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recycle dungeons into single player challenges

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Pretty much the title. Dungeons seem to have a problem of not occupying any useful niche, their role in the game having been taken over by newer content since their creation. To answer this, I feel dungeons should be remade into single player challenges, maybe with rotating weekly rule sets and rewards based on how fast you clear them. Thoughts?

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It could bring legendary amulet so you could show your personal skill. Right now there is no item that proves you are a skilled player. Legendary armor or back piece? You can buy literally everything so it doesn't prove anything. It would have to be real challenge because right now the only hard part of raids for example is to find people who don't fake their LI.

I believe we need solo/duo challenge game mode because sometimes you don't have time and it's hard to find a group late night. Besides it would be a good selling point of new expansion. Lets face it only minority does dungeons right now so it's pretty much dead content and it's a huge waste. Don't get me wrong I like to play with others but I get annoyed when I can't do my daily fractals + CM's for like 2+ hours. Of course you can do solo dungeons now and I did that but the only reward for this is your satisfaction and I got bored with it pretty fast. Dungeons were not designed to be solo game mode.

So let's sum it:

- It would make a good reason to buy new expansion (allowed to solo mode when you have expansion) - why not keep old dungeons and allow to play reworked solo mode when you have an expansion?

- It would be a good solution for people who have issues with finding people to play (it can be an issue if you come home late after work and you still want to play GW2 because you love the game)

- New game modes so everyone would find something they enjoy (solo/duo, 5 man, 10 man)

- Game mode that requires your improvement and bring satisfaction when you learn how to beat the boss.


The whole comment is a bit chaotic but I hope you will understand what I mean ;)

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> I wonder if the hurt it would do to the current dungeonpopulation would be worth it?


The answer is most likely a resounding "no". Not due to the state of the dungeon population, but due to the craptons of work that would have to go into all the dungeons' spaghetti code and other stuff required for such a rework. The likelihood of such single player challenges being broadly accepted by the community isn't high enough to justify that effort.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> but you can already solo almost all paths easily. whats to recycle? they would only need to remake the mechanics that require more than 1 person


I mean I think its fair to say dungeons werent designed specifically to be solo content, so I mean remake them with that in mind specifically with new gimmicks that rotate on a weekly basis? Its just more content made out of content that's already existent so presumably this would be an easy way to recycle dead stuff into new interesting stuff.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > I wonder if the hurt it would do to the current dungeonpopulation would be worth it?


> The answer is most likely a resounding "no". Not due to the state of the dungeon population, but due to the craptons of work that would have to go into all the dungeons' spaghetti code and other stuff required for such a rework. The likelihood of such single player challenges being broadly accepted by the community isn't high enough to justify that effort.


But would it be cheaper and easier than creating this same idea but from the ground up? Realistically all they need is the art and sound assets.

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> I gotta ask, wouldn't it be easier to just rework the reward tables to make the dungeons more attractive content again? People don't play them because they don't typically get anything worthwhile out of it.


1. they wont rework it because its free to play content

2. people dont play them because they are bored of them

3. people dont play them because they think the rewards are bad and not worth it while that's not true unless you compare them to farming fractals but dung tours aren't rly farms

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> I gotta ask, wouldn't it be easier to just rework the reward tables to make the dungeons more attractive content again? People don't play them because they don't typically get anything worthwhile out of it.


You could, but then the question becomes why have two sets of content that fulfill the same goal and compete for attention (Fractals and Dungeons) its pretty much the same experience but less rewarding and less streamlined.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > I wonder if the hurt it would do to the current dungeonpopulation would be worth it?


> The answer is most likely a resounding "no". Not due to the state of the dungeon population, but due to the craptons of work that would have to go into all the dungeons' spaghetti code and other stuff required for such a rework. The likelihood of such single player challenges being broadly accepted by the community isn't high enough to justify that effort.


Yeah, sadly, the same reason that dungeon development stopped, and effort went to fractals, is the same reason reworking them any other way is unlikely to happen.


