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Favorite and most disliked map in the game ?

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Favorite: Sandswept Isles. (Reminds me of beautiful places irl like Thailand/Philippines/Polynesia...except the inquest thing ofc xD).

Most disliked: Tangled Depths. (A living labyrinth hell).


This only accounts the beauty of the maps themselves, not events in them.

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Favorite maps: Tangled Depths ;) (really...) - love the maze and for the same reason also Draconis Mons; but as well Auric Basin and Caledon Forest - these are so dreamy... love them. Desert Highlands.. another masterpiece.. and i could go on. Actually every map or place has its charm.

Disliked map: well... there isn't really one i hate.. maybe Kessex Hills after the LS changed it.

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Sorry but I can't restrict it to only one favourite/least favourite so I'll have to list several!



- Sandswept Shores - it's a beautiful map to chill out in, has everything I like - water, high tech inquest, trees, tribal charr, karka, and the diflourite crystal nodes are pretty little things which are fun to mine (as well as helping me get more empyreal fragments for crafting consumables).

- Elon Riverlands, Southern Half - the skimmer oasis and the waterfall area. Just beautiful.

- Auric Basin - green, lush and shiny!

- Caledon Forest - most beautiful and diverse starting area with my favourite jumping puzzle (Spelunker's Delve - because it's so relaxing).

- The Grove, lower level - art therapy.

- Tangled Depths - I love chak and Rata Novus is cool.

- Wayfarer Foothills - mainly for the bunny area and event.


Least Favourites:

- Verdant Brink - I don't like the extreme verticality, the death zone of the floor area, the dry regions or the enemies. It's a very boring map for me and I'm not too fond of the meta or story element of the map either. Vastly prefer Tangled Depths over Verdant Brink, because Rata Novus is cool and chak are awesome, much more fun to fight than the mordrem.

- Silverwastes - don't like the meta or the environment design here. It's a farm map, not a fun map.

- Ember Bay - U G L Y.

- The Desolation - sure we had to go there for story reasons but I wouldn't go there again just for the hell of it. Actually it's a well designed map, just so happens the theme of that location is horrible and no place any sane person would go "on holiday".

- Dragon's Stand - sadly because of the meta, I have no reason ever to go here unless I ever need to create a second HoT legendary. It's not a bad map, but I don't know when or if I'll ever want to play it again. If it wasn't a meta event only map I would like it more and have reason to casually go there.

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My favorites: Most of Shiverpeaks maps, Auric Basin* , Gendarrin Fields, and Plains of Ashford*

My least favorite: Tangled Depth**, Draconis Mons**, Desolation, Domain of Vabbi


* Auric Basin is a gorgeous map, and the music for the stage and the meta fight are great. The meta fight music is just overall fun. Plains of Ashford is a sad map to me, because I look at the crumbling wall and everything and I'm reminded of Prophesies and I get sad. Also it reminds me to get off my duff and slog through GW1 so I get unlock more HoM shinies.

** Tangled Depths I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and there's nothing at all fun about the living manifestation of vertigo (Draconis Mons).

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Favorite: Labyrinthine Cliffs is the best map GW2's ever had aesthetically, I feel. I adore it and I'm still sad we haven't gone back there for three or four years now. I would pay $1,000 for a lounge pass for Labyrinthine Cliffs will all the features of the Mistlock Sanctuary PassPass.


![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/d4b8836443edc801e9cc2de1d52fa142/tumblr_n5w9gtwTqv1s0szs2o1_1280.jpg "")

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/1aced13816f3cc35bbf1defddd61f558/tumblr_n5w9gtwTqv1s0szs2o4_1280.jpg "")

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/3e056ed72a1130e4d3fec11028332d0b/tumblr_n5wa8cjh421s0szs2o7_1280.jpg "")



Least Favorite: Harathi Hinterlands. Just mud and dirt as far as the eye can see. The Ruins of Holy Demetra are the only interesting thing about it.

