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AFK farming and reports (merged)

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Bugs the hell out of me every time I see a group of MM's standing around afk..

I don't care who they are or even if they are guildmates.. if they're afk farming they're getting reported.


I have a personal interest in the matter because one of my main characters and favorite builds is a Minion Master.. and i'm constantly worried that these farmers will eventually contribute to changes that will ruin one of my favorite Gw2 builds.


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> @"Cregath.7628" said:

> I don't really see the reason for all the rage. If AFK farming was actually efficient (which is definitely not the case) or blocked people out of something (which is also not the case, since you can complete a heart event multiple ways) I would understand it. Someone who tries to farm the same area and is in front of his screen and is doing something still farms the same stuff more efficiently, so honestly I don't care.


If it wasn't efficient people wouldn't be doing it.. clearly it is worth doing for some people and if the method isn't an efficient way of obtaining materials etc then that only proves that the vast majority of players doing it are not playing the game when they are.

I doubt anyone would use the method if it's more efficient to play the game instead..

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> In WvW you are auto-booted from the server if you don't move within 15 mins. Maybe that is what ANET should apply to all game modes.


Agreed.. or at the very least if a player fails to move for 15 minutes his skills auto-refresh killing all summons/turrets etc and for Rangers auto setting the pet to passive.

This way the player would at least have to come back every 15 minutes to reset their pet and summons manually or resort to using macros which is a breach of TOS and would get them banned.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Bugs the hell out of me every time I see a group of MM's standing around afk..

> I don't care who they are or even if they are guildmates.. if they're afk farming they're getting reported.


You dont know if they are reported. But you can report them anyway, you can report every single person in game for anything and yet the only option being in any way relevant is gold selling.


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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> I consider afk farming extremely lame, but the recurrent obsession of quite a few people with this topic... We call it Blockwart mentality in my language: The petty enjoyment of being part of the punishing aspect of authority. Rather unappealing.


And there is also a word for judging people without knowing even the least bit about their motivations and mindset in your language. There are numerous reasons why an honest player will dislike afk-farmers and they have been stated often enough. When the police is looking for a criminal, and you know where the criminal is, will you not tell them? Because then you would be a "Blockwart"? Afk-farmers are breaking the rules of the game. Helping ArenaNet doing something about it is something a person with common sense will not label as being "petty" and look down on them.


For the record, I couldn't care less if they get suspended for a day, a week, a month or permabanned. I couldn't care less if they only got a warning. All I want is that their cheating is being stopped. Your assumptions about people's motivation are telling a lot about your view of fellow players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to /age I'm about 1800 hours for over 2100 days. I had no idea AFK farming was even a thing in GW2. Sadly, today I stumbled upon about 10 of them - in two different spots. I went googling and yeah, it's a thing. I whispered half of them, never got a reply, watched for an hour, they never moved, just cast something and killed respawning mobs with minions/turrets. Question is, how do you report them?


I don't care whether they break economy or not, they're botting abusers and should be punished.

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You don't need to watch them for an hour (actively playing people don't stand there for that long, and people who are there and just don't pay attention do not move around, just like people who are afk). Also you also don't need to message them, as this does not prove anything. Basically, making sure that they are indeed afk is the task of ArenaNet and cannot be done reliably by a player. To report a player, you do not need to have made 100% sure that they are indeed afk though.


Although the term botting is not perfectly fitting as it can be done easily without any bot program, the correct way to report them is indeed to use the botting category. ArenaNet did not make categories for every possible scenario and we were officially told to go with the "botting" one.

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Typically if they are reported a GM will try to message them as well. If certain criteria are met they get flagged/booted/whatever... There have been numerous posts in the past about afk farmers, most result in the same statement that if the possible "offender" is afk farming but using more than 1 skill they can be considered a bot as only 1 skill can be set as a auto activate skill. But if observed and contacted with a reply they are fine.

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> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> Typically if they are reported a GM will try to message them as well. If certain criteria are met they get flagged/booted/whatever... There have been numerous posts in the past about afk farmers, most result in the same statement that if the possible "offender" is afk farming but using more than 1 skill they can be considered a bot as only 1 skill can be set as a auto activate skill. But if observed and contacted with a reply they are fine.


That is incorrect. The usage of JUST ONE SKILL is what makes it an offence, not the usage of more than one skill. If the player is not there to respond to a GM within a reasonable amount of time, the ingame character may not use any skill/spell at all, this includes the game function of autocast.


