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Next specialization to redesign

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I was between Scourge, Mirage and Renegade, but I dont think any profession have such a negative impact on the game as Scourge...in my opinion is responsible to the most boring meta on both WvW and sPvP, I allready said it before, till Anet figure out what to do with him, Scourge should be locked from competitive modes...Mirage may be Top god tier whatever, but I guess a good thief can keep him in check or a Spellbreaker might do the job to, but Scourge is just pre-nerf DH on steroids, give him a FB buddy and prepare to have lots of fun lol Ranegade really needs to fixed to viable on sPvP and WvW, honestly i have no idea what do to with him lol, maybe give a breakbar to Summons so they dont get insta CC to death, or raise the radius from their effect a little bit, something maybe like Warrior banners so it might have some uses on WvW...i dont know, something must be done cause right now is just really bad lol...as for Mirage, guess the community allready wasted to much time telling Anet what to do to make Mirage balanced without being broken OP, but looks like Anet ignored our suggestions, which may suggest that they are happy with how Mirage is and have no plans to change it.

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I was between Scourge, Mirage and Renegade, but I dont think any profession have such a negative impact on the game as Scourge...in my opinion is responsible to the most boring meta on both WvW and sPvP, I allready said it before, till Anet figure out what to do with him, Scourge should be locked from competitive modes...Mirage may be Top god tier whatever, but I guess a good thief can keep him in check or a Spellbreaker might do the job to, but Scourge is just pre-nerf DH on steroids, give him a FB buddy and prepare to have lots of fun lol Ranegade really needs to fixed to viable on sPvP and WvW, honestly i have no idea what do to with him lol, maybe give a breakbar to Summons so they dont get insta CC to death, or raise the radius from their effect a little bit, something maybe like Warrior banners so it might have some uses on WvW...i dont know, something must be done cause right now is just really bad lol...as for Mirage, guess the community allready wasted to much time telling Anet what to do to make Mirage balanced without being broken OP, but looks like Anet ignored our suggestions, which may suggest that they are happy with how Mirage is and have no plans to change it.

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Renegade is possibly the most underwhelming elite spec released in GW2's expansions, and one of the most uninspired.


The charr spirits are a generic, less interesting version of Ventari's tablet and Glint's auras. But while you can move the tablet around, and while you have unique energy management with glint, the spirits are boring, fire-and-forget skills. They are, literally, a worse version of what the profession already offered before.


Shortbow's kit is weird and without much synergy with itself or everything else. It's also genetic.


The new F skills are, guess what? Generic filler. They don't add anything interesting to the class or the way it is played. Just a bunch of additional fire-and-forget stuff.


The "portal arrow" concept is mostly underdeveloped/ irrelevant, without any interesting, unique gemplay mechanic behind it, despite its potential. The "warband" concept is also underwhelming, because you never feel like you're part of a warband.


Renegade also does nothing, nor does it acknowledge, revenant's core design issues (energy management is poorly balanced and leads to a bland gameplay experience in PvE, not unlike mesmer pre-rework). In fact, it only worsened the problem somewhat, especially at launch.


The only thing it truly offers to the class is boring statistical power creep (a passive that literally gives you free stats, without offering as much engaging gameplay patterns as it promises) and a ranged condition weapon, and even at that it is underwhelming.


Everything about this elite spec is mediocre at best. Generic, uninspired, bland, and unable to offer interesting and new gameplay mechanics for the few interesting concepts it was based around.

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Nothing in its current state is ever going to replace firebrand as the support on the team, unless Anet makes a new elite spec that spams 5k mapwide heals with no CD.


Getting **15 new skills without giving up anything**, just for taking the Firebrand line is absurd. I think it'd be better if the tomes would become elites (maybe buff them or reduce CD if needed). That way FB would have to choose what to build for.


FB reminds me of GW1 monks - there were 3 main archetypes: smiting, protection, and healing. A single build could only be good at 1 thing - prot monks mitigated damage and cleansed conditions, healing monks did big heals, smiting monks mitigated damage while also reflecting some back to its source and sometimes CC'd targets.


In GW2 **FB is allowed to do all 3 in 1 build**, it's ridiculous.


**Tl;DR** Tomes should be elites (like they were at release), not baselne stuff for the elite spec.

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Renegade and Deadeye, but Renegade *really* needs a change ASAP.