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Fav by map design: the snow maps and the hot maps - intricate, detailed, sculpted with love. Hot was lovingly made by deranged genius(es). Though to be sure, a lot of the core maps were beautifully designed


Least Fav by map design: pof maps (some areas feel like a cop-out). Tbh, hot maps feel more designed for mounted exploration than pof, especially when u get the griff


Fav by map beauty: snow maps (serene beauty)

Least Fav by map beauty: the barren desert maps





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Favorite map: Hard to choose, but I think Auric Basin. Beautiful jungles, that interesting tree section at the beginning, the incredible city of Tarir, the most fun meta in the game (not to mention profitable), imaginative events, the Exalted, and the hilarious skritt adventures. ("I have a name. It is not Shiny Head.") (I do like Tangled Depths as well, just saying because so many hate it. Love the Rata Novus event chain especially.)


I don't really have a map I hate any more (Draconis Mons was it once, but it grew on me.) I would have to say that I am not fond of Orr at all. The color and smell of despair permeates it.

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Fave Maps:

ALL of the HoT maps. I've always loved jungle aesthetics, and every map is absolutely stunning. They take more effort than other maps (other map effort = 0, HoT map effort = a run through and a few events done to learn it) but that's because every other map in the game is just flat. flat and boring. HoT maps really give me a feel for the place, often 100%ing them is my fave part of getting a new lv80 xD.


Most of the ls3 maps were pretty nice, but i especially love bitterfrost fronteir (though...i wish it had another waypoint xP).


Core map wise - harathi hinterlands only because slaughtering just reams and reams of centaurs is funny, frostgorge sound due to snowy aesthetic + largely, i don't find the hearts boring. fields of ruin gets up there if just because of ebonhawke, and dredgehaunt cliffs is pretty high up too due to aesthetic + i like the hearts a lot actually. by virtue of looking amazing, most of the maps in maguuma i also highly enjoy- especially caledon forest and sparkkfly fen.


Least Favourite:

Most of PoF tbh, but especially domain of vabbi. tedious hearts everywhere!! i actually dont mind the desolation too much because it's hearts i can usually enjoy. elon riverlands has like 5 hearts, but IMO - all of them, ALL of the hearts in elon riverlands make the definitvely most tedious, annoying and boring hearts to do in the entire game, so i haaaate that map.


And -ducks thrown obejcts- I hate both of the ls4 maps also. actually hate is a strong word- istan i don't mind 100%ing apart from that one cave by the start...the iboga hole...i hate the iboga hole almost as much as i hate the elon riverlands hearts, so it's skewed my like for it very hard. i want to enjoy sandswept - objectively, it's made of elements i like, buuuut it's fps-kill rainy weather effect (which btw, no other environment effect in the game kills frames like that does for me) + how annoying it is to get anywhere on and in the cube killed my like of it, especially the heart in the gravity place thing- some people enjoy that, and i can see why, but those people are not me. xD


Core map wise - Blazeridge Steppes, the non-hearts are fun, but it feels like EVERY heart is sloooow and tedious, the only hearts i dont mind is the drake catching one :/ queensdale - that comes from dramatic overexposure to the map. 100%d it something like 15 times so far...iron marches is another, i like the aesthetic but the hearts are unbearably boring and tedious.


for refence, i have 100%d the world map 10 or so times, 100%d all HoT maps 12 times, and all PoF maps 4 times- hense renown hearts have a huge weighing on my enjoyment of maps. some were fun the first time and every time since i despise doing, there's a couple hearts i still look forward to doing though.

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Is funny that many people dislike PoF maps. I find them of brilliant design and fitting thematically to the PoF story. The only thing devs didn't think well is the events system. On the other hand never really liked HoTs maps. The 'maze style' and the multiple levels makes it hard to move around. HoTS maps became pleasant to visit with the pets.


Best map for me is Desolation. The design, the colors, the atmosphere are just superb. Second map I would put Desert Highlands because the dwarven lore revealed was so exciting - I would love to see dwarves getting involved more into the game. Worst map in Pof is Vabbi and mostly due to the boring hearts' events (needed to be farmed for crafting the gift of the desert mastery).