I'd personally be *extremely* excited to see their assets, maps, and paths reused for fractals: in the current structure, or as a separate, parallel structure. That'd be great, IMO. It's sad that the content and the challenges are mostly wasted, because I do enjoy them, but ... sadly, I have not much hope. ANet, hear our plea, make dungeon paths into fractals or something!

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> > I gotta ask, wouldn't it be easier to just rework the reward tables to make the dungeons more attractive content again? People don't play them because they don't typically get anything worthwhile out of it.


> 1. they wont rework it because its free to play content

> 2. people dont play them because they are bored of them

> 3. people dont play them because they think the rewards are bad and not worth it while that's not true unless you compare them to farming fractals but dung tours aren't rly farms


Nothing worth spending/ gotten everything with tokens & the lack of challenge doesn't help too. Imo Anet can't remove the content because some of the story is tied to dungeons. It's easy to complete dungeons with minimum player requirements or even solo for capable players.


Maybe suggest to place NPC helpers to help players? Tho I'm not sure how the A.I will work, backfires (eg. The NPC staying in range of lifesteals/ feeding grubs to Lupi), exploited and full party + A.I helpers will overkill dungeons.

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> @"Devoneaux.6302" said:

> Pretty much the title. Dungeons seem to have a problem of not occupying any useful niche, their role in the game having been taken over by newer content since their creation. To answer this, I feel dungeons should be remade into single player challenges, maybe with rotating weekly rule sets and rewards based on how fast you clear them. Thoughts?


I propose another thing:

Make so that players can choose to do dungeon alone or in squad and if they choose to do it alone, they'll get greater rewards (+33% value) on a level close to fractals. That way you revive dungeon content, encourage dungeon to be more like hardcore single player content for skilled players and people who can't find a squad or is more of a lone wolf in GW2, they will do dungeons more often.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> but you can already solo almost all paths easily. whats to recycle? they would only need to remake the mechanics that require more than 1 person


Not sure what you're smoking, maybe if you are in full ascended/legendary or you have warrior/guardian class. I tried to do 'Crucible of Eternity' with my high end exotic set weaver, I can't kill more than 2 bosses (story mode), third one is 3 guys stunning and giving damage to you, I don't have that much stability, so I get raped.

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> @"DarkSork.8637" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > but you can already solo almost all paths easily. whats to recycle? they would only need to remake the mechanics that require more than 1 person


> Not sure what you're smoking, maybe if you are in full ascended/legendary or you have warrior/guardian class. I tried to do 'Crucible of Eternity' with my high end exotic set weaver, I can't kill more than 2 bosses (story mode), third one is 3 guys stunning and giving damage to you, I don't have that much stability, so I get kitten.


im not bad at the game so im suddenly smoking something? if you have problems with exotic weaver set and can't kill story mode bosses, watch this and maybe try getting better instead of making excuses.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"DarkSork.8637" said:

> > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > but you can already solo almost all paths easily. whats to recycle? they would only need to remake the mechanics that require more than 1 person

> >

> > Not sure what you're smoking, maybe if you are in full ascended/legendary or you have warrior/guardian class. I tried to do 'Crucible of Eternity' with my high end exotic set weaver, I can't kill more than 2 bosses (story mode), third one is 3 guys stunning and giving damage to you, I don't have that much stability, so I get kitten.


> im not bad at the game so im suddenly smoking something? if you have problems with exotic weaver set and can't kill story mode bosses, watch this and maybe try getting better instead of making excuses.



Dude :

1. He is exploiting a 'bug'.

2. 'Crucible of Eternity' is much harder, this is just 1 target, I can use s/d to sustain myself constantly with a boss, no problem, difficulty is with multiple targets, some with CC.

3. This game is not my life, it's a game, so I hope that is for vast majority of people, who don't spend loosing years of their life.

4.Considering my wvw rank I must be a decent player, so show me level 33 with that specific dungeon, your video proves nothing.

