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Should Iron Marches Fire Shaman be added to the Timer?

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Don't care but you don't actually need that many people for it. 2 is a great number. 1 is doable but might involve some cheese depending on the build. That isn't to say those are reasons not to put on the schedule since the same could be said about jungle wurm and golem mark II(probably others but I haven't done the others with a small group in an extremely long time).


If they do put it on the schedule then they might want to fix the bug with it.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> This event use to be fun awhile ago, but currently its not on timer so that makes it harder to get people together to do the fight.

> I was wondering if this would be better if it became an actual Meta Event. What you all think?




There are a few I would like to see on the ET but from what I understand some like SW are IP dependent so you can't put it on wiki. Not sure if this boss is like that but it would be nice. I have done a couple of legendary collections that require him. I looked at the ET on the wiki, saw it wasn't there and thought I could solo it... it hurt b/c I didn't realise what I was getting into. Needless to say, I called in map chat and a bunch came up to help. I would like to see it on there even it is in a grouping of "mini-bosses" or something.

Also, you may want to send this as a suggestion to the wiki admins as there is a specific group of ppl who add to the wiki but don't look here for suggestions.



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I think too many parts of the game are gated by time of day. While it's frustrating to need an event for a collection and know exactly when it will be available, I generally prefer that to running my gaming off a clock all the time. It seems to me that it's reasonable for the game to have some stuff on a timer... and some not.


PS I've never had trouble with this event except once years and years ago (the particular issue has since been resolved). I've done it with as few as two before HoT, around a dozen a week or so ago, and a full group sometime back. If it seems like a struggle, call for help in /map; people nearly always show up to help (or because they, too, need the event for something).

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> This event use to be fun awhile ago, but currently its not on timer so that makes it harder to get people together to do the fight.

> I was wondering if this would be better if it became an actual Meta Event. What you all think?




Is this event bugged out for anyone else? IP 140 the event is stuck in a loop and can't be completed. Was wondering if it's just that IP or the event altogether? Thanks!

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