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Show server population with links. (Just curious)

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > Server status shouldn't be based on playtime.

> What metric(s) would you use to determine server population and lock status?




Active players in a server who login daily. Leave play-time alone. A person playing 5-6 hours shouldn't make up for 2-3 people who play for 2-3 hours. Open all servers and only link servers with below average population with another server. Take out the transferring of servers after a 2-3 month timeframe so there are no population imbalances.



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Playtime makes sense. They should add more multipliers to it. Commander, guild, nuthug, winning or losing, and various other multipliers would get more precise metrics. Certain commanders and guilds have larger pulls than say a fresh pugmander. Certain established commanders will pull larger numbers and therefore cause a larger playtime for various players. when you're winning, a larger population comes out.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> @"ChronosCosmos.9450"


> If you open Jq or Bg, then all the players will transfer to Bg and Jq leaving already lesser populated servers in the dust..


then limit transfers to 1 per account or turn off transfers like in the past. Let the new players determine what server that they want to join.



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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> @"ChronosCosmos.9450"


> If you open Jq or Bg, then all the players will transfer to Bg and Jq leaving already lesser populated servers in the dust..



Also make it so that players who have transferred in the past cannot transfer anymore since they breached the limit of 1 transfer.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Isn't mag the one ktraining against linked servers down there this week because the linked server can't field the numbers to remotely compete against them>?


> No. Xushin K trains everyday lol. Especially when he's getting all these bonuses he's gonna go HAM.


We initiated a "Wood League Blackout" when Mag rolled down. Inspired by the Obama Cabinet from JQ. Hopefully Anet comes to our terms and makes us all a link.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.


You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> Isn't mag the one ktraining against linked servers down there this week because the linked server can't field the numbers to remotely compete against them>?


This isn't about Mag or JQ

Important bit bolded for your pleasure

> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> Also why is Maguuma and FA still locked? JQ without a link shouldn't be locked **and BG the same.** Base population on population. Not playtime. A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Isn't mag the one ktraining against linked servers down there this week because the linked server can't field the numbers to remotely compete against them>?


> This isn't about Mag or JQ

> Important bit bolded for your pleasure

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > Also why is Maguuma and FA still locked? JQ without a link shouldn't be locked **and BG the same.** Base population on population. Not playtime. A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.




I'm not talking about a single server. I'm talking as a whole. I understand that BG is the most hated and popular server, but don't bring that subject for this thread.


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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.


> You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.



You're acting if playing the game while having a full-time job and a family is a chore. Anyone can play 3-4 hours a day easily.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.


> You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.


But yet, Mag is locked and no link?

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.


> You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.



???? That's what I said. If a Maguuma player has a job and family, they shouldn't have to play over-time against 2-3 other players. Your post makes no sense.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.

> >

> > You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.



> You're acting if playing the game while having a full-time job and a family is a chore. Anyone can play 3-4 hours a day easily.


And yet you said that people shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more just to be competitive. If "anyone" can play 3-4 hours a day (I'm not going to make unsupported claims about how much time "anyone" can play), that means they cannot compete against the players who play longer than that.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.

> >

> > You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.


> But yet, Mag is locked and no link?


Does server really matter? Replace the name as you see fit.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.


> You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.


Actually if servers were based on population, People who have lives would have a better chance at playing competitively since they will be matched up with another server with equal WvW population. Also it's unfair to players who work full-time and have a family to take care of to have their servers locked based on playtime.



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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > > A person from Maguuma shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more than players from other servers just to be competitive.

> > >

> > > You are correct. That's why population is based on play hours; so that the person on Maguuma who may have a job and a real life can continue to play how they want and not feel pressured into playing longer hours just to be competitive against players who have no life outside of the game.

> >

> >

> > You're acting if playing the game while having a full-time job and a family is a chore. Anyone can play 3-4 hours a day easily.


> And yet you said that people shouldn't have to play 3-4 times more just to be competitive. If "anyone" can play 3-4 hours a day (I'm not going to make unsupported claims about how much time "anyone" can play), that means they cannot compete against the players who play longer than that.


That's where population and timezone comes into play. If a server is locked; then there is no access to that and players who work daily have 0 chance to fight against the enemy Zerg. Mag's playtime is all NA. If you play on OCX or SEA, you're screwed.



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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> Do you honestly think 10 1-hour per day players vs 10 10-hour per day players is balanced?


Yes, if an 5 NBA players practiced 10 hours a day to play against 5 who only practiced an hour a day is that fair? Yes. I understand that people have other things to do that are not optional but why should they be rewarded for playing less hours than another player?



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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> Do you honestly think 10 1-hour per day players vs 10 10-hour per day players is balanced?



Is it fair that a player who has to work equally as much have their server locked so that no other players can cover for them when they play against someone with a similar lifestyle? No.

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It's a simple solution. Disable transfers so people can't bandwagon then unlock all servers for newer players. With the link system it shouldn't be hard to balance the population of lower end servers, but the only way A-net makes money from WvW is from transfers. Bring Cosmetics into WvW or online items dedicated for WvW.

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