logged over time. Thy'd have a trend of what's normal for one user and can make detecting anomalies easier. A lot of times it's used as a security measure to protect a user's account.


> This.


> The IP addresses may change location, and hardware signatures may match other accounts that have data showing they belong to completely different people. On top of that, it's theoretically possible you could distinguish different players using machine learning algorithms.


THAT is a big one. It's not just that your account is shown to play in multiple locations. Lets say that someone suddenly starts playing PvP, and over the course of a short time goes to very high ranks despite limited pvp history, and then on TOP of that that players account is logged in to from different hardware in multiple different locations, and then on TOP of that the hardware and/or location logged in from also is known to be used regularly by another high ranked PvPer. I'm not saying that those are the exact checks they do, or the only ones, or even any of the checks done... but it seems likely that is part of it, and there's also likely a very good reason the investigations take a while... they want to be sure.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Silver.2076" said:

> > What about sharing account in PvE or WvW?

> > For example, to get the achivments/items for a friend?


> well, that's eazy.


> pve has no competitive recognition.



> humans versus humans is WAY HUGE difference than facing some crappy AI......


> c'mon bro...too easy




:) Well, I think so too.

Nevertheless the question remains open, because sharing or passing the acc - no matter for what purpose - is still against the TOS, I believe.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> How does one even go about detecting if an account is "shared"?

> I ask, because I play from my desktop and sometimes I play for my laptop on several different IPs. I'd rather that not be mistaken as someone else playing my account. (Though to be fair I generally only pve on my laptop.)


> ~ Kovu


I highly doubt you would be sanctioned for that, im sure they look further into it than a simple ip like if the ip's are in different states or countries and the one ip is used only for extremely successful pvp matches not balanced to the other ip. I wouldnt sweat that im sure thousands of ppl play from differing ip's.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > To sum it up:

> >

> > Don’t cheat.


> Don't get cought you mean :)


I think the only time you won't be caught is when you're lucky enough to have a friend who is amazing at PvP. Invite the friend over to play on your PC and reap the rewards. Just buy him/her a drink afterwards.

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The competitive trades deal in real world money. The kind of money that puts bread on the table. Not mystic coins like in raids.


Prestigious rewards and titles versus humans do not compare to playing against AI.


No one is rated against Dhuum. It does not make sense to compare the two things,


If you have questions about this, ask the devs in a private conversation. You are not going to gain support from players in thinking what the devs do in protecting our community is wrong.

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> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > To sum it up:

> > >

> > > Don’t cheat.

> >

> > Don't get cought you mean :)


> I think the only time you won't be caught is when you're lucky enough to have a friend who is amazing at PvP. Invite the friend over to play on your PC and reap the rewards. Just buy him/her a drink afterwards.


I think you are right. Even Anet partner wasn't smart enough to avoid detection.

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> @"Blue.1207" said:

> >Additionally, we’ve rolled back the accounts to a state prior to the end of the season.


> Awesome! Now do this for OTHER previous players who hold the "God/Goddess of PvP" title.


God/Goddess of PvP


v = roman version of u.

u = oo


so it's really God/Goddess of Poop

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> @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> > @"Blue.1207" said:

> > >Additionally, we’ve rolled back the accounts to a state prior to the end of the season.

> >

> > Awesome! Now do this for OTHER previous players who hold the "God/Goddess of PvP" title.


> God/Goddess of PvP


> v = roman version of u.

> u = oo


> so it's really God/Goddess of Poop


Funny because poop?

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> @"Silver.2076" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Silver.2076" said:

> > > What about sharing account in PvE or WvW?

> > > For example, to get the achivments/items for a friend?

> >

> > well, that's eazy.

> >

> > pve has no competitive recognition.

> >

> >

> > humans versus humans is WAY HUGE difference than facing some crappy AI......

> >

> > c'mon bro...too easy

> >

> >


> :) Well, I think so too.

> Nevertheless the question remains open, because sharing or passing the acc - no matter for what purpose - is still against the TOS, I believe.


How would you go about that though... You essentially remain off the grid so to speak if you account share for WvW or PvE....


PvP has a small community, so it's obvious when account sharing is happening, combine that with rankings or a form of skill meter and it becomes very clear... If account sharing was going on in PvE/WvW, the only ones who would pick up on that are friends or guildies and it comes down to those people if they report or not....

(I knew brothers that shared an account a long time ago for WvW, also met parents and kids who share accounts too, it's pretty common from what I know.... Even I let my 3 year old run around for 5-10 mins from time to time, she even beat someone in the FFA PvP lobby about 4 days ago by button mashing)

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The socially correct thing to do is to not cheat, but the reality is that people tend to settle for not getting caught. It's a fact of life.


ANet is manually handling these cases which is great, you want to be sure it's really harmful account sharing going on. I'm aware "family sharing" happens but if it's not visibly in violation of ANet's policies and threaten their regulatory power if ignored, their judgement can be fair on those.


You can compare this to say, the arid desert of SWTOR where the devs have evaporated and players don't feel secure.


Or Warframe, where just logging into a different account on the same network (especially net cafes), could get you an automated ban and need dev attention to lift.


>@"sephiroth.4217" said:

>Even I let my 3 year old run around for 5-10 mins from time to time, she even beat someone in the FFA PvP lobby about 4 days ago by button mashing

Stop taking away my excuses for losing.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> >@"sephiroth.4217" said:

> >Even I let my 3 year old run around for 5-10 mins from time to time, she even beat someone in the FFA PvP lobby about 4 days ago by button mashing

> Stop taking away my excuses for losing.



Good to know I'm not the only one then, mine figured out what the Windows key does and where the walking key bind is :sweat_smile:

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> The socially correct thing to do is to not cheat, but the reality is that people tend to settle for not getting caught. It's a fact of life.


Yup. Which is also why the best way to reduce cheating is to increase the *percieved* chance of being caught. The severity of the punishment actually makes very little difference, compared to changing how much risk people see of getting any punishment at all.


This is part of why I keep poking at ANet with the idea that they should publish weekly or monthly "accounts banned" stats. Not why, just "1734 RMT bans, 982 cheating bans, blah blah"


That way you remind people that, hey, they actually catch a whole bunch of people doing these things, and that'll make them think the odds of being caught are higher. The absolute silence about it most of the time leads to the whole "reporting does nothing" meme.

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