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Night capping needs to go....like 5 years ago.


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I know people don't take the "week" scheme of WvW seriously because winning means literally nothing....but as of right now I'm sitting in an outnumbered EBG with like 3 people watching a guild group of ~15 people just destroy everything. NSP and WvW hype?

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> @"Ceriph.3518" said:

> I know people don't take the "week" scheme of WvW seriously because winning means literally nothing....but as of right now I'm sitting in an outnumbered EBG with like 3 people watching a guild group of ~15 people just destroy everything. NSP and WvW hype?


How would you propose to solve this, without preventing people from playing WvW during the time they have free?

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> How would you propose to solve this, without preventing people from playing WvW during the time they have free?


The community worked hard to work out many proposals for that. But it was ignored till it was to late. The skirmish system now balance it a bit. You only get a skirmish win per 2h, but you no longer get 10 times as much score-difference during the night than during primetime.


But since some years it's irrelevant, as every Veteran sees the scoring as irrelevant, at best it is something to manipulate to meet the opponent you want to meet.


Nightcapping is now mostly: force your primetime population into matches they cannot stand.

That's ok, as it's self regulating, i.e. **people that night-cap harm their own server** , by taking away fight-balance for the majority of the population :)


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So called "night capping" is just a misconstrued view of coverage. Alliances are not going to fix this type of thing but it will probably even out general activity as a whole where the majority of activity happens. Just play as you can, every week is not always win week and I know it's frustrating (my alt is on yb and we have to fight 2 servers at same time in our corner all the time).

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> So called "night capping" is just a misconstrued view of coverage. Alliances are not going to fix this type of thing but it will probably even out general activity as a whole where the majority of activity happens. Just play as you can, every week is not always win week and I know it's frustrating (my alt is on yb and we have to fight 2 servers at same time in our corner all the time).


Even with alliances blob/queue agaisnt small number of players aka the Ktrain momentum will happen.


the just do as u can, i think that's the whole game in 3 word, ignore the results, its temporary and it counts for nothing, that m8 also be translated has "lack of strucutre" but when a game allows full queu vs empty servers/maps cause that is what the game is about, not much can help it....

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > So called "night capping" is just a misconstrued view of coverage. Alliances are not going to fix this type of thing but it will probably even out general activity as a whole where the majority of activity happens. Just play as you can, every week is not always win week and I know it's frustrating (my alt is on yb and we have to fight 2 servers at same time in our corner all the time).


> Even with alliances blob/queue agaisnt small number of players aka the Ktrain momentum will happen.


> the just do as u can, i think that's the whole game in 3 word, ignore the results, its temporary and it counts for nothing, that m8 also be translated has "lack of strucutre" but when a game allows full queu vs empty servers/maps cause that is what the game is about, not much can help it....


I agree

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Any game/match that last longer than the average player's time (like 15 minutes to 2 hours) is going to have "coverage" issues. So, who ever plays diligently the longest wins. Obviously persistence is a fundamental design to WvW that probably won't change. Don't expect it to be "competitive" or "balanced" any time soon.


3 way is suppose to allow 2 teams to gang up on 1. Most times in practice it's usually to farm the weaker for points. Only rarely does player regulation kick in on the "strongest," and even still it isn't necessarily a great experience. This can sometimes help with coverage, but isn't really a direct solution for it.


TLDR: Use more supply traps against those 15, ANET ain't saving you any time _soon_. D:

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > How would you propose to solve this, without preventing people from playing WvW during the time they have free?


> The community worked hard to work out many proposals for that. But it was ignored till it was to late. The skirmish system now balance it a bit. You only get a skirmish win per 2h, but you no longer get 10 times as much score-difference during the night than during primetime.


> But since some years it's irrelevant, as every Veteran sees the scoring as irrelevant, at best it is something to manipulate to meet the opponent you want to meet.


> Nightcapping is now mostly: force your primetime population into matches they cannot stand.

> That's ok, as it's self regulating, i.e. **people that night-cap harm their own server** , by taking away fight-balance for the majority of the population :)



Oh you mean the NA community that discriminates against pandas, sugarcane, and other indigenous creatures that don't play in NA time zones?

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> No I mean a handful off-time-capper can push and keep any T4 Server into T1 such that the majority has infinite fun facing blackgate over and over again :)


The key to stop that is to blow up your community TS/discord/teamchat that you don't want these filthy pandas on your server. And that you're canadian, so your opinion matters more! If you're american, you make sure you tell them to sing the national anthem before all their raids or they won't be welcomed on your server!

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> No I mean a handful off-time-capper can push and keep any T4 Server into T1 such that the majority has infinite fun facing blackgate over and over again :)


has a nsp player i had fun figthing BG. (except when ur scourge group alone is begget than nsp+link group ahahhahaah)


We are now back to the 3-10 man most of time, on late EU we get 20-30 for 2h/3h then server goes afk xD

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You seriously can't expect to have even matches and even numbers for a game mode that's open 24/7.


Skirmishes took a big step in reining in overnight capping, in which scores use to run away very often with one server building 10-20k score gaps a night.


Everyone seems to forget the second part of the alliance system, and that's balancing the time zones with players when they create the worlds. It won't be perfect, but in the future you wouldn't get a superstacked ocx like SoS in the beginning, or a superstacked sea like DB back in the day, unless players and guilds mass transfers, and then at that point it's on players for that mess again, so you can go back and complain to the players not anet for being dumb about that.


In the outnumbered times your only play is to recap whatever you can whenever you can and hunker down till you get numbers online. If that's something you can't deal with then go spvp to have even teams all the time.


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We have a group that is SEA and it is their evening/night when it is noon hour here. It is very unreasonable to say "night capping" when there are groups that run 24/7. On my server, we do lose a lot on my overnight but that just means we have less players on different time zones and schedules.


I mean in theory you can submit a suggestion that all servers be shut down from 9AM-5PM EDT/EST and then again from 9PM-5AM EDT/EST just to make sure whatever you capped is still there... but something tells me this will get rejected. ;)

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anet would have to get rid of 24 hour server matches and implement like 8-12 hour matches. Then divide servers into na, eu, sea/ocx time. Let players choose the servers based on majority of their hours they can play. like 6/9 na prime time servers, 3 eu time, 3 ocx/sea.

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> We have a group that is SEA and they are saying it is their evening/night when we are saying it is noon hour. Very unreasonable to say "night capping" when there are groups that run 24/7. We do lose a lot on my server overnight but that just means we have less players on different time zones and schedules.


> I mean in theory you can submit a suggestion that all servers be shut down from 9AM-5PM EDT/EST and then again from 9PM-5AM EDT/EST just to make sure whatever you capped is still there... but something tells me this will get rejected. ;)


Rejected by whom? Off hours players will obviously want to keep their dominance so there's no winning them over with debate.


I was thinking more like open the servers at maybe 10-11am est and close them around 3am est. Gets rid of most of the chinese and australian ppting while still having plenty of active hours.

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> @"godofcows.2451" said:

> a year ago or two, a proposal by anet to reduce the points garnered at offpeak times was mentioned. idk what happened to this.


It was supposed to be part of skirmishes.

They chickened out on off-prime nerfs.

So off prime still controls placement andthe skirmishes were a waste of effort.


Annoy 30,000 for 300

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