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What does Scribe crafting give you?

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Honest answer ... no. *sad*

Guild banners can be bought via the guild mission currency (if you want to use them regularly) and the consumables are not worth it at all.

Sadly, scribing and Guild Halls has been abandoned by Anet's Developers with the exception of event decorations.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> If a person is not into WvW or Guild Hall decorating, is the Scribe worth it?


No. Even if you are into WvW it pretty much isn't worth it: it is a super-expensive profession to level, so y'all are better finding someone in your guild and donating to them to get it up, and then having them manufacture the bits. If everyone tried, the guild overall'd be, like, 300g per person less wealthy...

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Scribing might be useful to the guild as a whole, but for an individual player it is only a loss. All the potentially useful buffs (writs) you can make through it are so overpriced that not even the most pro crowd ever considers using them. Banners are far more easily available for commendations. And all the rest falls within "WvW or guild decorating".


It's mostly a failed (and abandoned) design. The things it is good for should have been done differently, through a guild-based mechanic instead of individual one. And for the things that are fit for a player-based mechanic, it is definitely _not_ good for.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> I had pondered if it was worth taking scribing just to craft the baseline 10% gathering and magic find banners. I cba with guild missions, too boring.


A rough estimate I made for the 10% gathering Banner is at around 75s (due to Wool & Soft Wood mostly), so buying them via Commendations is cheaper. The question is: are 75s really that much and not easily gathered by a few minutes of Elder Wood lumber jacking ?

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When ppl ask me about Scribing I completely, totally and utterly deter them from levelling it. The cost to simply level scribing is outrageous and the actual mechanics of how scribing functions is arduous.


It is a quirky system that requires materials from the scribes inventory/storage and some from the Guild storage but the majority comes from my own inventory. Perhaps the intent was for guilds to use the GB as a mat storage area for their Scribes but even in my large guilds, I have never seen this happen so it is generally left to the Scribe themselves to use whatever materials they have to craft. I spend most of my time Crafting WvW Siege for my guild and I take a huge hit financially for doing this but I don't mind because I use the siege as well.


With the exception of a couple of items, once you craft something, it is sent to the Processing Line where you have to go and manually moving each item through "processing" so it is built and then deposited in the Guild Storage. So if I craft a stack of 40 Arrow Carts, I literally have to click and drag each one down into the processing line. I can queue up to 9 in advance but it is still a lengthy process. As I write this, i have been in the Guild Hall for just over an hour, processing 40 Arrow Carts and 40 Trebs for my guild... but at least it gave me time to write this response. ;)


Other than the Sigil of Concentration and Sigil of Transference, there is no personal benefit. If, you are after either of the Sigils, I tell ppl to just send their Guild scribe the mats, and have them craft it for you or just buy them on the TP.


Save yourself the grief, avoid Scribing. :)

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Zushada is right about the annoyance of having to trot over to the processor. I like to pop up a BL express, the scribe vendor, and the craft station all at once so I can buy only the mats needed for the item at hand as I go. When making higher tier decorations that need lower tier ones as components, I have to close all the windows, go process, then go back and open them all up again and re-select the thing I'm making. I haven't bothered making decorations since maxing Scribe, which took me a very long time post HoT launch due to the resource issues of not having a guild funneling me mats for the purpose.


Other than the satisfaction of maxing all crafts and being able to make furnishings for guildies, the one individual reward from leveling it is that you get the backpack skins, and the lower tiers of those are pretty good, plausible things to wear on one's back.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > I had pondered if it was worth taking scribing just to craft the baseline 10% gathering and magic find banners. I cba with guild missions, too boring.


> A rough estimate I made for the 10% gathering Banner is at around 75s (due to Wool & Soft Wood mostly), so buying them via Commendations is cheaper. The question is: are 75s really that much and not easily gathered by a few minutes of Elder Wood lumber jacking ?

In this you completely ignore the massive cost of just leveling scribing up. This is not so insignificant.


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Scribing is giving me big fun at GH decoration. I rarely use it for else. I enjoy that, but it is true that it remains a once in a while activity. In comparison, when I recall how much time, efforts and money it did cost me, for me personally, it is definitely not worth it.

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You will get some achievement points, but I found leveling Scribing to be complicated and expensive, even with a [GW2Crafts Guide](http://gw2crafts.net/scribe.html "GW2Crafts Guide") as the guide uses recipes which are not always available to the player who levels it. (Based on guild I think)


It is probably not worth it, unless you really like to get the achievement points associated with leveling this crafting profession.

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