From core GW2 I would choose Orr. I really like the 'undead environment', the 'heartless' maps who are full of events and hero points. Orr has so much potential for more underwater content too.

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Wayfarer Foothills is one of my favorite maps. I spend so much time here enjoying the scenery and music. Additionally, this map also has very interesting events, The Frozen Maw being just one of them. There are other areas within the Shiverpeaks I enjoy, but Wayfarer Foothills will always have a special place in my heart.


The map that I truly despise is Cursed Shore. Out of all the places associated with Orr, this one makes me so sick. I cannot walk an inch without something applying some kind of condition, or an area being contested for what seems like forever. I have no problem with Straits of Devastation, even Malchor's Leap is somewhat tolerable. But Cursed Shore is plain evil (at least gathering resources yields decent results).

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Like either Tangled Depths or Labyrinthine Cliffs - They both are very unique and stand out above other maps for being something different. Honorable to Desert Highlands.

Dislike Original Raid of the Capricorn. Talk about poorly constructed and just generally bland all around.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> On the flipside I dislike Domain of Vabbi, due to the section of the map that pulses lightning on you, it's just annoying and not fun in the slightest.


opposite for me

I think it's a cool idea, but I find it annoying that it's not dangerous, just a mild inconvenience. You can kind of ignore it, since there's enough time in between strikes that you leave combat and start healing and can hop on your mount. Like what's the point?

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> Is funny that many people dislike PoF maps. I find them of brilliant design and fitting thematically to the PoF story. The only thing devs didn't think well is the events system. On the other hand never really liked HoTs maps. The 'maze style' and the multiple levels makes it hard to move around. HoTS maps became pleasant to visit with the pets.


> Best map for me is Desolation. The design, the colors, the atmosphere are just superb. Second map I would put Desert Highlands because the dwarven lore revealed was so exciting - I would love to see dwarves getting involved more into the game. Worst map in Pof is Vabbi and mostly due to the boring hearts' events (needed to be farmed for crafting the gift of the desert mastery).


> From core GW2 I would choose Orr. I really like the 'undead environment', the 'heartless' maps who are full of events and hero points. Orr has so much potential for more underwater content too.


At least for me, a lot of the PoF maps suffer from three things I detest: environmental hazards, sparse waypoints, and obstacles to exploration. The Desolation has that sulphur stuff, the canids, Elon Riverlands have those mines in the middle of the water. Vabbi has the Brandstorm's lightning. I also like taking a few moments to pause between combat instances, but there aren't many places on most of the maps that let you pause and check where you're going. You jump up on a ledge to escape Joko's endless minions and end up face to face with a bunch of veteran jacarandas. Maybe you can jump or run away, find a spot to check your map, only to find you're halfway across the map in the opposite direction from your destination. And the closest waypoint is contested with some event there's no player population to clear.


A lot of the PoF maps are pretty, but those aspects get in the way of me wanting to explore them.

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You will probably be surprised, but out of my least favorite maps, one is a low level area: Brisban! I always hated this map due to the amount of foes, turrets and traps everywhere, with loads of events almost continuously active, that make this map a bother to farm/explore. I keep going there for the famous iron farming spot, but aside of that, it is a dead map to me! :p


More seriously, the two areas I hate the most are:

- Tangled Depths: It combines all what I dislike in one place as it is a maze and overcrowded with bad foes.

- The Desolation: In term of landscape, there is nothing to see (for my personal taste) and it is overcrowded with bad foes.


Generally, for me an area should be a nice balance between hard stuff and the possibility to explore/farm without it being a hassle. In term of landscape, I prefer areas with snow, green and water, so that I dislike areas of the type "brown everywhere".

Due to that, globally, I prefer HoT areas. PoF areas are not for me with one exception: The snowy/green area Desert Highland, that is also easier to manage for casual exploring.


I cannot tell an area I prefer, but I especially appreciate the latest one we got: Sandswept Isle. :)

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Favorites: Verdant Brink, Tangled Depths, Draconis Mons

Least favorites: Timberline Falls, Lornar's Pass, Lake Doric


My favorite maps are my favorites because of complexity and interest. My least favorite maps are either maps I consider dull, or in the case of Lake Doric maps with annoying enemies that are otherwise dull.


