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AFK farming and reports (merged)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Honestly yeah, it's total BS. It DOES harm the economy, and it DOES harm other players.

> > >

> > > I used to farm Elaborate Totems, manually. They were like 24 silver each, and I would load up on magic find food, get a boost etc and go to my farm spot. I'd run around killing any mobs and it was decent money, until I started noticing dreaded Minion Masters standing in a certain spot (just the right place to get their pets to quickly tag and kill the maximized amount of mobs). They were doing the same thing as me, except I was putting in real effort and time, while they were AFK abusing a game mechanic.

> > >

> > > How much are Elaborate Totems now? 10 silver.

> > >

> > > Tell me more about how it doesn't hurt the economy or players.

> >

> > Do you have any source proving that drop of price is caused exclusively by AFK farming? (spoiler: you don't). Game economy died after PoF and it has NOTHING to do with AFK farming. It's too uncommon and too slow.


> Too uncommon and too slow... really.

> Every map has them and many are massed around the same fast respawns.... it's prolific. If you choose to ignore it that's on you but yes it does have an effect on the economy if you choose to look in to it properly. As for being slow.. when your logged 24/7/ 365 farming the same stuff that becomes irrelevant that's why it's afk farming rather than run around play the game farming.

> You can bury your head in the sand if you want but the issue won't fix itself.


I'm not going to create histerical environment based on your personal observation. Give me PROOF that they harm the economy. because you know who destroyed this game economy? ArenaNet. With Istan.

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I spent almost all my time marketing and wile I was at it documenting and turning in marketing botters, which were everywhere driving down prices on everything profitable. After the 1500 accounts got banned recently prices started to hold a higher value in their fluctuation again. That's why the prices were crashing, I sat there watching it in real time day after day.


Speaking of the botting I just want to rub it in the faces of all the people who were coming at me with belligerent ignorance claiming that the bots didn't exist in this thread [gold farmers](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27850/gold-farmers/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27850/gold-farmers/p1"). LOL i'm wandering how many of the really rude and desperate ones got deleted.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > Honestly yeah, it's total BS. It DOES harm the economy, and it DOES harm other players.

> > > >

> > > > I used to farm Elaborate Totems, manually. They were like 24 silver each, and I would load up on magic find food, get a boost etc and go to my farm spot. I'd run around killing any mobs and it was decent money, until I started noticing dreaded Minion Masters standing in a certain spot (just the right place to get their pets to quickly tag and kill the maximized amount of mobs). They were doing the same thing as me, except I was putting in real effort and time, while they were AFK abusing a game mechanic.

> > > >

> > > > How much are Elaborate Totems now? 10 silver.

> > > >

> > > > Tell me more about how it doesn't hurt the economy or players.

> > >

> > > Do you have any source proving that drop of price is caused exclusively by AFK farming? (spoiler: you don't). Game economy died after PoF and it has NOTHING to do with AFK farming. It's too uncommon and too slow.

> >

> > Too uncommon and too slow... really.

> > Every map has them and many are massed around the same fast respawns.... it's prolific. If you choose to ignore it that's on you but yes it does have an effect on the economy if you choose to look in to it properly. As for being slow.. when your logged 24/7/ 365 farming the same stuff that becomes irrelevant that's why it's afk farming rather than run around play the game farming.

> > You can bury your head in the sand if you want but the issue won't fix itself.


> I'm not going to create histerical environment based on your personal observation. Give me PROOF that they harm the economy. because you know who destroyed this game economy? ArenaNet. With Istan.


No they did not destroy the economy they legitimately try to alter or normalise the economy.. there is a huge difference. ANET have every right to use tools in game in order to alter aspects of the economy that were going either too high or too low (both prices or supply).. that's their prerogative. Every update ever in gw2 has had some kind of effect on the economy until it normalises / stabilises because every update brings a need for certain things and reduces the need of other things... ecto's is a prime example of that.

What bots / afk mmominion farmers, tp bots do is inflate supply or kill supply depending what they want to sell stuff for... very few are likely just doing for personal consumption or personal sales... most are likely connected to a goldselling network..


You want proof, go google or youtube it and see for yourself, there are a plethora of interesting vids from players with overinflated ego's wanting to showcase their skills in this area of the game and you might even get to see some informative ones detailing how they affect/influence the economy - GW2 is no different to any other mmo that suffers from this kind of nefarious activity, except most others try to manage it better not ignore it until an annual PR drop arrives.

