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Can anet break the max level 10k in WvW?


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I have a friend was bothered by this for a long time.

He already reached 10k about 1 year ago and he always complained to me reaching the max level which lowers his motivation to keep playing WvW.

btw he is a commander when we still can level up but he is stuck at 10k which is no fair to him.

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What exactly does he feel is missing? Is it the lvl up loot? Don't really see how getting WvW ability points stops him as he maxed that 9k levels ago.


The new pip system was made to reward players of higher level, as not only do you finish the weekly chests way faster but you get alot more loot than the rest if you keep repeating the diamond chest. The reason is the reward track boosters in them, that you get at a fast rate because of the extra pips making you complete the reward track of your choice at a faster pace. This more than makes up for the 2 pieces of rare gear you get every lvl up in WvW currencywise.


If his issue is with not feeling progression, or seeing a number rise then naturally that has nothing to do with WvW and just his preference in general, as you are bound progress slower in any game as you reach that magical 100%, same with gw2 achievements.


More importantly, if he plays WvW for the ranks and don't seem to get the motivation without then it might be worth looking at alternatives in other modes, like achievements, PvP ranks, masteries, titles, skins and so forth. This game offer a wide variety of "completionist" long term goals. There is always the possibility for him to start an alt account and begin from scratch also, if he feels that would make the experience more enjoyable.


In the end if you keep grinding in any game you will usually reach the max one way or the other, which your friend already did. So either he can enjoy the benefits (extra loot and prestige) or start over if he misses that feeling of progression. I do agree however that they could add the mastery solution to WvW ranks once you hit the cap.

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> @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> They should raise it to 100k and make the points useable for stuff like magic find, karma, gold gain, reward track gain etc.



People who easy trained their way to 10k already got their rewards. There are other things to farm in wvw now, do those instead.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> > They should raise it to 100k and make the points useable for stuff like magic find, karma, gold gain, reward track gain etc.


> NO.

> People who easy trained their way to 10k already got their rewards. There are other things to farm in wvw now, do those instead.


So what difference does it make it Anet raises it, them raising it does not affect your game play in any way, the way some players in this game get on when it comes to things like this are shocking, NO I don't have it, therefore NO one else should have it.


Anet should raise the levels, im guessing when they put in 10k they thought it would take a lot longer to get, and fact is id say most players who have hit 10k probably did abuse the old OS farming trick to get levels far faster.


On the flip side its shocking that like 9000 levels are useless and its bad that Anet has not introduced tracks that increase MF, Karma, Gold find, WxP, reward track boosts from these levels, even if they where WvW only features.


Like every 20 levels is 1% towards MF, Karma, WXP etc, that's 2000 levels to get 100% extra, they could do this for each boost


MF - 2000 levels

Karma - 2000 levels

WxP - 2000 levels,


Of course that could be adjusted, but you get the idea, it gives players something to work toward.



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Your friend is chasing a temporary high anyhow. After about 100 hours of playing WvW there isn't much left WvW can offer him. Increasing the max level is still meaningless in the current form (it was meaningless after 2k rank too or whenever mastery points stop being spent).


At best you can do something like points into MF/Karma/WxP. Just feels like a [skinner Box](https://www.google.com/search?q=skinner+box+definition&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS725US725&oq=Skinner+box+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.2016j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 "Skinner Box") at that point.

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You still get rank up loot as you repeat 10k over and over so you don't miss out on loot. Once I hit 10k I stopped having ranks as a vague goal and started having kill count goals instead.

I do understand the mentality of needing some kind of goal to be aiming toward, but you can set yourself artificial ones that work just as well.


I'd rather they make these thousands of spare points useful and offer skins or some other cosmetic things for them. Nothing to give you an advantage in combat.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> I've seen some 10k rank players who were lightly put garbage .. i.e. running full trps dh thats the only build they learned in eotm. Then they scream 'zomg dey focuses me cuz i r diamond.' No you just walked into 30 guys and overextended.


but.... if I see diamond especially.. I definitely focus them. I saw one diamond guy once standing and watching "his" people fighting. He was standing on the overpass by Vale like he was the master watching his students. A guardian.... yes a noble sort... I'm just a soulbeast... and frankly guardians are hard for me to kill... but... he died. Oddly he didn't come back to idly stand in that spot again anytime soon... go figure.. I thought for sure he'd come back to prove his mettle... but nope.. bah...

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> If you're playing WvW solely to see your rank number go up, you maybe need to think about moving on to something else. It's just a number that has no bearing on gameplay whatsoever. Play the game because you enjoy how it plays, or play something else.


Totally agree! If anything I don't want my rank to go up. I'm Platinum and that puts enough of a target on me as it is. People just love to go after pretty much anything gold and up. They can super slow down the wxp for all I care.. lol.. just keep those trash goodies coming so I have something to salvage! ;)

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I'm torn, because I think most of the players that have reached 10k have done so by either farming eotm when you still could or by being on a stacked server where ranks come easy, in which case I feel those players rank is reward enough, at the same time though, I'm sure there are some 10k'ers that sweated it out in the trenches doing nothing but wvw for the last 6 years. I feel 1 of those groups "earned" their rank and deserves something, but there's no way to separate who's worthy and who isn't according to my measuring stick.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> I'm torn, because I think most of the players that have reached 10k have done so by either farming eotm when you still could or by being on a stacked server where ranks come easy, in which case I feel those players rank is reward enough, at the same time though, I'm sure there are some 10k'ers that sweated it out in the trenches doing nothing but wvw for the last 6 years. I feel 1 of those groups "earned" their rank and deserves something, but there's no way to separate who's worthy and who isn't according to my measuring stick.


This describes it perfectly. If they don't like the status quo, there are plenty of other games they could go play too.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> fact is id say most players who have hit 10k probably did abuse the old OS farming trick to get levels far faster.


Fact? you don't even have a clue what you are talking about, people were abusing OS to get ultimate dominator, not to get ranks...



> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> Increasing the max level is still meaningless in the current form (it was meaningless after 2k rank too or whenever mastery points stop being spent).



You could say the same about the pvp rank being previously maxed at 80, but they increased that probably to allow a sense of further progression, the same could be done for WvW rank, what is meaningless to you is not meaningless to everyone.

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On the OP's topic: Personally, I play WvW for the thrill of massing up with my people and beating the HELL of the enemy! :sunglasses: Crushing their bones into Lootbags is usually payment enough. :+1:


I've been playing GW2 since a little after launch and have been WvW'ing not long after that (about 5.7 years or so with 12K hours in GW2 overall.)


Like many of us, 90%+ of my time has been spent "in" WvW (not in EotM... not in the OS), and I personally gain about 1000 ranks per year, similar to what one person said above. And I achieved Ultimate Dominator right around my 5 year mark. I'm currently sitting at 5.8K rank - Mithril General.


I think players that play WvW like I do and have been playing _since launch_ (or around this time) will be hitting [Diamond rank soon, which starts at 6.4K ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience "Diamond rank soon, which starts at 6.4K. ") and goes to 10K. So for folks like me, that have been playing WvW since launch, we'll turn Diamond in the next year just by just playing regular WvW. So expect to see more Diamonds running around as this group naturally progresses in WvW Rank.

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