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What race in your opinion should get more attention, and which one got it too much?


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I think Norn and Charr should get more time in the story.


After Season 3 the Norn are upset, even though some of them could think that 'crashing the Tooth' is just a fairy tale, I think deep in their hearts they wanted their mortal enemy to be killed. And I think many of them were disappointed. Also Braham said that just when they were approaching Jormag, he just fall asleep, so they must have made a really long way if they met the dragon, they must have killed a lot of enemies. So their whole journey was in vain. I wonder what future story will this bring, and will they ever follow the Commander's command while Joko is threatening them too. Will they join the Commander or not?


Also after seeing the Olmakhan I'm eager to find out if this forgotten part of this race will meet with the Tyrian part. What problems will this bring? Will they be able to join their different styles of fight? Will some of Tyrian charr join the Olmakhan or maybe the Olmakhan charr will join one of the legions?


Sylvari got some time in the story, but some most interesting plots weren't yet explained like the famous Malyck's tree plot, or the newest one with Caithe- where was she while Aurene was flying off Tarir? Why didn't she join the Commander in the Deserts? Even she would be pretty helpful in the battle for Kodash Bazaar, why didn't she even join the celebration in Amnoon? What's the deal with her?


The races that get a lot of time in the story are Asura and Human.


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Kryta and Krytan Humans get too much attention. Why is most of GW: Nightfall in ruins and all but lost? Why is Elonian Civilisation all but destroyed? Why is Ebonhawke the last city of human-Ascalon been ignored? Why did Devona not have a descendant like Gwen and Keiran? Why has Logan been all but forgotten? Why are the humans so backward in technology and magic over 200 years after the events of the first game?

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Humans are the main protagonists in the story. The Sylvaris were the focus of the Hot expansion. Although we have been loosely getting content/lore on the Asuras through Rata Novus and now the Charr through the Olmakhan, I believe we could really get so much more. I think it's time for the Norns to get some spotlight and pretty anyone but the Humans and Sylvaris. Charr legion politics really intrigues me. I want to know more!!

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Some more lore about the skritt, even though we have a few story instances where we can interact with them we don't really know a lot about them. And story wise it would be cool to implement like a huge city of skritt researching more about thr dragons. As we all know they get smater when they are together so if they are all together in a huge city their amount of knowledge would be amazing. Also why do they get smarter when they are together? I can also see the asura investigate this to get smarter and eventualy trying to take over tyria.

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> @"DarkGamer.8497" said:

> Some more lore about the skritt, even though we have a few story instances where we can interact with them we don't really know a lot about them. And story wise it would be cool to implement like a huge city of skritt researching more about thr dragons. As we all know they get smater when they are together so if they are all together in a huge city their amount of knowledge would be amazing. Also why do they get smarter when they are together? I can also see the asura investigate this to get smarter and eventualy trying to take over tyria.


i'm pretty sure all of this is already in game

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> @"DarkGamer.8497" said:

> There is a bit of lore about the skritt but that's it. I have looked in a lot of places and talked to a lot of npc's who might have something to do with them but i would like more :) because for all the things we do know about them there is so much we don't know.


all the questions you've raised and suggestions you've made are already answered/in game:

the skritt have a city called Skrittsburgh in Brisban Wildlands.

we know why they get smarter when more are together. they communicate quickly to the point they become a hive-mind (think a bunch of weak pc's linked together to become a strong one).

and there's an heart event in metrica where you help asura research the skritt's intellect.

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I main an Elonian human, so I'm a bit biased, but I would love to see more Norn. How is Braham dealing with being seen as a new Norn leader? Did the human gods want the Spirits of the Wild to leave with them? If so, why did the spirits refuse? I love how loyal the spirits are to the Norn instead of running away like the human gods.


Not interested in charr other than the Olmakhan; Tyrian charr always rubbed me the wrong way with their fahrars and I'd much rather see more of the cool nature cats who have proper families and are still super strong. Their cubs can raise giant sand monsters, like holy -! Meanwhile, Tyrian cubs are out there needing to be babysat as they play at warbands and run around old ruins.

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I think it's a mistake to assume that races need equal time in the story. I'm more interested in whether the story ANet wants to tell is interesting, whether the gameplay is fun. I'd be okay if 80% of the stories revolved around humans, with the other races there for local color mostly, as long as it makes a good game. In contrast, I'd hate to see ANet take us to Ascalon just because we haven't been there much.

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Sylvari - They are okay when it comes to attention.


Asura - I would like to see them getting more attention, but not just in the form of the Inquest. Maybe something more about their ancient history, or discovering parallel cultures, similar to the Olmakhan charr. That would be cool.


Norn - As much as I dislike Norn, their lack of attention in the lore is obvious.


Charr - They deserve more attention for sure. Alongside humans, they had the biggest impact on Central Tyria's history, yet there are so many things hidden about them. How is their territory big in total? Where are the lands of Ash and Blood legion and how is it different there compared to Ascalon? How will be the relationship between Olmakhan and the legions? There are plenty of opportunities to give them more attention in the game.