Maybe your just naïve to the issue or you choose to take the "can't be bothered to care" or maybe your worried it might create a few more of those false positives you like speak about.. a lot :)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> You want proof, go google or youtube it and see for yourself, there are a plethora of interesting vids from players with overinflated ego's wanting to showcase their skills in this area of the game and you might even get to see some informative ones detailing how they affect/influence the economy - GW2 is no different to any other mmo that suffers from this kind of nefarious activity, except most others try to manage it better not ignore it until an annual PR drop arrives.

Um, sorry, no. That's not proof that those individuals are personally affecting the economy. The amount of materials traded on a typical day is far larger than considered in your philosophy, Horatio. There is zero evidence that the source of major, long-term changes to the economy have come from inattentive farming.


But there is good evidence (and even quotes from ANet) that support that specific active farms do impact the economy. The most easily demonstrated (and the one that ANet themselves have commented upon): AB multi-loot. That dropped ecto prices by an enormous amount. Another major example, also easy-enough-to-demonstrate is the combination of unidentified gear plus Istan (multi-loot, but even non-multi); ANet has been less forthcoming about this one, but they recently nerfed the ecto drop rate for the first time in the game's history in response.



> Maybe your just naïve to the issue or you choose to take the "can't be bothered to care"

Or maybe you're letting your personal feelings get in the way of deciding which theories are best supported by actual evidence.




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I dont even bother to report anymore, since Anet doesnt even look into Botting


one of the example is the same ranger on the upper ledge behind Champ troll is in forstgorge, for 6months straight while i was on extended break from work, i see him there almost 24/7 everyday stand at the same spot spamming self heal

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Anet has no tools(according to their worthless customer support) to see what your in game purchase history stores... trusting that they can do something more complex and with some form of integrity is like trying to get water out of rocks.


Speaking of bandits and queensdale, saw a bot sitting there mindlessly pressing one to infinity. After map chap shaming the tool, gathered all the bandits and helped it. Poor thing died, I had a laugh. Ate some cake as a reward. Passed by later it was still dead, laughed some more.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > Like the ones in Queensdale farming the bandit camp of all places for months now..

> > > My husband started playing GW2 a couple of weeks ago (after almost 6 years of our daughters and myself telling him how great the game is 8) ), and he had his first run-in with an afk minion necro in that cave just a couple of days ago. He was going through the cave, killing bandits left and right (for their bags, as he doesn't have much gold to grab crafting materials for his leveling ftp character from the trading post yet), and got whispered by the afk necro and threatened to be reported because the veteran in said cave, once in combat, decided to attack the afk necro rather than my husband fighting the other bandits a couple of times 8) .

> > >

> > > Despite being a veteran of several MMOs, he had to ask me if this was a usual occurance in this game and if he had anything to fear for being reported (for killing mobs near an afk player ;) ).

> > >

> > Guessing that was not an AFK farmer but someone taking a timeout answering a call of nature or a phone call etc..


> Entertainingly, to me, I have semi-regularly gotten whispers about how I'm AFK-farming, evil, and will be reported ... but only when I'm actively playing the game, interacting and moving. Never gotten one when I have stepped away for a couple minutes to deal with business.


> This is, in part, why I advise people **not** to take it on themselves to try and police this. Players are honestly pretty bad at determining if someone is botting, AFK farming, or whatever, while ANet have vastly better tools and capabilities. Just report and move on if you think they are doing something wrong.


> It's certainly much better than threatening them, something that is a reportable action *against you*, and given the tone of the occasional whispers, they are very much actionable, since they usually start with "kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten you kittening kitten."


Sending inappropriate texts is against ze rules regardless. The players can just report and let the system do _(or do not, depending on folks cynicism)_ what its meant to do.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> By AFK farming I think you mean idle farming? Which is when someone is not moving just killing whatever spawns with minions or turrets.

> Actual AFK farming is not allowed, idle farming is okay. As long as the person is at their computer and manually replacing turrets or minions then it is not AFK and is not against ToS.


> It's not a good way to earn money, almost any other kind of thing would earn money better, but takes more effort.


> And unless people spanned themselves across an entire area (which they don't, normally they are grouped up at one location) they won't interfere with any renown hearts.


Is it ok tho? Last time I checked/this raised its head, having your attention not on the screen and hands at the keyboard is a no no. Of course, ANET is faaaiiirly vague on this, so the confusion is understandable.


