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Should we be able to send more mails without getting the message: "your message was suppressed.."

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When I wanted to send two mails to a friend I got a message after the FIRST email that the message was suppressed due to excessive messaging ..

I was just logged in and it was the first email I sent. Immediately afterwards I received the message: "your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging" .. i send ONE mail to a friend .. that's not excessive.

Immediately afterwards I received the message: "your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging" .. i mailed ONE friend .. that's not excessive.


I understand that this measure is meant to prevent advertising and illigal sellers, etc., but can we think about increasing the number of mails that we can sent, for example 5 mails.


What is your opinion about this?


P.S. sorry if not everything is explained clearly, English is not my best language :astonished:

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Did a lot of dungeon runs to finish my dungeon collections.

Most people don't bother getting dungeon specific food, so I usually bought food for all the dungeons I planned doing that run.

Now...I had to email those to the party. Oh joy oh joy "your message was suppressed"

Would be nice to increase the limit to 5-10 emails for those in the same party/squad/guild/fiend list.

Guess we should not hold our breath tho until this might get implemented.


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I definitely think it should be higher than 1 before kicking in (which it sounds like this is unintended and being worked on), but I do not see there being many common occasions for needing to send more than about 4 in the span of seconds to under a minute.


In the case of prepping for a dungeon (sending food items to the other 4 members of a party or coin/items afterward), and with raids, perhaps the algorithm could detect that you are in a full party of 5 or a full squad of 10 and temporarily boost the message limit higher.


With this temporary relaxation of the restriction after verifying your party/squad status and count, it might help prevent message abuse by gold sellers/spammers that an outright increase of the limit would permit. I can't imagine many gold sellers can fill entire parties or squads in order to trigger the increased allowance of message sending, though they clearly could join parties/squads via LFG in order to gain the relaxed restriction. Perhaps a timer of needing to be in a party/squad for so long before it is relaxed would help alleviate that as an issue. I don't know, but perhaps it is an idea ArenaNet can consider looking into to see if it would be a viable option for resolving this issue.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > I can see why they put restrictions on it to stop gold sellers and the like but people on your friends/guild list should be excluded from suppressed.


> So its fine that if you wanna go buy gold etc.. you simply add thegold seller to your friends list.. makes sense...


You will get it on your followers tab rather then your actual friendslist.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > > I can see why they put restrictions on it to stop gold sellers and the like but people on your friends/guild list should be excluded from suppressed.

> >

> > So its fine that if you wanna go buy gold etc.. you simply add thegold seller to your friends list.. makes sense...


> You will get it on your followers tab rather then your actual friendslist.


How to miss the point completely.. whooosh

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The suppression system can become circumvented if one varies the wording a lot. The system detects what words one uses in what order. Repeating the words or actions like sending letters with the same content 1:1 in a row will result in becoming suppressed very fast. This happened to me too when I gifted colors to different guild members, I could send letters to two of them but the third one was suppressed. Afair I used the same title for every letter, didn't write anything there and just attached the colors.


But like in a normal conversation one doesn't say the same sentence every time but reflects on what has been said before, so the words vary a lot. Conversations like these also do not get suppressed in map chat.


I'm not exactly sure about it, but it seems that also linked PoIs and WPs get detected and also count towards the suppression, which makes e.g. announcings for quick respawning events to become suppressed pretty fast if one doesn't pay attention to the wording. Though changing the words and using synonyms (e.g. champ, champion, super strong mob, big bad spider queen, need help @ [Linked PoI], come to, [Linked WP] event, etc. or activating Mentor/Cdr) should prevent the suppression.

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I don't think it's meaningful to ask us, as players, what we'd prefer since, of course, we want less.


From a player perspective, there should not be any suppression in the game. From an efficient "game management" perspective, there should be a ton — as much as possible to reduce the need to require staff to follow up. There is no perfect balance.


Without seeing the suppression numbers that ANet has (how many messages are suppressed? how many people get suppressed ever? how often? ...) and without the prevention numbers (how many spambots do we have now? how many reports did we used to have? ...), it's hard to know whether the current limits are effective, overkill, or even too little.



