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What about battling over ships?

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> @"Skynet.7201" said:

> I think fundamentally changing WvW like that is a horrible idea, and not what many of us bought the game for.


> And, no offense, that looks boring

I think the current state of world versus world is boring as hell. Things get less boring when there is change. I would love to see any change that could bring more fights and more players into WvW. As far as I am concerned get rid of keeps and camps so I can just have fun open-field fights and not have a certain server sit in their keeps and refuse to leave....

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> @"Seals Are Angels.3058" said:

> > @"Skynet.7201" said:

> > I think fundamentally changing WvW like that is a horrible idea, and not what many of us bought the game for.

> >

> > And, no offense, that looks boring

> I think the current state of world versus world is boring as hell. Things get less boring when there is change. I would love to see any change that could bring more fights and more players into WvW. As far as I am concerned get rid of keeps and camps so I can just have fun open-field fights and not have a certain server sit in their keeps and refuse to leave....


Are you assuming roughly even number for those folks in the keep? Or are you looking to outnumber and steamroll everyone?

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> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> # Grappling

> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Reach_(skill)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Reach_(skill) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Reach_(skill)")

> - "**Launch a grappling vine to pull yourself to the targeted point.**"


> If only grappling existed in GW2... I can only imagine it would look similar to whatever game this is #Joking :+1:


> On a more serious note... I rather not have people be able to use it in combat because the mobility would be OP. Other than that... Perhaps give it limited uses in some manner that's similar and/or give a decent CD.


> -P.S. Grappling can involve a whole new Item/Skill. That functions in a similar way. I'm not saying it has to be the same as what I linked here.


There you go! Grappling and airships already in the game. So all we have to do is bring these things to a ded map like eotm and we're set. :)


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> @"Seals Are Angels.3058" said:

> > @"Skynet.7201" said:

> > I think fundamentally changing WvW like that is a horrible idea, and not what many of us bought the game for.

> >

> > And, no offense, that looks boring

> I think the current state of world versus world is boring as hell. Things get less boring when there is change. I would love to see any change that could bring more fights and more players into WvW. As far as I am concerned get rid of keeps and camps so I can just have fun open-field fights and not have a certain server sit in their keeps and refuse to leave....


I love that idea!!! It will probably never happen, but that would be awesome.

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  • 6 months later...

> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> kitten, looks like a lot of games are doing this pirate type theme like atlas. I feel you mix ships and loot with gw2 wvw combat and you blow every other game out the water.



Ignoring the necroing. You do realise the pirate themed games failed hard, right? Atlas and Sea of Thieves being the major misses. Not that the theme was to blame (more of an execution problem), but it certainly doesn't guarantee success.



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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > kitten, looks like a lot of games are doing this pirate type theme like atlas. I feel you mix ships and loot with gw2 wvw combat and you blow every other game out the water.

> >


> Ignoring the necroing. You do realise the pirate themed games failed hard, right? Atlas and Sea of Thieves being the major misses. Not that the theme was to blame (more of an execution problem), but it certainly doesn't guarantee success.


> D:


I dunno if it make arenanet big bucks(if done right it will easy) but ships are a better system than towers, keeps, castles etc.. the ships log out with the crew so rip night capping, chance to steal players ship/loot upping the stakes in wvw which the gamemode needs and you can steal some of these players and streamers from the other games that see the amazing combat gw2 has with all the ship stuff added in.

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It is nice to see a thread that differ from the run of the mill here, even if the topic overreaches a bit.


The concept of "active warchests" of sorts that you could upgrade and downgrade based on results is cool and would work with certain elements of WvW.


**However, and as others have noted:**


It generally does better in a guild-oriented FFA than an RvR mode (even if it could fit into RvRvR models too). An extension of that is that it fits better onto larger maps with more areas to put your "ship" on (even if it wouldn't require claiming predefined areas). In a swath of other games it has also always been a rather difficult feat to balance such player resources and design engaging mechanics for interacting with them so it is a more delicate thing to keep under upkept balance (something A-net are not known for when it comes to WvW). It would take alot of time to develop, be a completely different mode and with that be more fit for a GW3 or for when all other WvW things are adressed.


**That last bit is the most important:**


There are so many other fundamental changes that WvW really needs that also envelope the capture mechanics so they need them, before the capture mechanics becomes a needed change themselves. This could be an interesting change to discuss, somewhere years down the line, given current WvW pace.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > kitten, looks like a lot of games are doing this pirate type theme like atlas. I feel you mix ships and loot with gw2 wvw combat and you blow every other game out the water.

> > >

> >

> > Ignoring the necroing. You do realise the pirate themed games failed hard, right? Atlas and Sea of Thieves being the major misses. Not that the theme was to blame (more of an execution problem), but it certainly doesn't guarantee success.

> >

> > D:


> I dunno if it make arenanet big bucks(if done right it will easy) but ships are a better system than towers, keeps, castles etc.. the ships log out with the crew so rip night capping, chance to steal players ship/loot upping the stakes in wvw which the gamemode needs and you can steal some of these players and streamers from the other games that see the amazing combat gw2 has with all the ship stuff added in.

Yeah no. Not going to happen unless by "pirate ship" you actually just mean that dingie in bay with an added cannon in the front and now moving slowly in circles on a set path.


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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:


> It generally does better in a guild-oriented FFA than an RvR mode


Well, atm they're working on alliances since servers aka REALMS mean nothing at all and it's hard to balance the game with this model.. Alliances would fit in perfect with this model as they're using alliances in Atlas and WA.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Well, atm they're working on alliances since servers aka REALMS mean nothing at all and it's hard to balance the game with this model.. Alliances would fit in perfect with this model as they're using alliances in Atlas and WA.