- If I have GW2 windowed on the same screen as I'm doing some work, is that ok? My hands are at the keyboard... I'm just not playing GW2 - is that ok?


I believe that, in theory at least, a mod/GM should poke the player for a response. And if said player does not respond then they're considered inattentive and AFK. This is a gross summary of course - a little googling will throw up the official stance, as shaky as it is.


Personally, I'd really like a solid, 'YES LETTING PETS/TURRETS FARM FOR YOU IS OK' as I can easily knock up a few accounts, fill them with necros/hunters/engies and have them farm for me. I don't think we'll get such a message, and a clear 'IT IS NOT OK!' would be appreciated.

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> Personally, I'd really like a solid, 'YES LETTING PETS/TURRETS FARM FOR YOU IS OK' as I can easily knock up a few accounts, fill them with necros/hunters/engies and have them farm for me. I don't think we'll get such a message, and a clear 'IT IS NOT OK!' would be appreciated.


You won't get one, because you are trying to replace a more complicated set of rules with a "yes/no" answer. They are not reducible to that level.

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> Is it ok tho? Last time I checked/this raised its head, having your attention not on the screen and hands at the keyboard is a no no.


What was posted was:

>> [2016-05-18](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/6161450)

>> 1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

>> 2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

>> 3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

>> If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.


In other words: attention can wander, as long as it doesn't wander for long.



> Of course, ANET is faaaiiirly vague on this, so the confusion is understandable.

ANet's offered a specific set of conditions to 'test' for whether someone is farming inattentively or farming while AFK. Those might not be the rules you'd like to see in place, but they seem clear enough if one wishes to avoid risking their account.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > Is it ok tho? Last time I checked/this raised its head, having your attention not on the screen and hands at the keyboard is a no no.


> What was posted was:

> >> [2016-05-18](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/6161450)

> >> 1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> >> 2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> >> 3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> >> If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.


> In other words: attention can wander, as long as it doesn't wander for long.



> > Of course, ANET is faaaiiirly vague on this, so the confusion is understandable.

> ANet's offered a specific set of conditions to 'test' for whether someone is farming inattentively or farming while AFK. Those might not be the rules you'd like to see in place, but they seem clear enough if one wishes to avoid risking their account.



Yeah.. so those same AFK farmers sure must be watching a very, very long DVD.. in fact it must be a 20 season 15 episode/season mini series perhaps... cos the ones I have added or I come across are always at the same spot 24/7 365.

Does that meet the conditions ya think or perhaps it's considered the norm to never move around in game, to never sleep or move away from the keyboard... yet those players (I use that term very loosely) still inhabit the same spot of Tyria day after day, week after week, month after month.

Of course, with egg timer precision skills do get refreshed, auto casts are put out, a few rounds of firing at nothing but grass until the respawns re-emerge. Then on equally precise timing there is a quick mail to/ post to TP or change afk farm bot.to rinse repeat that happens.. .. so ask yourself, are the rules being applied, if so are they in any way shape or form sufficient or do ANET not give a rats about it.

You seem to think this is just a small isolated issue - - it's not, go take a read of those hack site forums, view a few youtube vids.. educate yourself about what is actually going on.. or just bury your head in the sand and hope it doesn't escalate again and it will fix itself.

But hey I guess we might just as well sit and wait for next years little PR exercise to wave goodbye to a few of them finally.. until their miniscule bans are served.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > > Is it ok tho? Last time I checked/this raised its head, having your attention not on the screen and hands at the keyboard is a no no.

> >

> > What was posted was:

> > >> [2016-05-18](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Please-a-clear-statement-re-AFK-farming/6161450)

> > >> 1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> > >> 2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> > >> 3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> > >> If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.

> >

> > In other words: attention can wander, as long as it doesn't wander for long.

> >

> >

> > > Of course, ANET is faaaiiirly vague on this, so the confusion is understandable.

> > ANet's offered a specific set of conditions to 'test' for whether someone is farming inattentively or farming while AFK. Those might not be the rules you'd like to see in place, but they seem clear enough if one wishes to avoid risking their account.

> >

> >

> Yeah.. so those same AFK farmers sure must be watching a very, very long DVD.. in fact it must be a 20 season 15 episode/season mini series perhaps... cos the ones I have added or I come across are always at the same spot 24/7 365.