> Message supression system has same effect as DRM in games - it is meant to stop bad people from being bad, meanwhile it mostly hurts normal players.

It's demonstrably different: we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us. So it changed the behavior of bad companies. It's also not clear how many normal players are affected or how often. Certainly I'm affected frequently, but many people I know weren't aware that there's any mail suppression, as they rarely need to send multiple emails.



All that said, I'd like ANet to update the overall mechanics so that there was better flexibility. If you're in a 10-person squad or 5-person party, why not be able to send food to everyone? If you're friends with someone for 6 months, why have any limits?

I'm sure there are development reasons why we don't have such features, a cost-benefit analysis that makes it too costly. But, of course, that doesn't stop me wishing it were so.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > I can see why they put restrictions on it to stop gold sellers and the like but people on your friends/guild list should be excluded from suppressed.


> So its fine that if you wanna go buy gold etc.. you simply add thegold seller to your friends list.. makes sense...


The point on the gold seller thing was the spammers who send their spam by mails rather than /map, /say, or /whisper in chat. The spammer isn't on my friend list, nor am I on his (because by reflex I reject weird friend requests that come out of nowhere).

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.


> That's what I call an exaggeration.


You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?

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I do run into this from time to time.


When in a Squad/Party, I would like to see them check that status and then increase the limit. I too have needed to share foods/items with party/squad members and after 2-3 emails gotten the suppression message. This often delays us, as some times it takes almost 20 mins to get 4 emails to go out.


Also, every year at Wintersday, my mesmer Santa Odin, hangs out in some of the major locales and hands out Wintersday Gifts to random people who stop by and say "Hi" or greet myself or others with a "Happy Wintersday", etc. I also host a Wintersday Theme Night in WvW for my home server (Henge of Denravi) and hand out Wintersday gifts to all those who attend and join our Theme Night Squad. These situation also tend to result in the suppression message.


So my suggestion is: Check the "party/squad/friend list" status, and up the limit in those cases. As far as public goes...at least give us 4 or 5 emails before you go suppressing...not start after 2.


Its a QoL thing, so maybe a dev can work it in sometime soon. :)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.

> >

> > That's what I call an exaggeration.


> You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?


Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.

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I think it needs to be fixed, but not necessarily by adding to the number allowed. Guild, party and squad chat should never be blocked. They can be policed by the people in them. Well, maybe party chat needs a little help. But, parties needs a lot of work anyhow. Starting with there always being a leader. Or, at least create a party-like grouping that has a leader.


"Say" chat should have a significantly higher limit.


"Map" chat is fine as is. But, there should be more ways to ban people than just being reported. Anytime someone (in map chat) uses "USD" or "US$" in a post, they should be flagged by the game for observation. There are probably other words to look for as well.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.

> > >

> > > That's what I call an exaggeration.

> >

> > You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?


> Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.


I can only talk personally but I got whispers about twice an hour (I'd block after the first whisper from each new bot) and would get a mail or two a week. Not sure how 'you' want to define it but for it me was quite annoying. I wouldn't say it made the chat not usable or anything but I really don't want it that bad again if we can help it. I do wish for the mail system to be looked at, (which it sounds like they are) I'm sure anet can find a happy medium where maybe people wont love getting hit with suppression when doing mass giveaways but if we can send daily mails and such to friends/guilds without ever noticing that, it would be suffice for me plenty.

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> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.

> > > >

> > > > That's what I call an exaggeration.

> > >

> > > You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?

> >

> > Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.


> I can only talk personally but I got whispers about twice an hour (I'd block after the first whisper from each new bot) and would get a mail or two a week. Not sure how 'you' want to define it but for it me was quite annoying. I wouldn't say it made the chat not usable or anything but I really don't want it that bad again if we can help it. I do wish for the mail system to be looked at, (which it sounds like they are) I'm sure anet can find a happy medium where maybe people wont love getting hit with suppression when doing mass giveaways but if we can send daily mails and such to friends/guilds without ever noticing that, it would be suffice for me plenty.


Twice an hour? A mail or two a week? That's not spamming and doesn't trigger neither current nor old spam filter. Gold sellers are still there and they will always be there. Unless Anet turns off chat entirely.

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