Given the nomenclature that is a common misconception. The project is commonly referred to as Alliances but the mode is not being re-focused around alliances. What they are doing is changing _servers_ into _battlegroups_ which is still essentially _realms_ or _worlds_. They are just using _guilds_ or _alliances_ as midtier building blocks within that system to ensure a spread and shuffle of pre-organized groups. A-net themselves call it World restructuring, _world_ stay in focus.


A more apt illustrative name for it now would be Server linking 2.0 because that is seemingly more the effect it will have than anything else as things look.



Having servers or battlegroups does not really change any of the points raised. Instead, if we do look at the restructuring itself, whatever guild- or server communities we had that were interested in forming alliances when this re-design was first unveiled have all essentially collapsed by now. While we can't tell what the future holds in store in terms of players and their player-groups comming back to try the new system it should also not be underestimated how much collapse we have seen in the past year. I mainly play an alt-account on a EU tier 1 server at the moment and even reset nights there's 20 or so people comming on coms to see the matchup and look at each other wondering if we can get a tag at all. That's the remaining level of organisation at tier 1, there are no stable guilds left, I wouldn't even dare to look at the bottom tiers.


Again, I'm not looking to be a doom-sayer (nore does it affect my personal gameplay enough to make me negative for that sake; with multiple accounts on multiple servers in multiple guilds) **and** enough player-groups may return to try a new system built a bit more around them (to iron out the worst anti-social or anti-mode issues that plague the mode as a whole), but on the daily pass of things alone there won't be more alliances than there are wagon servers today and that would make the entire restructure pointless and all effort wasted. So the new system itself hinges more and more on returning players while we are being hinted and prepared on that the system will be quite barebones and more of a foundation to build from. That makes me afraid of its ability to keep returning players past the trying out, there might not even be a fad.


That ties into this topic as well, since even if a true guild-centric gameplay system could be an incentive for new guilds to form (and I'm certainly not with those people who claim old games can't re-ignite spark), there isn't much of an existing foundation to build guild-centric gameplay around at the moment so such a system would also entirely hinge on new or returning player-groups. That is quite risky, especially given the scope of such a project. We're quickly collapsing to a point where a true RvR system (three megaservers) is the easiest way to dampen the fall. That is what the current system is gravitating the playerbase towards anyway in terms of leadership. There are about three servers worth of guilds and experienced commanders left and while new players trickle in, they come to follow tags anonymously, nothing else and nothing else is encouraged from the developers. This makes public WvW play look more and more like PvE map farm with all that implies. The ongoing project was dimensioned for the resources available a full year of no concrete updates ago or a bit less to be covered by returning groups. Now it hinges entirely on returning organized players or we're looking at three battlegroups and some spill.




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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:


> > It generally does better in a guild-oriented FFA than an RvR mode


> Well, atm they're working on alliances since servers aka REALMS mean nothing at all and it's hard to balance the game with this model.. Alliances would fit in perfect with this model as they're using alliances in Atlas and WA.


I think the whole problem is that people seem to think the word devs shoukd be used in plural while we all know it is only 1 guy working alone in WvW and it is not even full time, so lets just call him by his name, we love you Raymond btw.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> Such a big change with unpredictable outcome as it comes with a complete different gameplay.

> Better to focus what is more important, manageable and deliverable within reasonable timeline.


What's really a big change in gameplay? Add ships take away towers/keeps/camps/castles. Get on the ship and have the same type of fights you would on ebg in smc or wherever. The ships would be the guilds/players instead of the server is all which is way better concept since not many care about the current structures in WVW atm. Capture or destroy ships! "Today we took [some random guilds] ship it was full of scholar runes!" or "We Destroyed {random guild] ship last night! it was an insane battle!"

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Because the wvw community gave the designers such a optimistic response the _last_ time they introduced a new (and gorgeous) map.

That was sarcasm, they didn't. (Yes, I know some of the concerns were valid. But a whole lot of people were right pissed and pretty toxic about it.)

I'm not against moving objectives in general, but if the Arah dungeon taught me anything, its that this game's engine doesn't really handle moving (relative to the environment) but otherwise stationary surfaces especially well.


~ Kovu

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > Such a big change with unpredictable outcome as it comes with a complete different gameplay.

> > Better to focus what is more important, manageable and deliverable within reasonable timeline.


> What's really a big change in gameplay? Add ships take away towers/keeps/camps/castles. Get on the ship and have the same type of fights you would on ebg in smc or wherever. The ships would be the guilds/players instead of the server is all which is way better concept since not many care about the current structures in WVW atm. Capture or destroy ships! "Today we took [some random guilds] ship it was full of scholar runes!" or "We Destroyed {random guild] ship last night! it was an insane battle!"


You already mention the change.


If you really want to play ship, then, go play those games.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Instead of camps, towers, keeps and castles that don't mean much how about us making our own ships like Worlds Adrift and battling over resources and ships? The battles would actually mean something and could spice up WvW bigtime. Take a look at the video and even though the combat isn't even close to GW2 the devs could learn something from games like this and implement these things into WvW.




> The ships in WVW could be a lot bigger.


> Blobs would have big slow ships and roamers would have small quick ones i guess. Would be interesting.




"The inspiration for World versus World came from Dark Age of Camelot's realm vs. realm battles."




The "devs could learn something from" https://camelotunchained.com/v3/


...You should try to come up with realistic and rational suggestions. It should be easy to figure out why your idea would be a "no" if you spend some time thinking about it.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I think Anet really missed an opportunity when they didnt make the EWP into an EAS (Emergency AirShip). With the gliders, we got the tools we needed to use floating waypoints and it would fix a **major** gripe with the EWP at the same time, ie camping the point.



This is an awesome idea imo. Though i'd miss ewp bag farms I still get a kick out of seeing a gliding zerg xD



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