> Does that meet the conditions ya think or perhaps it's considered the norm to never move around in game, to never sleep or move away from the keyboard... yet those players (I use that term very loosely) still inhabit the same spot of Tyria day after day, week after week, month after month.

> Of course, with egg timer precision skills do get refreshed, auto casts are put out, a few rounds of firing at nothing but grass until the respawns re-emerge. Then on equally precise timing there is a quick mail to/ post to TP or change afk farm bot.to rinse repeat that happens.. .. so ask yourself, are the rules being applied, if so are they in any way shape or form sufficient or do ANET not give a rats about it.

> You seem to think this is just a small isolated issue - - it's not, go take a read of those hack site forums, view a few youtube vids.. educate yourself about what is actually going on.. or just bury your head in the sand and hope it doesn't escalate again and it will fix itself.

> But hey I guess we might just as well sit and wait for next years little PR exercise to wave goodbye to a few of them finally.. until their miniscule bans are served.



Again, nothing you have said here is an indication of the significance these unattended farmers have on the economy. You simply don't know. Reading hack sites won't tell you the impact either. Speculation is not a sound approach here.

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@"Obtena.7952" and you have made an assumption that my reply to another poster had anything to do with the economy.. it was not.. but please do keep speculating yourself instead of actually reading what is written.

Reading hack sites is one thing, looking at the number of downloads of certain tools directly connected to the afk farming issue is another.. and its not just a few here and there.. but like I said, if you choose to ignore the issue that's up to you.

Personally I live in hope that ANET one day might take it seriously and finally decide to do something about it to curb it or make a statement to advise it is now acceptable practice that we can all share in and whatever other nefarious activities are connected to it... either way at least then there will be clarity.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Reading hack sites is one thing, looking at the number of downloads of certain tools directly connected to the afk farming issue is another.. and its not just a few here and there.. but like I said, if you choose to ignore the issue that's up to you.


This is STILL not an indication of how significant an impact these activities have on the game, even if you did know how many people downloaded certain tools. This isn't ignoring the issue, it's trying to understand it ... If your crusade wasn't so emotionally driven, you wouldn't simply dismiss these statements as frivolous. I mean, you're requesting people get banned for this, but you got no idea what the problem actually is. :/ You're just out for blood to satisfy your own sense of retribution for people 'doing bad things'. That's just nonsense.


The bottomline is this ...


You don't know the impact it has on the game. You've guessed it's really big.

You don't know what Anet's doing to address it. You've assume it's next to nothing.

You've justified an excessive consequence (permabanning) for what amounts to offending your sense of 'visual clutter'.


You're being disrespectful and these claims you are making are not too honest either. The only people that REALLY know the impact this has on the game is Anet, not you. if they felt it was a serious problem, they would address it ... and not even need to tell you about it either.


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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> Guys Anet's stance on the matter is very clear. If you are still on your keyboard while you are idling and you manually renew everything it is not considered AFK farming and it is allowed. Anet checks this by talking a look on the typical farming places and whispering players to validate that they are actually on their keyboard. Stop reporting people for no reason and do not harass them with comments for sth that is officially allowed.


People are not making these threads because of the 5% people who actually do what you say is allowed. They make these threads because of the 95% who are there for hours and hours every day/night and are not at their keyboard.


Also noone reports those people "for no reason". The reason is that common sense says that they are likely afk farming. You don't have to know if they are really afk because to make sure of that luckily is not the player's job but the ArenaNet staff's job.


Lastly, complaining about cheaters on the forum equals "harrassing someone"? Yeah right.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > Guys Anet's stance on the matter is very clear. If you are still on your keyboard while you are idling and you manually renew everything it is not considered AFK farming and it is allowed. Anet checks this by talking a look on the typical farming places and whispering players to validate that they are actually on their keyboard. Stop reporting people for no reason and do not harass them with comments for sth that is officially allowed.


> People are not making these threads because of the 5% people who actually do what you say is allowed. They make these threads because of the 95% who are there for hours and hours every day/night and are not at their keyboard.


> Also noone reports those people "for no reason". The reason is that common sense says that they are likely afk farming. You don't have to know if they are really afk because to make sure of that luckily is not the player's job but the ArenaNet staff's job.


> Lastly, complaining about cheaters on the forum equals "harrassing someone"? Yeah right.