The thing is, even my last favorite maps are decent enough maps with some interesting features. I like all the maps. These are just the ones I like the least.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Favorite: Labyrinthine Cliffs is the best map GW2's ever had aesthetically, I feel. I adore it and I'm still sad we haven't gone back there for three or four years now. I would pay $1,000 for a lounge pass for Labyrinthine Cliffs will all the features of the Mistlock Sanctuary PassPass.


> ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/d4b8836443edc801e9cc2de1d52fa142/tumblr_n5w9gtwTqv1s0szs2o1_1280.jpg "")

> ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/1aced13816f3cc35bbf1defddd61f558/tumblr_n5w9gtwTqv1s0szs2o4_1280.jpg "")

> ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/3e056ed72a1130e4d3fec11028332d0b/tumblr_n5wa8cjh421s0szs2o7_1280.jpg "")



> Least Favorite: Harathi Hinterlands. Just mud and dirt as far as the eye can see. The Ruins of Holy Demetra are the only interesting thing about it.


That was a fun map, the new skills and the race. It was done very well.

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**Favorites:** _Gendarran fields_ + _Harathi Hinterlands_, _Dragon Stand_, Almost every PoF map cuz I LOVE large scale, _Heart of the Mists_, _Hall of the Mists_, aaaannnd _Mistlock sanctuary_ (Endless gliding)


**Better the first time through exploring but not bad:** _Verdant Brink_.


**Mixed:** _Desert Hinterlands_ everything past the salt flats until the snowy area I find a bit boring, _Lake Doric_ is a bit small from what I imagined but I like the map over all.


**Least Favorite:** _Tangled Depths _(Might be okay if we had a better minimap),_ Spirit Watch_, _The Grove_, and _Caledon Forest_.

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Favourite: Mount Maelstrom. With the volcano as the focal point, it's exactly the kind of map that I used to try (and fail) to make on games with map editors in the '90s/early '00s. Metrica Province is a close second, partly because of Goemm's Lab.


Least favourite: Probably Kessex Hills. I generally find Kryta to be blander than it was in GW1, and Kessex Hills is a mess after LS1 - although I do like the southeast part with the Wizard's Tower and Dominion Killing Zone.

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I can't possibly answer this right, Tyria has so many beautiful locations. But I think I have a spechal warm feeling for the old Ascalonian areas, especially Diessa Plateau, Iron Marches and Fireheart Rise. But I also love Divinity's Reach, the Durmand Priory area and the entire Crystal Desert.


I guess it is quicker to say what I dislike, and this must be the monster-ridden vertical mazes of the HoT core maps.

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Let's see...




- Plains of Ashford - The map is just nostalgic to me and I love the ruins. It has an unique feel to it.

- Fields of Ruin - Just beautiful with the autumn feel, Ebonhawke, all the conflict around with the humans, the charr, the branded and the ogres.

- Fireheart Rise - I love the ruined and barren landscape here for whatever reason. The tar, the fire, the ashes. Plus it has my favourite dungeon.

- Frostgorge Sound - Love the icebergs, kodan and the underwater content of this map. Bonus points for Claw of Jormag.

- Hoelbrak - I find the design of this city really nice and unique and I like how it represents the norn culture.

- Sparkfly Fen - A fun map for me that I enjoy exploring. I like the swamps and the mixed landscape.

- Mount Maelstrom - Love volcanos and destroyers

- Malchor's Leap - Love the events, the lore and the JPs in here! Plus all the neat little secrets.

- Siren's Landing - Just beautiful. I love the environmental differences in here, the JP and the hearts.

- Draconis Mons - One of the most fun maps to explore due to the mastery, volcano stuff and more!

- Desert Highlands - This map is just astounding. The environment, the feel, the music in there. It is gorgeous.

- Domain of Vabbi - Branded stuff and the buildings are awesome!! Plus fun hearts.

- Domain of Istan - What a cool revisit to this place! I enjoy the variety in here plus the metas are super fun.

