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Thinking about come back to GW2 after a 5 year hiatus

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> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> What happens in late August, I'm totally out of the loop.


For some reason People think that in late August we'll get a new system called: Alliances, where you get to chose who you play with instead of the server system we have now. I don't think that system is coming for another year but it is what it is... However, if you enjoyed WvW because of the combat and the fights, I think you should come and check it out, without expecting much though.

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> @"Kolmena.2416" said:

> > @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > What happens in late August, I'm totally out of the loop.


> For some reason People think that in late August we'll get a new system called: Alliances, where you get to chose who you play with instead of the server system we have now. I don't think that system is coming for another year but it is what it is... However, if you enjoyed WvW because of the combat and the fights, I think you should come and check it out, without expecting much though.


Yeh. Do whichever. Just don't have carry any high expectations.

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> @"Kolmena.2416" said:

> > @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > What happens in late August, I'm totally out of the loop.


> For some reason People think that in late August we'll get a new system called: Alliances, where you get to chose who you play with instead of the server system we have now. I don't think that system is coming for another year but it is what it is... However, if you enjoyed WvW because of the combat and the fights, I think you should come and check it out, without expecting much though.


It won't be late August, we'll be lucky to get it by the end of the year.


To the OP ATM its not worth coming back, WvW state is the worst its ever been.

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> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > Puddin Cheeks. I know that account name.

> > Were you in Elephant Ambush back in the day?

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Yup, that be me. I am curious if any of the old crew is still around. I'm most likely booted from the guild by now since I just quit all of a sudden back in 2013.


The guild has undergone a lot of pruning. I doubt it'd be the guild you remember. Most of the people who were in the guild the first year are no longer there/active. Moreover, while it still technically exists and has a guild hall with all of the trimmings the majority of its members interact more on discord than in the game itself. Most have moved on/play infrequently. Its not a dedicated wvw guild anymore -- hasn't been for about three years. If you've been removed you can send this account a mail message in game I'll send you an invite the next time I'm in game and get you information for the discord. For what its worth, the glory days of EA were pretty much the first year of the game.


As for the game itself, it has changed a lot. Some changes for the better, some not so much. You could certainly ask for opinions, I'm sure everyone else in this thread has one for you. I, unfortunately do not still have an account on DB. The majority of EA left that trainwreck of a server in 2014. A few of us still have accounts there, however. The best thing to do would be just to hop in and see the changes for yourself.


~ Kovu


edit- oh, and don't transfer your account unless you're REALLY dedicated. They'll be introducing a new alliances system soon™ that will make servers obsolete.

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The game got a new class Revenant. 18 new specs with the expansions, 2 for each class, and a few play differently from the base class.

Although the more recent 9 are usually more powerful/relevant to play for meta groups which also drives the combat metas (boonball, pirateship, bubble wars etc).

Combat has change in that conditions were made to be on par with power, a few more were added to the game.

New scoring(pptick ppcapture ppkill skirmish mode) new rewards(skirmish chest, vendor ascended gear legendary backpiece).

Wvw had lost more than half it's population, half the servers have had to roll down to being links instead of host servers.

Alliance mode is currently being work on to help balance populations.


The game is still free to play, so you can see for yourself how it plays these days.


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> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> First Question, is it worth it? I used to roll on DB WvW non-stop and got burned out. Have they made any improvements that make it worthwhile to relearn the game and skills?

Honestly I wouldn't put the effort into coming back if you have been gone for 5 years.

You would need to buy the xpacs to be competitive and WvW is in a very bad place right now.

Back in January they had big plans for a revamp of WvW, but the WvW dev McKenna has not posted anything since February.

Not sure if she's even working for anet at this point.


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id say you just have to try for yourself and dont just listen to those ppl telling you not to, alot has changed, you might like it, you might not

but listening to ppl that play this game for that long is not rly helpful, you know how old ppl are? everything was better in the good ol days, right?

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> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> I gave it a whirl tonight, boy was that fun. My good ole hammer build with my jugger is out of date. I managed a few good skirmishes but got rekt for the most part. The changes the the whole skill system and stuff will take a little to get used to for sure.



yea power creep is a thing, i assume you play warrior? old worker warri build with hammer/sword+horn? i have a pof build thats based on that for publics, not meta anymore but still viable, posted it on the warrior forum.

metabuild is a more dmg oriented build with almost no group support (boonrips and cc)

those builds are mostly marauder and berserker gear and something like scrapper rune or durability, they run spellbreaker and hammer/gs

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > I gave it a whirl tonight, boy was that fun. My good ole hammer build with my jugger is out of date. I managed a few good skirmishes but got rekt for the most part. The changes the the whole skill system and stuff will take a little to get used to for sure.