The problem is that people don't understand how Anet has addressed these things. They have incorrectly assumed Anet does nothing.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > > Guys Anet's stance on the matter is very clear. If you are still on your keyboard while you are idling and you manually renew everything it is not considered AFK farming and it is allowed. Anet checks this by talking a look on the typical farming places and whispering players to validate that they are actually on their keyboard. Stop reporting people for no reason and do not harass them with comments for sth that is officially allowed.

> >

> > People are not making these threads because of the 5% people who actually do what you say is allowed. They make these threads because of the 95% who are there for hours and hours every day/night and are not at their keyboard.

> >

> > Also noone reports those people "for no reason". The reason is that common sense says that they are likely afk farming. You don't have to know if they are really afk because to make sure of that luckily is not the player's job but the ArenaNet staff's job.

> >

> > Lastly, complaining about cheaters on the forum equals "harrassing someone"? Yeah right.


> The problem is that people don't understand how Anet has addressed these things. They have incorrectly assumed Anet does nothing.


Actions speak louder than words.. and there is very little action otherwise those same groups that infest map areas for months and months non stop would finally be asked to hurry up with the dvd and play.. allowing the activity to continue non stop for months on end is a sure fire indication that very little to nothing is being done.. stop trying to smokescreen what is so obviously happening, in numbers and unchecked.

Like I said if it was that one person on Bitterfrost farming the same single fly for 6 months (that is happening btw ) it wouldn't be so noticeable but when its masses of 10,20,30+ at a time farming the same grps of respawns every minute of the day, every week, every month and then replicated in different places for different mats etc across pretty much every map in the game now, then there is a problem.. ANET knows it is and that's why they had to finally do something about it in Timberline falls.. but that small action was a temporary measure... they are already coming back to their favourite spots or finding new ones to keep their farm lines employed.

The problem of afk farming, botting, hacking.. they are all connected but unless ANET acts in a more determined way and make a proper example of the offenders then there simply is no deterrent. The fact they leave their rules so cloudy shows a lack of effort not a determination to root out the problem.

You either don't want to push attention to the issue or you are simply trying to be provocative to anyone that wants this game tidied up for the better.

Like I said go do some homework on the issues.. it's not something that has just popped up this last week, this has been growing for a number of years and in greater intensity since HoT.. maybe then you will have your proof. Some of us don't run around with our eyes shut and our fingers in our ears, but sure there is undoubtedly some emotive reasoning in mine and others posts.. because we want this game to be so much cleaner and ANET to manage these issues in a more determined way, starting with a more definitive ruleset on this not some half backed you can you cant philosophy

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > > > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > > > Guys Anet's stance on the matter is very clear. If you are still on your keyboard while you are idling and you manually renew everything it is not considered AFK farming and it is allowed. Anet checks this by talking a look on the typical farming places and whispering players to validate that they are actually on their keyboard. Stop reporting people for no reason and do not harass them with comments for sth that is officially allowed.

> > >

> > > People are not making these threads because of the 5% people who actually do what you say is allowed. They make these threads because of the 95% who are there for hours and hours every day/night and are not at their keyboard.

> > >

> > > Also noone reports those people "for no reason". The reason is that common sense says that they are likely afk farming. You don't have to know if they are really afk because to make sure of that luckily is not the player's job but the ArenaNet staff's job.

> > >

> > > Lastly, complaining about cheaters on the forum equals "harrassing someone"? Yeah right.

> >

> > The problem is that people don't understand how Anet has addressed these things. They have incorrectly assumed Anet does nothing.


> Actions speak louder than words.. and there is very little action otherwise those same groups that infest map areas for months and months non stop would finally be asked to hurry up with the dvd and play.. allowing the activity to continue non stop for months on end is a sure fire indication that very little to nothing is being done.. stop trying to smokescreen what is so obviously happening, in numbers and unchecked.


Again ... you don't know what actions Anet has taken, you don't know what impact this has on the game. I'm not denying it's happening. I'm simply not assuming the worst to fuel an emotionally-charged demand for blood.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > > > > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > > > > Guys Anet's stance on the matter is very clear. If you are still on your keyboard while you are idling and you manually renew everything it is not considered AFK farming and it is allowed. Anet checks this by talking a look on the typical farming places and whispering players to validate that they are actually on their keyboard. Stop reporting people for no reason and do not harass them with comments for sth that is officially allowed.

> > > >

> > > > People are not making these threads because of the 5% people who actually do what you say is allowed. They make these threads because of the 95% who are there for hours and hours every day/night and are not at their keyboard.