Human - They definitely get the most attention. And as long as we don't get Cantha, I say there should be more!!

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Charr: Too much Rytlock. But I am biased anyway, as I don't like Charr.

Norn: They could need some more attention, but I hate Braham with a passion. As a race however, Norn are incredible. They fight, they feast, they party hard. Not necessarily in that order, but they are simply straight forward, and I love that.

Asura: Actually, they don't get THAT much attention. They simply are necessary because their science contributes to the plot, but thats all. Give me some more Zojja, some more Inquest and some greater Alchemy.

Sylvari: They had their spotlight, and now they feel like Anet dropped them. Whats with the pale tree?

Humans: As a diehard human fan, I actually want MORE humans. Especially after pretty much everyone from GW1 met a terrible fate. I want a fucking happy end, be it for the Ascalonians, the Elonians, whatever! (If we ever get to Cantha, only to find out that all the ppl from GW1 there also met a terrible end... well, I am obviously not going to quit, bt I'd be pissed.)

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> @"Lethanyr.3576" said:

> I'd wote for Norn. But not revolving around Braham, actually he progressed to such a dislikable character, that even if he get a redemption story or change in his behaviour I will never like him.


If we're talking about story characters it's Taimi and Rox I'd want more of.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > @"Lethanyr.3576" said:

> > I'd wote for Norn. But not revolving around Braham, actually he progressed to such a dislikable character, that even if he get a redemption story or change in his behaviour I will never like him.


> If we're talking about story characters it's Taimi and Rox I'd want more of.


I can wholeheartedly agree, Taimi is certainly on my toplist of most liked characters :)

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*Humans: got a lot of attention, but sometimes not the right one. I liked the building up of the story of the white mantle and the mursaat. Bloodstone Fenn was amazing :D. But the story had no satisfying ending for me, because the PC kills a certain NPC at the end of The Last Chance (S3 E6). That sadly destroyed this storyarc for me. The human story has so much great potential, but Arenanet have problems with creating a satisfying conclusion. I think the humans have the best potential for a more political story that makes the player question their (ideological) choices. The human story should dare more, and not go for an easy black-white story. Allow the player character to make mistakes.

*Sylvari: This race is lucky to have the best main stroy. But HoT did not deliver what most sylvari players were hoping for. They should get more attention

*Norn: Get very few attention, but I dont mind. In my opinion the norn miss just so much. In most norn stories you could easily replace them with another race. Most races have their own themes and vibe, but the norn really miss that. Also most races have nice main characters, but braham is so annoying. RIP Eir.

*Charr: Olmakhan were nice and I really like rytlock ^^.

*Asura: Gets enough attention. I want more blish and taimi :).


Tengu should have more attention. I really like them.

The Exalted have too much attention; I like the mursaat, seers and forgotten way more then them.

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I like to see NORN and CHARR at 1st focus and Asura is2nd


NORN - Claw of Jormag inside mainhall someday we will damage it broke it and craft it to make a grand hunt.

CHARR - Clear problem all over neighborhood madghost/madman/manflame/madpurplecrystal.

Asura - Seek for solve problem or more trouble?

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> @"brenda.9723" said:


> *Humans: got a lot of attention, but sometimes not the right one. I liked the building up of the story of the white mantle and the mursaat. Bloodstone Fenn was amazing :D. But the story had no satisfying ending for me, because the PC kills a certain NPC at the end of The Last Chance (S3 E6). That sadly destroyed this storyarc for me. The human story has so much great potential, but Arenanet have problems with creating a satisfying conclusion. I think the humans have the best potential for a more political story that makes the player question their (ideological) choices. The human story should dare more, and not go for an easy black-white story. Allow the player character to make mistakes.

> *Sylvari: This race is lucky to have the best main stroy. But HoT did not deliver what most sylvari players were hoping for. They should get more attention

> *Norn: Get very few attention, but I dont mind. In my opinion the norn miss just so much. In most norn stories you could easily replace them with another race. Most races have their own themes and vibe, but the norn really miss that. Also most races have nice main characters, but braham is so annoying. RIP Eir.

> *Charr: Olmakhan were nice and I really like rytlock ^^.

> *Asura: Gets enough attention. I want more blish and taimi :).


> Tengu should have more attention. I really like them.

> The Exalted have too much attention; I like the mursaat, seers and forgotten way more then them.


The Exalted don't really have too much attention- they have a very balanced and interesting plot.


I don't know if you completed Season 3 already, but if you didn't there only one mursaat is still there. But don't expect any fireworks with it.


The Forgotten- I totally agree with that, though! This race is the most interesting and most mysterious one in this game- they even had the wisdom that the gods didn't- there were sharing each other knowledge about the balance of the whole Universe- presumably. Same as the Gods, they came from somewhere else to Tyria. And we had never had any conversation with them. And they purified Glint, they helped her to set up the plans for the world balance, they are the most interesting beings in this game.

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