- Sandswept Isles - I love the mixed charr and asura stuff going on, the landscape and the events + hearts!



Least Favourites:


- Iron Marches - A boring map with lots of cobweb areas and just bleh. The Mordremoth stuff only made it worse.

- Dredgehaunt Cliffs - Zzzzzzzzz booooooringgggg

- Harathi Hinterlands - Centaurs and mud... and centaurs... and mud... I only like the ruin area.

- Caledon Forest - Spiderwebs. Some of the areas here just ruin the entire map for me though I like some parts (the lab JP, the tengu wall, the swamp).

- Elon Riverlands - Another very boring zone honestly. I mean, Augury Rock is cool... and that's about it.

- The Desolation - I actually find the landscape of this map gorgeous, I just hate playing there. It's agony. Awakened everywhere. The sulfur and the tar pools make it painful to get anywhere. Spiderwebs.

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Difficult one.


I don't think I can name a clear favorite, so I'll list ones that I really enjoy playing on or that had the most memorable situations during exploration:


**The Good:**

Lornar's Pass. I remember 5 years ago when I explored the largest map there was on my smol level 54 thief. Finding that griffon jumping puzzle place was amazing & my girlfriend at the time wanted to kill me for not letting her stop trying to get through it lmao. That aside, I just enjoyed the mix between tight mountain paths, long falls and the lakes in the south. I wish I could get that feeling of exploring it without knowing the comfort of mounts again.


Fireheart Rise. I spent the most time on this map, waiting for dungeon groups and joining them.. in general I had a ton of fun exploring this one and I liked spending more time in there even after my first exploration. It just looked so cool to me back then.


Bloodstone Fen. I actually bought the LS3 pretty late, after I took a break for 3 years. This map really stood out to me because I had just finished map completion in Tangled Depths before it and I just fell in love with how simple the layers are structured on that map. You have floaty rocks and airship layer, then half jungle half cliff layer and then you have the cave layer, all separated and interesting to explore for the first time.


Ember Bay. I had so much fun doing the achievements on this map and enjoyed the different atmosphere with all the events going on and how actually dangerous everything felt. Bonus points for having the one jumping puzzle in the game that I haven't finished on my own to this day. Thank you mesmer commanders who tagged up to get me and a dozen other people through to the chest.


Siren's Landing. For having one of my favorite JPs in the entire game. It was so much fun climbing all the way to the top of the mountain just to find a pirate ship.. which then begins to burn in blue flames after looting the chest. One of my favorite locations in the game & jumping down is always a pleasure.


Bonus round: Divinity's Reach and Old Lion's Arch because they were both very memorable locations to me. I remember being fascinated of the large hole that basically made up an entire district of DR. I remember the long bridge very fondly. Old LA was great because I loved the structure of it. Everything was somehow connected and the aesthetic of all the wooden structures somehow connecting houses and cliffs and SHIPS with each other was just 10/10.



**The Bad:**

Verdant Brink. Nowadays I don't have an issue with the map anymore, but it will always continue to have a negative notion in my mind. What a mess. I could never tell if I had to go up or down or how to even get there. Getting up into the canopy can be the most confusing thing, especially if you have to guess which updraft will get you where you want to go at first.


Any of the Orrian maps. I hate the murky filter they put on these maps. Everything is green and foggy, it gets very annoying after a while: Glad I never had to spent much time on any of the maps. (Dis)honorable mention: Branded areas in the core maps. Same issue, but with grey purple-ish filter instead.


**The Ugly**

Tangled Depths. For being the only map where I still have next to zero idea how to get to all of the HPs. That underground lake is sweet though. If only I could remember how to get there...



In PoF maps specifically:

Desert Highlands is the best map without a doubt. A perfect mix of flat areas, cliffs, mountains and they managed to make it look stunning, with a beautiful waterfall and landscape. The dwarven ruins are incredible too. I loved figuring it all out on my own there and felt very satisfied when I finally found all the secrets. All in all very satisfying and fun. 10/10 would make a new char just to explore again.

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