It seems I will need to quote this for all eternity, as people will keep saying incorrect things. This is the official definition of against the rules "afk-farming":


> 1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs


> If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> > Typically if they are reported a GM will try to message them as well. If certain criteria are met they get flagged/booted/whatever... There have been numerous posts in the past about afk farmers, most result in the same statement that if the possible "offender" is afk farming but using more than 1 skill they can be considered a bot as only 1 skill can be set as a auto activate skill. But if observed and contacted with a reply they are fine.


> That is incorrect. The usage of JUST ONE SKILL is what makes it an offence, not the usage of more than one skill. If the player is not there to respond to a GM within a reasonable amount of time, the ingame character may not use any skill/spell at all, this includes the game function of autocast.


> It seems I will need to quote this for all eternity, as people will keep saying incorrect things. This is the official definition of against the rules "afk-farming":


> > 1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> > 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> > 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> >

> > If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.


That is why I mentioned the "certain criteria" part. I just couldn't remember exactly what all 3 where.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> > Typically if they are reported a GM will try to message them as well. If certain criteria are met they get flagged/booted/whatever... There have been numerous posts in the past about afk farmers, most result in the same statement that if the possible "offender" is afk farming but using more than 1 skill they can be considered a bot as only 1 skill can be set as a auto activate skill. But if observed and contacted with a reply they are fine.


> That is incorrect. The usage of JUST ONE SKILL is what makes it an offence, not the usage of more than one skill. If the player is not there to respond to a GM within a reasonable amount of time, the ingame character may not use any skill/spell at all, this includes the game function of autocast.


> It seems I will need to quote this for all eternity, as people will keep saying incorrect things. This is the official definition of against the rules "afk-farming":


> > 1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> > 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> > 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> >

> > If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.


OMG, so the majority of people I come across in events and metas are perpetrators!!! :)

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> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > > @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> > > Typically if they are reported a GM will try to message them as well. If certain criteria are met they get flagged/booted/whatever... There have been numerous posts in the past about afk farmers, most result in the same statement that if the possible "offender" is afk farming but using more than 1 skill they can be considered a bot as only 1 skill can be set as a auto activate skill. But if observed and contacted with a reply they are fine.

> >

> > That is incorrect. The usage of JUST ONE SKILL is what makes it an offence, not the usage of more than one skill. If the player is not there to respond to a GM within a reasonable amount of time, the ingame character may not use any skill/spell at all, this includes the game function of autocast.

> >

> > It seems I will need to quote this for all eternity, as people will keep saying incorrect things. This is the official definition of against the rules "afk-farming":

> >

> > > 1) Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> > > 2) AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> > > 3) Unresponsive to interaction with GMs

> > >

> > > If all 3 of these apply to what you are doing, you may get actioned for it.


> That is why I mentioned the "certain criteria" part. I just couldn't remember exactly what all 3 where.


Ah sorry it sounded like you were suggesting that the way to go was to check if people are using more than one skill , and if not they were fine. I probably misunderstood.

However, in all the threads I read about afk-farming I can't remember that the number of skills being cast was mentioned, let alone numerous times. Maybe I missed it :)

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > OMG, so the majority of people I come across in events and metas are perpetrators!!! :)


> Why, because they all just use one skill? Lol...well, playing brain-afk luckily is not forbidden ;)


has a worse effect on your fellow players than AFK farming though :) Giving, just fooling around here a bit :P

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You can report in game by right-clicking on the health bar/icon and choosing `/report` then `botting`. If you want to include more details, you can create a support ticket and update it with supporting images/video. Or if you feel that the people are using 3rd party software to automate their efforts, you can send an email to exploits@arena.net.


Whichever choice you make, report and then move on. It is up to ANet to determine whether rules are broken or not, and, if so, what actions to take. They might decide to watch and see what else the account does, the better for identify patterns of botting. They might decide to warn the person.

And they might also conclude that the people are involved in _inattentive_ farming, rather than being truly AFK. ANet doesn't have a problem with people barely playing the game to collect a tiny bit of dust; the rule is that you can't let the game/software farm for you, you have to be involved at some level.


This also means: don't bother whispering the suspected AFKers or watching them for more than a few minutes. We aren't the AFK Farming Police: not only are we not responsible for deciding if rules are violated, it's not even up to us to collect evidence. Give ANet enough details to make it easy on them and then ...move on.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > It's been a thing for a while now and if ANet doesn't care, why should I or anyone else.


> but... but... you can feel so powerfull and righteous reporting!


I know, i know. But I get that when I judge ppls fashion game.

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