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Permanent No downstate? What class are you? Anonymous poll


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There's another poll already asking whether you want no downstate to be permanent or not.


**I'm curious of those who want Permanent No Downstate, what is the main class you are running for this event?**


I've been running on my mirage. I'm not exactly pro downstate, but I see the attraction to that especially since I run a no stealth mirage build so a lot of times it can be difficult to get stomps off. On the other hand there has been no satisfaction for me in killing like it's an arcade shooter, little less loot and no finishers. I still believe combat balance will need to happen, even more so when you take out the buffer that downstate provides, maybe going forward they should look at "improving downstate" and maybe take out rally.

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I'm Elementalist and I feel too fragile for the change to be permanent. I've been blown up too many times already during the event.

Normally, i consider the Elementalist to be fragile already in WvW, and the no-downstate does not improve this fragility.


I still like the event for the WXP bonus, but I focus on capping, not on zerging.

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You really needed a multi class option, I might spend late evening pewpewing on my ranger but I spend the same amount of time at least on my melee rev. Although what I suspect you are really curious about is what playstyle the people are that are enjoying no downstate?


I hope at the very least Anet thinks about toning down the effectiveness of down state and the associated skills, traits and runes, etc. It's been really eye opening to see just how much gameplay is focused around making player error's unpunishing, rather than players being focused on supporting LIVE team mates and improving their game pre death >.>


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I'm core guard only running renewed focus as a source of invuln/block outside of lulaegis. I have no problem predicting the incoming nukes ard getting properly positioned.


I see so many people who still want to run their full damage eles when they too have access to at least 1 invuln skill they can use when their positioning doesnt pay off.

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I play multi class, and I've finally since ages got fair 1 vs 2. Because now if i can kill 1 of the 2 attacking i actually have the chance even at low health to put up a fight vs the other guy, or at least get the satisfaction of killing one of them, and not seeing the other one res on my death. Outside the small skirmishes that have now have a real impact when you kill someone, I feel like the change might be good in www. Yeah you can get oneshotted and then you out and respawn, but to be honest imo is worste to stay down trying to res. There's only one big problem with no downstate: all the traits related to downstate ressing etc are useless. I think of necro because i generally play it the most (even though i mostly roam with warrior or engi), for example bloodmagic is almost an entire line based for necrosupport via resseing downstate(transfusion, wells) ppl or not make them bleed(last rites). If this change would ever be implemented, Anet should rework a lot of traits and a lot skills that res ppl.

So to sum it up, this change makes small fights better and larger scale fights now actually require attention and perfect position to avoid death, which reduce the time that 2 zerg can fight each other since the one with less ppl start to die in a snowball effect, this can give smaller a more coordinated group a chance vs zerg that now can't perma res ppl.

Idk if it should implemented or not, there are a lot of things to fix in the game to make no downstate works, especially all skills and trait related to it. What i can say for sure is that's it's fun. Maybe make a map only for no downstate? and keep the rest as it is?

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> Although what I suspect you are really curious about is what playstyle the people are that are enjoying no downstate?


Yes that is what I'm curious about. I'm sure a lot of people play multiple classes already depending on their mood/situation they play every day, if I could have made the poll multiple choice I would have. I am wondering what classes players are mostly playing for the event, regardless of roam/havoc/zerg situations because I'm sure players are playing as they normally would anyways. I decided to just go the quick and easy way and find out the main class they're playing.


Again everyone should feel free to list the other classes and for what situations they are playing them. Did anyone feel the need to change to something specific this week? (please, scrappers, we already know).

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Ive done fairly well on my Spellbreaker so far. Definately see a rise in one shot builds though. And curious enough, I’m now seeing Heralds quite a bit more. As in, every few roamers (all I do is roam and smallscale), I get a Herald. People getting one-shot power hungry lol

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Multi class here. Usually Ele or Necro for zerg play, and mes or something else if I'm roaming. Even the roaming varies depending on whether I'm solo or small havoc group. Could take or leave the whole no downstate thing. It has its positives, but I hate how chickens**t it's made so many people.

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Core guard, no 25% movement passive nor swiftness and I have no issue getting back to the group if I die, which honestly isn't much more often than with downstate. 21k hp and i've been 1 shot once the entire time by a mithril thief by deserved the kill? (Finishing diamond now). Maybe people just need to learn that you don't play wvw without 21k hp, thats basically the threshold to react and properly retaliate to any attack. Valkyrie gear running radiant hammer.

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