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Long Live the Lich! [trailer speculations]


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I checked the update notes, the release page, the release article, the log-in notice, and the in-game description for prior to starting the episode. Not one mentions either Gandara or, especially, Zelbahn Garrison. Only mention of Gandara is the black lion chests' "Gandaran".



So yeah, it's a spoiler, even if a minor and/or obvious one.

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No, a spoiler would be "Joko dies to a clown" not "the fortress so big its visible even on the unexplored map is on the map that's placed right on it". Also, that a thing that existed before still exists is not a spoiler.


That being said, I am really glad to see all of our allies come together to fight Joko, as I suspected. Though I wouldn't have expected


the ghosts


Without having seen the leak prior. I am kinda disappointed that the


Order of Shadows


Isn't around. Though they may show up later as I haven't had time to actually finish the story.


The map is general is larger then I expected it to be, and its, like GW2 has generally been, good about referencing/showing GW1 locations. Also nice to see the Elonian Hylek, under their original name the Heket, still around. Was becoming concerned they had gone the way of the Elonian Centaurs. Elona and Cantha never really had the sort of diverse range of sapient creatures Tyria did, and it has been sort of saddening so far that they have been largely ignored beyond them shoving harpies everywhere to remind us they still exist.

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My thoughts:


>! - Technically it's all very impressive. Cutscenes are much better, big battle scenes and numbers of mobs involved makes it feel like a big battle.


>! - Story I'm fine with, I was originally a bit "eh" about the whole "no humans" thing but then they flipped that around by humans going "fuck it i don't care if i'm more likely to die i'm going in". Ending a bit anti-climactic but also predictable and well done.


>! - Also. GHOSTS


>! - Blood Legion actually show up, no talking roles but that's interesting.


>! - Human commander being immune to the scarabs because of the Domain of the Lost shenanigins I really actually quite liked. Good reason, well handled. Adds a bit of mystery. Could be intentional or an accident, prefer to think intentional. (Grenth best god)


>! - It's not explicitly stated but that ring just lying where it was to be picked up was a bit "hmm" to me, I prefer to think it was planted there.


>! - I dislike Gorrik intensely and want to punch him in the face, the start of the episode was the weakest of them all given Gorrik being insufferable and the general dismissive attitude to Amnoon's quite understandable reaction to his experiments


>! - Joko's speech to the Commander was well done and also quite poignant. It WAS monumentally stupid to kill two dragons and a god, though of course there was no choice but to do that. Weird comment from Joko with "Maybe they'll be thankful I've finally lured you to me" or something but I'm writing it off that it's just Joko being Joko


>! - Hints that eating Balthazar's magic has effected both Kralk and Aurene beyond simple power. Makes sense, even without divine energy that made him a god he was still a primal magical being beyond anything on Tyria. But they are ALSO still referring to him instead of just forgetting he existed which is good



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Spoilers, obviously, and some far fetched ideas from a sleep depraved mind.

>! I found it odd that Joko's middle name is Ignacious (I probably spelled that wrong, sorry.) Which loosely translate into "of flame". That immediately made me think of the Egyptian god Khephri who is basically the scarab deity of the sky that rolls the sun across the sky. Ignacious is Latin, I think, and Egyptian lore isn't directly related to that language or mythos, even, but the fact that the sun is basically a huge fireball and he had seen many sunrises and sunsets, both literally and figuratively... makes me wonder if he may have been a Sunspear, but fell from grace somehow. Maybe he gave up his humanity for power and _that's_ what "condemned" him. Even so, I got a Joker vibe from him, especially his speech. Also, him cracking his body back into place was a bit unsettling, as was the Commander's corpses littered through out. I was like: "Man, we really, _really_, pissed Joko off. XD

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