> >


> yea power creep is a thing, i assume you play warrior? old worker warri build with hammer/sword+horn? i have a pof build thats based on that for publics, not meta anymore but still viable, posted it on the warrior forum.

> metabuild is a more dmg oriented build with almost no group support (boonrips and cc)

> those builds are mostly marauder and berserker gear and something like scrapper rune or durability, they run spellbreaker and hammer/gs


I actually have characters for Ele,Mes,War,Ranger that i used to use in WvW. Never was much on the others since we had good guild members filling those other slots out. I really just ended up playing War because I would run around as commander and carry banners and needed to be tanky. I actually was hammer and bow to charge my sigils and skills and then jump into combat.

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> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> First Question, is it worth it? I used to roll on DB WvW non-stop and got burned out. Have they made any improvements that make it worthwhile to relearn the game and skills?


Since it didn't show up elsewhere, and I'm not sure if it was the thing back in the day, https://metabattle.com/ (and https://snowcrows.com/builds/ for top end PvE builds) are the places to go poke the current metas. I believe there is some sPvP site that is popular other than metabattle, but I don't recall the name, and I'm not aware of any WvW options outside it.


As to improvements, it is probably still the same fundamental game, but it has polished a lot in the time since, so ... I'd say try it out and see. YMMV. Both the game, and you, have probably changed a lot in the last five years.

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Pretty sure we won't get actual alliances in August. Some dev stated somewhere that we would have enough time to organize our alliances before they introduce the new system so they'll probably introduce the new guild features (you know, the whole being able to add guilds to your alliance) first and then introduce the new world system maybe one linking later.


> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> I actually have characters for Ele,Mes,War,Ranger that i used to use in WvW. Never was much on the others since we had good guild members filling those other slots out. I really just ended up playing War because I would run around as commander and carry banners and needed to be tanky.


Vanilla ele still works just fine if you want to jump right back into the game without having to requip much. The role of warrior has changed a lot with PoF, you could probably still run core warrior but it's not ideal. Ranger is still not welcome in WvW (unless for roaming, where you'd probably want to run druid or soulbeast). Core Mesmer probably still works fine but fills a different role than the chronomancer build that is currently meta.

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Doesn’t cost you anything to come back and see for yourself. Asking for a “review” from the internets will always get you an extreme point of view. Game is best evah, game is dead, etc. Come back look around decide for yourself if gw2 2018 is worth your time.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Its not worth it because the game is better or the best there is. Its worth it because there's nothing else, and nothing coming on the horizon. I bet you that if Lost Ark was released and was as good as it looks in the videos, anet would be in panic mode.


Basically this. It's the best RvR atm because WvW is pretty much the only RvR game for now. It's not bad but it could be so much better. Crowfall and Camelot Unchained are coming but they have an incredible amount of work to do to even catch up to GW2. So there really are no other choices in 2018.


If you haven't played in 5 years then you probably would have fun for a while. If you find the right group of folks and a good server, even longer. Eventually you might get tired of some of the base problems but hopefully alliances will be in by then. After that, it will depend on how well they implement Alliances.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > First Question, is it worth it? I used to roll on DB WvW non-stop and got burned out. Have they made any improvements that make it worthwhile to relearn the game and skills?


> "not played in 5 years" you have not really played at all then.


Looking at the long scope of it yeah its a low percentage of time. I was part of all the betas and played way too much for the 8 or 10 months I was active after launch. Around the time all the server jumping happened it just quit being as much fun to be a part of WvW. As Kovu stated earlier I was part of a guild that was dedicated to Dragonbrand and never jumped ship even when our server lost the fairweather people that loved the zergfests. Life, work and kids growing up took the place of my gaming and now I'm finally casually working my way back into some online recreation. I have appreciated the feedback in this thread though from all the replies.

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> @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Puddin Cheeks.8539" said:

> > > First Question, is it worth it? I used to roll on DB WvW non-stop and got burned out. Have they made any improvements that make it worthwhile to relearn the game and skills?

> >

> > "not played in 5 years" you have not really played at all then.


> Looking at the long scope of it yeah its a low percentage of time. I was part of all the betas and played way too much for the 8 or 10 months I was active after launch. Around the time all the server jumping happened it just quit being as much fun to be a part of WvW. As Kovu stated earlier I was part of a guild that was dedicated to Dragonbrand and never jumped ship even when our server lost the fairweather people that loved the zergfests. Life, work and kids growing up took the place of my gaming and now I'm finally casually working my way back into some online recreation. I have appreciated the feedback in this thread though from all the replies.


Well if you do not like the zergfest you are in for a surprise. Roaming and defending is dead, zerging or rather a mapblob is the new thing.

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