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Will we ever see a Guild Wars 3?

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I know that the subject gets up sometimes during this forum, but it's still an important subject.


I just started on Guild Wars 2 myself, and while I can see myself dip alot of hours into the game, since the state of the game is alot more fun compared to release, I still have the fear that we some day get Guild Wars 3 announced.


Why? Well, for starter because the game is already named "2", and theres another game in the franchise. I know that the first game didnt do what the devs wanted, and thats why they made a new game, or at least thats what I've read, but I would just hate to dip lots of hours into the game, just to start from a fresh if they ever think of making a third game in the series.


It could without a doubt help, if they made it possible to carry all gear looks, outfits, mounts and companions to the new game, but making a sequel to a MMORPG is never a good idea, since it will mean that all the years of player progression will be lost. World of Warcraft would for example never have been that popular if people should start from scratch in each expansion.


What do you guys think? Will we ever see a GW2, or only expansions from now on?

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They’ll probably just update the engine as they go along. Remember that the original game went some time with minimal updates (and no income from new campaigns/expansions) while they concentrated on gw2. Switching to creating gw3 would mean putting this game similarly on hold while they spend years designing the new game with loss of income from no expansions and people leaving during the long content droughts and no guarantee that the population will follow them. They would have to take on a lot of debt then hope the new game sells well enough to break even then make a profit.

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The same question has been asked every year since 2012 and the answer remains the same - **if** Anet announces GW3 in development or make a trailer, it will probably be at an event such as E3 and then its ~2-3 years until actual release of GW3, depending on how far along in development it really is. There is very little point of speculating whether this is going to happen to or not and there is definetly not any reason to fear it. *If* GW3 is some day a reality, I'm also sure Anet is clever enough to provide boons for GW2 veterans - just like they did with GW1->GW2.



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Well.... not going to say it will absolulte never happen... it could happen... supposedly.

I do however feel fairly confident that it wont be anytime soon. GW2 is doing well, ANet is still making regular updates and seem to have a rather longlasting story set up, so it can very well last many more years.

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No MMO has EVER had a 3. Most don't even get a 2 and when that happens it's because a huge revamp from the previous iteration. The only game that has been an MMO in a 3rd form, I believe, is Final Fantasy. And that's because one was redone into a realm reborn. Star Wars has had 2 because Star Wars Galaxies and Star Wars: The Old Republic were massively different. Asheron's Call, Ultima Online. Everquest... these are all games that had or now has a 2 title because big changes. Mostly because one game was from a long time ago.

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> @"navystylz.9745" said:

> No MMO has EVER had a 3. Most don't even get a 2 and when that happens it's because a huge revamp from the previous iteration. The only game that has been an MMO in a 3rd form, I believe, is Final Fantasy. And that's because one was redone into a realm reborn. Star Wars has had 2 because Star Wars Galaxies and Star Wars: The Old Republic were massively different. Asheron's Call, Ultima Online. Everquest... these are all games that had or now has a 2 title because big changes. Mostly because one game was from a long time ago.


Agreed. Plus, GW1 wasn't really an MMO as someone else already stated. If they are going to make something new, it won't be an mmo.


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There would need to be a reason for doing so. Just because isn't good enough. The graphics would need to be so far behind that ANet actually starts to lose money on the game. I dont see any other reason to continue the story in a different game. The world they have created is huge, and beautiful, and there are fewer bugs than many of the games like GW2 that are out right now. This game will last for a bit longer, so don't hold your breath for a sequel.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > As long as GW2 is prosperous, it is highly unlikely we see a new GW. And if anet upgrade game graphics, we would need to anyway.


> ...and they will. It is almost always cheaper to upgrade parts of the system, over time, than to build a new one.


Indeed. hopefully they upgrade the graphics soon ?

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Maybe. Often times any mention of a decline in the game, it's funds or population, will be met with some whiteknight kind of justification that the game is older and attrition just happens. As such, if these defenders are true, then GW2 is now in downward years, which means, a GW3, is not only a possibility, but, a necessity. if Anena Net wants to see upward growth again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want a Gw1 Remastered with a great respect of philosophy who create this one, with greats points from Gw2 for Gw3.

( /!\ Without forget the double specializations /!\ )

So love to travel through Tyria just to reach the temple where you can go to UW. :)

Don't care great or bad graphics, complex dynamic mechanics or a story-life always updated.

Just a server who kept his artistic-direction, be updated at different area of times, never stop wanting to improve this one, leave to be interested by scientist inspiration who can be more difficult to understand. The pedestal are in Gw1.


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I'd have to say that its not outside the realm of possibility that anet would make a GW3, after all as time progresses eventually all game engines reach there maximum potential & then need to be re-built from the ground up. Plus you also need to take into account that as time does pass there will be more MMO's that are released that will want to compete with the older ones... if the graphics, story & overall support of those competitors is better then an older title then of course players will slowly start to migrate towards it. Up until now GW2 has managed to stay ahead of the competitors, but given enough time..... for how long?

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I think by the design if Living Story and continuous updates. It may not happen which it was answered already BUT if Anet needs to upgrade the entire game engine. Might as well go for Guild Wars: World.


Guild Wars: Old Gods

Guild Wars: Destruction

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This is how it works in the Guild wars world. If you are worried about longevity The original Guildwars is still active, and the parent company has a game that's been running since 1998 called lineage. GW2 has been running close to 6 years now has 2 expansions and it's just getting started. One of the devs was once asked if there will be a GW3 he said no and the reason was GW2 will change so much over time that It will be like playing another game several times. Now Anet needs to upgrade the engine to include directx 12. I know it can be done without changing the game because Blizzard upgraded World of Warcraft with Directx 11


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