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> @"DarkSork.8637" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > @"DarkSork.8637" said:

> > > > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > > but you can already solo almost all paths easily. whats to recycle? they would only need to remake the mechanics that require more than 1 person

> > >

> > > Not sure what you're smoking, maybe if you are in full ascended/legendary or you have warrior/guardian class. I tried to do 'Crucible of Eternity' with my high end exotic set weaver, I can't kill more than 2 bosses (story mode), third one is 3 guys stunning and giving damage to you, I don't have that much stability, so I get kitten.

> >

> > im not bad at the game so im suddenly smoking something? if you have problems with exotic weaver set and can't kill story mode bosses, watch this and maybe try getting better instead of making excuses.

> >


> Dude :

> 1. He is exploiting a 'bug'.

> 2. 'Crucible of Eternity' is much harder, this is just 1 target, I can use s/d to sustain myself constantly with a boss, no problem, difficulty is with multiple targets, some with CC.

> 3. This game is not my life, it's a game, so I hope that is for vast majority of people, who don't spend loosing years of their life.

> 4.Considering my wvw rank I must be a decent player, so show me level 33 with that specific dungeon, your video proves nothing.


wvw have nothing to do with dungeons and a level 33 in a level 70 dungeon come on.

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As much as I love dungeons, I doubt anet will do anything. People have been crying about dungeons for a while. Every time they try to make a fix that people ask, people will cry that they don't want the fix and they will go back and it will do this back and forth. People can never be satisfied which is why anet has put dungeons on the backburner. I really believe thats why they didn't add new dungeons with the latest expansions. They are tired, they are tired of the community yelling at them when they try to fix things or do things right. Sadly I doubt we will get anywhere.

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> @"DarkSork.8637" said:

> Dude :

> 1. He is exploiting a 'bug'.

> 2. 'Crucible of Eternity' is much harder, this is just 1 target, I can use s/d to sustain myself constantly with a boss, no problem, difficulty is with multiple targets, some with CC.

> 3. This game is not my life, it's a game, so I hope that is for vast majority of people, who don't spend loosing years of their life.

> 4.Considering my wvw rank I must be a decent player, so show me level 33 with that specific dungeon, your video proves nothing.


1. no, he is using terrain to his advantage and jumping over shockwaves.

2. ever heard of sandstorm or burst? you are the problem not the mobs or bosses - people have soloed coe on many classes numerous times

3. well, don't whine about not being good at it then if you're casual.

4. the video shows that you need to get better, not bitter

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> @"Devoneaux.6302" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > but you can already solo almost all paths easily. whats to recycle? they would only need to remake the mechanics that require more than 1 person


> I mean I think its fair to say dungeons werent designed specifically to be solo content, so I mean remake them with that in mind specifically with new gimmicks that rotate on a weekly basis? Its just more content made out of content that's already existent so presumably this would be an easy way to recycle dead stuff into new interesting stuff.


I'm affraid anet's prefer to develop fractal content with your request than old dungeon content.


All in all, dungeons are fine as is. For veteran they are no longer a challenge but most "inexperienced" (with those dungeons) players can find them very challenging. I think fractal is the content that can be made in such a way that it can adapt to the number of players that challenge it because it already own the ability to vary in difficulty.


> the video shows that you need to get better, not bitter


Epic! Thought I cannot recall any path truly soloable in crucible of eternity... there seem to always be a part where you need to be at least 2 if not 4.

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I think dungeons should absolutely be reworked to be single content, just give them all the Arah Story Mode treatment so that way they can be done by those who want to do them without any fear of needing a group.


They wouldn’t need to tweak the rewards or the the mechanics like at all, it’d just be some number tweaks and removing a few levers here/there or setting a timer IE hit all 5 in X time stuff so it’d be doable with one player.

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Yeah, no. If they rework dungeons, it'll most likely be the same people doing them unless they're too easy, then the current dungeon population has no where else to go. I know plenty of groups that do dungeon tours weekly, and a chunk do them daily.


Dungeons are currently the most profitable piece of content in the game, not Istan, not 96 fractal farming, not whatever you think is better. Dungeons are in a fine spot, the community's opinion on them isn't.

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