First of all, fix Kalla. Give the spirits permanent stability, stronger damage, a lot more health, maybe make them chase the enemy. As a cost, make the AoEs smaller.


Next, shortbow. What a ridiculously designed weapon. It is the first shortbow weapon in the game without survivability options. Pair this with Renegade's already-fragile state. Ranger has quick shot (an evade) and Thief has disabling shot (also an evade) and infiltrator's arrow for mobility.


Deadeye is fine but Malice enhancing stealth attacks is so dumb IMO. Stealth is such a gimmicky mechanic anyway which makes me clueless as to why Malice focuses primarily on it. Would've been better to leave Malice to enhance stats such as power and condition damage while keeping the current system that encourages attacking rather than waiting. I also think rifle should have quicker skills--quicker cast times and projectiles to better suit the new Malice change.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Core necro and core revenant.

> Since ultimately reaper need some work and scourge need some work on core necro in order to be redesigned while renegade's issue is just due to the whole core revenant's cluncky mechanism.

Revenant needs a core profession update for the same reason Mesmer had one: their profession mechanics are/ were not fine tuned to offer interesting gameplay patterns.


Renegade is a whole other issue, and needs an update itself.

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Here's what needs the most work done in PvP IMO, in descending order (most work needed to least)


1. Core Revenant - Lacking any purpose

2. Core Engineer - Simply too underwhelming, still balanced for vanilla GW2, too difficult to use for too little reward. Has no real defense against current powercreep.

3. Core Elementalist - I don't think I've even seen one of these in PvP since HoT launched




Notice a trend? The three most complex core classes need some serious work. Because they're the most complex, they're also least likely to get the attention they need.




4. Scourge - Its fundamental mechanics are busted in sPvP. Numbers adjustments won't fix this except to either make it overbearingly powerful, or absurdly weak.

5. Herald - Not in a good place.

6. Scrapper - What little work was done has not solved the real problems with scrapper.

7. Renegade - I don't know enough about it (because I rarely see it), but I can tell it needs some work.

8. Core Necro - Core necro is in an awkward place. It's not bad, per se, but compared to Reaper or Scourge, it's laughable.

9. Weaver - Adjustments necessary to tune down instant casts, but also beef up channeled/casted skills.

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Renegade probably needs it the most, but I think that spec needs a complete rework from the ground up that go far far beyond just a few tweaks. If they overbuff the spec, it could become Scourge 2.0. I would honestly like for Kalla to function completely differently than it does now, with the summons being completely scrapped That is an unrealistic change, but personally what I think the spec needs.

In all selfishness though, I would rather have core revenant given some TLC more than anything.

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renegade easily,


give the spec a focus, currently it sucks at both condi and power.

redo shortbow entirely, it is terrible!


remove the need for "a valid path" between the player and the location that they want to summon spirits, there is no need for it.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Nothing in its current state is ever going to replace firebrand as the support on the team, unless Anet makes a new elite spec that spams 5k mapwide heals with no CD.


> Getting **15 new skills without giving up anything**, just for taking the Firebrand line is absurd. I think it'd be better if the tomes would become elites (maybe buff them or reduce CD if needed). That way FB would have to choose what to build for.


> FB reminds me of GW1 monks - there were 3 main archetypes: smiting, protection, and healing. A single build could only be good at 1 thing - prot monks mitigated damage and cleansed conditions, healing monks did big heals, smiting monks mitigated damage while also reflecting some back to its source and sometimes CC'd targets.


> In GW2 **FB is allowed to do all 3 in 1 build**, it's ridiculous.


> **Tl;DR** Tomes should be elites (like they were at release), not baselne stuff for the elite spec.


I agree that FB could use some nerfs here and there, but removing his virtues and turning them into elites? RIP Firebrand lol unless those elites get mega buffed to compensate that would be a step on wrong direction.

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First renegarde, because its utlity are both worthless and very boring. I hope they remove them and do something with the hole "portal" thing they introduced which I do find appealing.


Then scourge, which is aids to play against in PvP, especially in a game that revolves around staying in small circles to capture a point...

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Mine was between Soulbeast and Renegade, but in the end I’m gonna vote selfishly, so I’d rather see the spec I’d actually play get reworked than another one.soulbeast is good overall, but the traits and weapon just feel and look incredibly bad if you ask me.

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