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Thoughts on Episode 3 trailer

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The new mount looks ridiculous (we have now officially reached bad Marvel comic state, especially in combination with Palawa Joko sounding like a Marvel comic villain, whom I cannot take serious). The new legendary warhorn looks even more horrific (why do some GW2 weapon designers make weapons ridiculously extra-large and improper in design? That doesn't look like a weapon but a large toy). :/


The map/environment and possible story content however have me excited. The fractal looks awesome as well. :)

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I dunno, if the horn is dwarven it would certainly explain its large size.

As for the mount, why not, in the world of tyria where a ton of stuff wouldnt work in the real world all i saw was another thing thats an interesting concept at least.

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I haven't played GW1 up to Joko content, but from what I've seen of him (let's plays, quotes, etc) that "bad marvel villain" vibe you're talking about was always there. I personally think giving him more of an eccentric, kind of silly vibe helps make his character interesting and fun, especially because he's so threatening in reality. As for the beetle, I love it. It's super cute and I feel like it fits the new "aesthetic" GW2 has been heading. In conclusion: HYPE!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> The new mount looks ridiculous (we have now officially reached bad Marvel comic state, especially in combination with Palawa Joko sounding like a Marvel comic villain, whom I cannot take serious). The new legendary warhorn looks even more horrific (why do some GW2 weapon designers make weapons ridiculously extra-large and improper in design? That doesn't look like a weapon but a large toy). :/


> The map/environment and possible story content however have me excited. The fractal looks awesome as well. :)


I take it you never played in Kourna in Gw1 or with some of the Canthans festivals.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> The new mount looks ridiculous (we have now officially reached bad Marvel comic state, especially in combination with Palawa Joko sounding like a Marvel comic villain, whom I cannot take serious). The new legendary warhorn looks even more horrific (why do some GW2 weapon designers make weapons ridiculously extra-large and improper in design? That doesn't look like a weapon but a large toy). :/


> The map/environment and possible story content however have me excited. The fractal looks awesome as well. :)


The new mount is a creature from GW1 that is coming back. Yes roller beetles always looked a bit silly (and wait to hear them, the noises they make are even sillier) but they are creatures that exist in the guild wars lore and are now coming to GW2.

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> @"mazut.4296" said:

> I agree, Joko trailer is just stupid. Instead of trying to make it "fun", make it epic... sad story


An arrogant character dismissing the serious threat is a sad story? It was very much in character for him. It was actually pretty cool to see how casual he is about the fact that the guy who killed two elder dragons and a former god is now coming for him

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It can be logical: This new technology Asura equipped with last generation sensors are able to "read" the rotations that the beetles make (abbreviation RPS), these are located on the edges and the bottom; The second sensor is what makes mapping the environment allied to an artificial intelligence and machine learning (similar to autonomous cars); The third sensor that is not quite a sensor acts as a magnet, for example: Metal plates are added in the form of strips on the back of the Beetle and a real magnet is installed on the device but also when rotating the beetle emits vibrations that are read by the sensors and is this form The device can make the beetle a safe means of transport. :)

There's room for everyone: The fluffy, the funny, the Marvel, the obscure, the evil, the gloomy, the dark, the light, the boring, the cool, the easy, the complex, the deep and the shallow. :smiley:

PS.: Forgive me for the English, I'm not fluent

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Completely subjective what your saying. Why do people on this forum not use the term 'in my opinion' , but present a opinion as a fact for everyone. The new mount looks great in my opinion, if you've been playing gw 1 like me, you would be quite anthousiastic about the rollerbeetle making a comeback after all those years. Better then the random boring mounts other games put out, with nice mechanics/physics instead of generic movement over land and in the sky. And Palawa Joko is now how he was in gw 1 also, not pure grim/dark like in the first episode put a mix of grim and humor. Better then the classic generic ' oh im pure evilness' like all the other games, already too many of those.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> The new mount is a creature from GW1 that is coming back.


I know that. It still doesn't justify turning it into a mount with the saddle hovering a meter above it while it rolls. Ansolute ridiculous idea IMO.


> @"Haco.1546" said:

> It can be logical: This new technology Asura [...]


Oh please, enough magi-tech nonsense. If they are so much into sci-fi themed stuff, they should release GW3 taking place 500 years in the future. Just spare me that crap in my beloved fantasy game - I am not playing it for the sci-fi experience, and there's been enough of that shoved down my throat already. :angry:

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > The new mount is a creature from GW1 that is coming back.


> I know that. It still doesn't justify turning it into a mount with the saddle hovering a meter above it while it rolls. Ansolute trash idea IMO.


Looks like star wars pod racing

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