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Your Deadliest Enemy?

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > Just something I thought about while playing on Siren's Landing..

> > > > >

> > > > > What is the deadliest enemy (to you) ?

> > > >

> > > > The wife.

> > >

> > > kitten, that is just so *sad*. I can't imagine having a partner that was so hostile to me or my interests. Good luck! I hope things get better for both of you!

> >

> > I tease, honestly. There were so many answers an yet not one joke in there. I felt obligated to do so. We have very similar gaming interests. The most thing at risk really is the loot I get. I mean if I ever pull a perm hair or style kit, it is soooo not mine.


> I'm genuinely glad to hear it was a joke. So many people seem to talk about their partners as if they are the worst thing ever, and it often seems to be completely serious, so I'm actually happy that you are totally not in the position of it sucking. Sorry to have ducked as the joke flew over. ;)


You are absolutely right. There are many couples that do have issues with one or the other playing games. I just happened to get her addicted and we both control it well with the gaming not taking over our lives any more. We've played long enough to get past that point. I just had to be sneaky in order to keep the relationship alive during the more addicting times.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > It's embarassing to admit, but mine is the Spider Queen in Kessex hills. She's impossible to solo, and always seems to spawn ontop of me whenever I exit the human level 20 story. To this day, she's still on the top of my "kill on sight" list.

> >

> > I avoid that fight on everything, even the Scourge I can solo pretty much any other champion with, even those champ krait who kill everything else. Just ... that fight is agony, and adding people usually doesn't help, as they mess up the minimal mechanics, get downed fast while everyone is webbed, and boom, wipe.

> >

> > At least when it spawns right next to a waypoint you might get enough people running back to eventually see it die.


> The bad part about having more people is that every time she successfully downs a player after webbing them, she heals. So having other players present is only a benefit if they break others out of webs!


> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > terragrif ... charging and leaving a trail behind them that hurts so much ... or from far away leading unblockable attacks from the ground ... bleh i hate those things.


> Terragrifs are quite dangerous. However, their attacks have a huge weakness built into them that you can very easily exploit! That charge attack you hate has an animation lasting several seconds, during which they are vulnerable to interrupts. Not only does this stop the attack, it prevents other special attacks from being used for a moment. That's when you drop the burst on them!


The only issue I have with terragrifs is the fact that the line of their charge, the actual area affected, is so much wider than appears to be the case.

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> @"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:

> Easily the Precision Blade achievement.


> You have to play hide and seek and let the NPC do the dirty work in order to win.


> Second choice would be the manifestation of self-doubt without using help via the gimmick, also an achievement from One Path Ends.


The first part was infuriating to me because of random ranged attacks just one shotting lol Went on my thief just to permastealth that stuff


For the second part I leveled up an entirely new character, a mesmer, just to get through that. Luckily it was before they changed the signet to only heal on summon, not number of clones out

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:


> The first part was infuriating to me because of random ranged attacks just one shotting lol Went on my thief just to permastealth that stuff


> For the second part I leveled up an entirely new character, a mesmer, just to get through that. Luckily it was before they changed the signet to only heal on summon, not number of clones out


I feel your pain. Lol


And that initiation cinematic that you couldn't skip... * *sideshow bob shudder* *

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I think for a specific monster, I would pick the Coztic Itzel HP in the SW corner of Verdant Brink. I have seen entire parties wiped in mere seconds, at least until we finally learned the mechanics or zerged them down.


But as for general mobs, I can list several that are pains in the kitten....

1. Pocket Raptors (until you learn how to AoE them... thankfully, low health makes them easy to kill.)

2. Mordrem Guard Snipers (They hit me from behind what????)

3. Djin (in general)

4. Hydra (I think they have an aggro circle half the size of the map)


There are more, I am sure, but those are the ones that kick my butt.

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