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Too Much DAMAGE.


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Firebrand can spam 7+ stacks of burning and even when cleared do it again.


Mirage can somehow get 17 stacks of confusion on you in the blink of an eye (no scepter #3)


Deadeye with the stealth spam and massive burst.


Holosmith with the literal instakills with holo leap doing 5k, prime light beam doing 6k+ (because release true shot was clearly balanced, lets give a knockback to this one)


Scourge with the 8+ condis in 1 second (ft. at least 3 stacks of burning)


Soulbeast still unkillable.


I got nothing for weaver or renegade, I guess they're balanced? Or comparatively very undertuned.

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> @Zeald.4596 said:

> I used to be able to 1v2 and hold off 1v3s for awhile. Now even with almost every action i do clears condis im getting 1 tick killed left and right in pvp/wvw. The boon currupt and stripping plus condi damage is absolutely over the top.


This is what should be considered broken! I prefer fast games to unkillable healer druids /ventari sitting on the point...I fully accept boonrip galore to get rid of boonbot bunkers sitting on the point trolling


**P.S PoF elite are supposed to be DPS specs, people should get used to the idea**

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Damage has been out of whack since 2013-14.

* People keep crying because their classes aren't strong enough.

* Anet slowly and arbitrarily powercreeps everything.

* People complain that things are too strong.

* Anet makes everyone more passively invulnerable to direct damage.

* PvP condi meta sets in.

* Condition Stack update completely breaks PvE.

* New specs come into existence with conditions in mind so they can compete in PvE. Ranger pets start doing astronomical damage and are made unkillable in PvE.

* Everything is powercreeped in PvP again to help with survivability.

* Power specs suffer even more; these then receive even more arbitrary buffs in order compete with condition specs (they still don't).


All this resulted in was absurd damage for no reason, and the only thing to stop it are a few cooldowns that people now have stapled to everyone's bars. If those cooldowns aren't up, you blow up, and many fights are entirely pre-determined by hard counters (people won't actively fight other players because they know that Class 1 beats Class 2). GW2 combat is more about using movement skills on terrain than it is going toe-to-toe with another player.


Everything needs to come down drastically. The line between PvP and PvE could be preserved without separating every skill, so long as boss HP is just adjusted accordingly over an experimental period. PvE is just numbers, and because of the spreadsheets and powercreep there, PvP has become a bigger joke than it ever has been.

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> @Silinsar.6298 said:

> The whole concept of elite specs has been a joke since HoT though. Balance wise, they were "supposed" to be sidegrades and allow a different playstyle.


The problem with this approach is that GW2 was already reaching critical saturation in build variety long before HoT came out. Meta PvE/PvP builds were pretty much established, and there isn't much to do in GW2 aside from DPS. Even with the addition of "healer specs," Conditions and Power do the exact same thing; one is going to beat out the other without giving any purpose to the one left behind. If you want side-grades, Conditions need to do something that isn't Power Damage, and the game should shed a lot of traits, utilities and weapons so as to create and preserve purpose for a core set of choices that are left in. Truth be told, though, it's probably far too late for any meaningful changes.

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> @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > @Zeald.4596 said:

> > I used to be able to 1v2 and hold off 1v3s for awhile. Now even with almost every action i do clears condis im getting 1 tick killed left and right in pvp/wvw. The boon currupt and stripping plus condi damage is absolutely over the top.


> This is what should be considered broken! I prefer fast games to unkillable healer druids /ventari sitting on the point...I fully accept boonrip galore to get rid of boonbot bunkers sitting on the point trolling


> **P.S PoF elite are supposed to be DPS specs, people should get used to the idea**


The problem with this is that everyone is cleaving so when you put four or five together "fast games" is a fuckin mess rather than good gameplay Some supports are not bunkers. Maybe fast game works better for 1v1 even then the depth is lost especially with how this is going you just spike once and target can die you pressed a few buttons first and won maybe two maybe three of them and that was game.


Id rather fight over mid all game with monks and the game gets judged off kills during two teams that cant kill through good monks than cater to someone wanting "fast game" making the entire combat a shitfest

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Only thing i think is doing overwhelming damage right now is scourge but I'm not sure if that's because it's really too powerful or if it's because we are not used to fighting this kind of condi dps.


The best way to describe it is if power shatter mes were condi and it's spike were aoe except that unlike mes, the shatters are stationary, indestructible and targetable. which means the best way to deal with it is to stay away from the shades and not dive bomb into a point, but unfortunately that's what most players tend to do.


I've made the mistake plenty of times of tunnel visioning into a point and ignoring that it's covered in shades. mostly because i get cocky on support FB and think i can cleanse everything (i can if all cds are up).

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Apolo, would it surprise you that Anet know all about it? Yes, that's right and guess what?? They've been knowing about it since gw2 release? They even went so far enough in creating a thread solely for players feedbacks regarding what concerns them about the game problems and nor forgetting asking for their inputs regarding bugs, game economic and mechanics.


3 years later, what has become of players inputs, concerns and their suggestions?


You be the Judge


(Posted 3 years ago)

"Things we know" by Anet



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