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Just got back to the game, have some random questions

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Hello everyone,


Not going to bore you with my backstory or reasons for these questions, so, I'll just dive in into them.


1 - I'm a Ranger, I love quivers. Last time I played I could buy some quivers out of the cash shop, but they're gone now. How can I get a quiver now? And why do they remove content from the cash shop?! =x


2 - I love Guild Wars lore, played the original games, and read the books, except, the 3rd one. Is it good? Does it have any connection with the overall plot? when does it take place?


3 - Doing Season 2 atm, and going to expansion 1 after I finish it. As far as I understand, the endgame content is everything after 80 and wtv they release for it? So, it's just story, and farm for ascended gear? Regarding ascended gear, I just need to get 1 set and I'm done?


3.1 - I'm Ranger, and will be a druid in group PVE content because I like being a support / healer. Is it good to farm gear (ascended) for this, or endgame group content here is irrelevant?


4 - Any other tip is welcome (I already activated my mastery track, but went back to do season 2. I have both expansions, got them in the last sale).


Thank the lord, ELONA, THE LAND OF THE GOLDEN SUN, IS BACK!! Love Nightfall <3 just missing my dervish now =<

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> @"BioDio.3476" said:

> 2 - I love Guild Wars lore, played the original games, and read the books, except, the 3rd one. Is it good? Does it have any connection with the overall plot? when does it take place?


for Gw1 lore interested people, **Living World Season 3** and **Path of Fire** will be very interesting.


> 3 - Doing Season 2 atm, and going to expansion 1 after I finish it. As far as I understand, the endgame content is everything after 80 and wtv they release for it? So, it's just story, and farm for ascended gear? Regarding ascended gear, I just need to get 1 set and I'm done?


Not required for Open World PVE and History Mode, u can enjoy this with exotics. For fractals level up u should think about ascended. My first ascedend gear i made it in one month.


> 3.1 - I'm Ranger, and will be a druid in group PVE content because I like being a support / healer. Is it good to farm gear (ascended) for this, or endgame group content here is irrelevant?


The last meta for druid is Harrier stats find only in Pof, theres always "cheaper" alternatives to meta stats. In GW2 you do not have grind gear, however you some meta-stats u can get only in the expansions and some are expensive to craft like viper. Anyway you have some goal to work with, since theres some players complain about the lack of goals.

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I came from GW1, I know how the usual endgame works ^^ since there you just farmed for exotic gear, to do endgame content.. basically. Anyway, yeah, I wanna be a druid and heal on group content. Also, don't use words like "Pof", no idea of what you're talking about.

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Welcome back! I hope you're enjoying this wonderful game. :)


1) Content cycles in and out of the gem store. It's good to keep an eye on it, just in case the thing you want comes back at some point. (I want a quiver for my ranger, too. :c) As for why take stuff out of the store...it creates artificial scarcity, which motivates people to buy more when what they want *is* in stock, because who knows when it will be in the store again?


2) I'm not sure which one you mean by "the 3rd one." The third published (Sea of Sorrows)? Or the third chronologically (Ghosts of Ascalon)? In chronological order, the books go Sea of Sorrows, Edge of Destiny, Ghosts of Ascalon; Sea of Sorrows takes place nearly one hundred years before GW2's story begins; Edge of Destiny is roughly five or six years before GW2's story; and Ghosts of Ascalon takes place less than a year before the beginning of GW2's story. In my opinion, Sea of Sorrows and Ghosts of Ascalon are both well-written and all-around fantastic books, and Edge of Destiny is...meh. Rather poorly written, truth be told, but like the other two books, it *does* tell some vital backstory for the game. None of the books are *necessary* to understand the game's lore or backstory, but they can be helpful if you're wondering who Cobiah Marriner is, what broke up Destiny's Edge, or how the human/charr treaty came about.


4.) *Take your time*. Don't rush to 80 (or, beyond that, rush through the Living World and expansion content). Enjoy the story, explore everywhere, listen to the amazing music, and ask questions in general chat if you need to. This community is amazingly friendly and helpful.

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> @"BioDio.3476" said:

> I came from GW1, I know how the usual endgame works ^^ since there you just farmed for exotic gear, to do endgame content.. basically. Anyway, yeah, I wanna be a druid and heal on group content. Also, don't use words like "Pof", no idea of what you're talking about.


PoF = Path of Fire expasion. HoT = Hearth of Thorns expansion. Usually they launch new gear stats sets on expansions. Some of them become the meta. for example Viper(power, condition damage, precision, expertise) came in the HoT.


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> @"Batel.9206" said:


> 2) I'm not sure which one you mean by "the 3rd one."


Sea of Sorrows ^^

Yeah, I like GW2 to be the mid MMO, like, I can always get back to it, sit back, enjoy with friends. There are some stuff that I dislike about the game, like any game, but, it's the one game I always come back from time to time. And with Elona on the map now, I must really play this!

I hope next stop is Cantha, or the north of Tyria.

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You can craft Quivers, if you so desire: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quiver

End-game content encompasses more than just Story and Ascended gear. There's Masteries, Raids, high-level Fractals, WvW, etc.

You may, or may not, want to acquire a/some Mounts, as well as the ability to Glide, now.

You can, if not already unlocked, obtain Living World Season 3 and 4 with Gems (either with cash or in-game Gold).


Welcome return, and good luck.

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The 3rd book (Sea of Sorrows) is prob the weakest of the 3. It's better written than Edge of Destiny, but is soooo dull and boring thanks to it's rather pathetic central character. It does have some nice bits, but be prepared for a drag. It sets up the core game as it covers the rise and aftermath of Zaihtan.


Ascended gear is largely only there for fractals and potentially raids too. It isn't a necessary part of the game otherwise. Endgame is story, open world, collections, achievements, WvW, SPvP, Legendaries, Raids, high tier fractals...frankly what ever you want it to be. Exotic is easier to get, barely any difference in stats and because of how quick it is to get, it is more versatile since you can quickly change builds. Ascended takes time to get and so you can't be as flexible in switching out to a new set.


You won't be disappointed with Elona. It is even more scenic and interesting compared to the GW1 version. They did a great job with the artwork. The story is an improvement over the HoT rush job, although it needed fleshing out a lot more than it was. Be patient with HoT, it is a sudden jump in difficulty and the maps are quite different to the rest of the game. I thoroughly enjoyed it though.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Be patient with HoT, it is a sudden jump in difficulty and the maps are quite different to the rest of the game. I thoroughly enjoyed it though.


Hmm, so, all lvl 80 gear? Very good, or green is enough? I'm only missing accessories, everything else is lvl 80, even got myself an exotic bow with the stats I wanted ^^ (if I sound like a noob, it's because I am).


ATM I'm 2 episodes away from HoT. Nice to see people have different opinions regarding Elona expansion, excited to see it for myself, and will read book 3 I guess.

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For expansion content, id advise exotic. Ascended is def not needed for any open world or story. Rare is a possibility to fill any gaps, but id aim for full exotic


By all means read book 3, just keep a low expectation. It is the most divisive of the three - some seem to love, others like myself and a few over in the lore forums don't really rate it

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