> > > >

> > > > Also noone reports those people "for no reason". The reason is that common sense says that they are likely afk farming. You don't have to know if they are really afk because to make sure of that luckily is not the player's job but the ArenaNet staff's job.

> > > >

> > > > Lastly, complaining about cheaters on the forum equals "harrassing someone"? Yeah right.

> > >

> > > The problem is that people don't understand how Anet has addressed these things. They have incorrectly assumed Anet does nothing.

> >

> > Actions speak louder than words.. and there is very little action otherwise those same groups that infest map areas for months and months non stop would finally be asked to hurry up with the dvd and play.. allowing the activity to continue non stop for months on end is a sure fire indication that very little to nothing is being done.. stop trying to smokescreen what is so obviously happening, in numbers and unchecked.


> Again ... you don't know what actions Anet has taken, you don't know what impact this has on the game. I'm not denying it's happening. I'm simply not assuming the worst to fuel an emotionally-charged demand for blood.


OK lets play the game the way you like to.

Show me proof that GW2 has no issue with AFK farming, botting, hacking....

Show me proof that ANET are enforcing their cloudy set of rules they made errm how long ago when this same issue was raised.....

Why was there a token gesture of 1500 accounts banned a few months back.. ooh yeah.. mmominion, multitool hacks which include tp hackbots.

Tell me is it normal practice to keep yourself planted into the same map spot for... lets say 670ish hrs (approx. 1 month... I am being very generous here if some of those on my guest list are anything to go by.....

Tell me is it intended gameplay for 10,20,30 MM's to also now be planted in the same spot do exactly the same things as the person next to you on the same egg timer for equally long lengths of time....

Tell me, if you had already sent in dozens of reports about the same players farming the same spots for such a length of time and still nothing is done.. would you think that a) your reports are ignored, b) the player is actually being attentive, at keyboard playing the game and never sleeps so anet consider it proper gameplay as intended or c) you don't care or d) you don't want to draw anymore attention to the issue than is already being put forth by others..


Do you think this kind of in game activity is healthy in any amount for the game.. now think outside of the "economy" box cos I know your hung up on it.. think outside of that box for a second.. do you think its appealing to new players when they see this happening even on starter maps by players. Iss there then a chance they might think its ok, try to replicate it, maybe then go the extra mile and find out if there is a hack they too might be able to use or set up macro's to do it for them instead cos they think its acceptable.

Bottom line its not just about how much of an effect it has on the game as a whole, its the fact its allowed to coexist in game in the first place.



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I have no idea what the impact is or what Anet is doing to fix it, and neither do you. Any proof I do or don't have (or any other player including you) is irrelevant. Anet has the information they need to deal with the problem, and it's their decision to deal with the problem in the way they feel is best. Unlike you, I don't assume they aren't doing anything about it because of some indirect and superficial information.


I'm not playing a game with you here. Bottomline is that you don't know anything but what you see and that's not enough to have enough of an idea of who's doing what and what outcomes those actions have, on all parties involved.

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If all the players who are engaged in AFK farming were in fact not afk but simply watching what was going on , they would have exactly the same impact on the game economy as AFK players would , so why is having an adverse affect on the game economy bad if you are afk while doing it , but not bad if you are watching?

Or should it be a reportable offence to do anything in the game that has an adverse affect on the games economy?


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Honestly yeah, it's total BS. It DOES harm the economy, and it DOES harm other players.


> I used to farm Elaborate Totems, manually. They were like 24 silver each, and I would load up on magic find food, get a boost etc and go to my farm spot. I'd run around killing any mobs and it was decent money, until I started noticing dreaded Minion Masters standing in a certain spot (just the right place to get their pets to quickly tag and kill the maximized amount of mobs). They were doing the same thing as me, except I was putting in real effort and time, while they were AFK abusing a game mechanic.


> How much are Elaborate Totems now? 10 silver.


> Tell me more about how it doesn't hurt the economy or players.


Okay, so we're throwing BS around now?

The prices of a lot of materials went down because they literally rain down in PoF and S4.

Did you know you can buy bags of T6 mats in any of the S4 maps? And that you can rake up 20-40 rares per cycle of Istan?

I have ZERO reason to believe the market crashed from a bunch of afk farmers instead of a few maps designed to create literal tons upon tons of ex-valuable resource

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