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Officer in guild. Guild Leader and co-leader inactive for more than two months. No ticket answer.

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Just trying to figure out what to do here. My guild leader and co leader and basically the rest of my guild have become inactive for over 2 months due to them just moving on to another game. I'm currently an officer. I want to take control of the guild as there is no more currently active members so that all the work that's gone into it doesn't go to waste. and rebuild. However I opened a ticket about this issue a few days ago and I've gotten no response. I found some stuff online saying after 2 months ownership should pass down to the next active guild officer but that doesnt seem to be the case. How do I go about trying to scrape up what's left here?

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> @"Aphelion.3628" said:

> How do I go about trying to scrape up what's left here?


Regarding your ticket: did you receive the automated message confirming it had been created by ANet? If not, check your spam folders, and consider that it may not have successfully submitted.


Once you have that, you are on the path, and you need to wait. Right now the delays run to about two weeks for support tickets, due to a sudden upswing in demand. ANet are bringing on more staff, they have said, but that isn't instant.


The thing you should absolutely not do is create additional tickets about this. One cause of the delay is that players have, for some reason, decided that is the best way to get results, so significant amounts of CS time now go to weeding out duplicates rather than actually fixing issues -- to the point ANet actually came out and publicly said this was not the way to do it.

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guild ownership is a nasty thing. id rather not takeover something like this. just for example, the original guild owner comes back to the game hes not a member anymore of the guild he founded. so many stuff can happen, and i think its just bad to transfer ownership. i experienced this first hand and it just tore down the roster at that time. i see this guild running again and i heard that the original owner is leading again. but i dont want anything to do with this guild again. its just like taking over someone elses name because he hasnt logged in 5 years.

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Unless they’ve changed their policy the answer is that they don’t change guild ownership. They might not be able to do it even if they want to. So your answer from support it going to be that they can’t help you. If you can reach the guild leader you can try asking if he’ll log in to transfer leadership but other than that your choices are limited to staying or moving on.

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Here’s what ANet has to say about it. It’s from 2013 but I’ve never seen them say it’s changed


>[Gaile Gray](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/support/Guild-leader-rank/first#post2312777)

>And it’s correct that we do not have a system for replacing guild leaders. In fact, I don’t know that we will develop that because we try to let guilds have a level of privacy and autonomy that could be impacted by someone cleverly petitioning for help (and really seeking something wrong.)

>You’ll need to sort this out internally but I take on board that a returning banned player is probably a risky person to have a guild leader, especially if he/she holds certain rights exclusively.

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Well I can't respond to everyone but I wanted to say thanks for all the answers guys. I'll take the advice of Alga and look for something active and send a message to the old guild owner and hope they see it. Also thanks for the info on the tickets. I got so spoiled with their same day responses I was wondering what was going on lol. Thanks all!

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> @"Aphelion.3628" said:

> Well I can't respond to everyone but I wanted to say thanks for all the answers guys. I'll take the advice of Alga and look for something active and send a message to the old guild owner and hope they see it. Also thanks for the info on the tickets. I got so spoiled with their same day responses I was wondering what was going on lol. Thanks all!


At least you got five guild slots, so you can keep this one hanging around without being blocked joining another.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> > @"Aphelion.3628" said:

> >I found some stuff online saying after 2 months ownership should pass down to the next active guild officer but that doesnt seem to be the case.

> That's [information concerning Guild Wars 1](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild#Automatic_succession "information concerning Guild Wars 1").



And it's one of the reasons it's different in GW2. There were a lot of complaints from people who had RL commitments that prevented them from returning to the game, who lost their guilds due to inactivity. (Not saying it's better one way or the other. Just saying: one renter's ceiling is another renter's floor.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Greener.6204" said:

> > > @"Aphelion.3628" said:

> > >I found some stuff online saying after 2 months ownership should pass down to the next active guild officer but that doesnt seem to be the case.

> > That's [information concerning Guild Wars 1](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild#Automatic_succession "information concerning Guild Wars 1").

> >


> And it's one of the reasons it's different in GW2. There were a lot of complaints from people who had RL commitments that prevented them from returning to the game, who lost their guilds due to inactivity. (Not saying it's better one way or the other. Just saying: one renter's ceiling is another renter's floor.)


In SWTOR, a guild leader who is inactive for about a month (for some reason I can never keep in my head whether it's four weeks - 28 days - or 30 days) is demoted and suitable substitute promoted in his place. There are also rules about what happens if the guild leader's subscription ends, and these rules also cause automatic promotion of an alternative leader, but if there is no subscribed alternative, the system will instead demote the guild to a "free to play" guild.


There are regular, if infrequent, complaints on the forums from people who drop subscription or take a break for whatever reason (deployment abroad, inadequate Internet service during a temporary move, bored with the game, etc.) and they are universally bitter about the system taking away "their" guild and giving it to someone else (who usually then kicks all the "old" members out and does whatever with the guild and its assets). The point that's always made about the destructive effects of absentee guild leaders is universally ignored or dismissed, because "the system stole my guild".


So in general, while I don't have a lot of sympathy for those people (the rules are *not* kept secret), the autopromotion system does have risks that people seeking it should consider.

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It is infuriating when you have contributed thousands of mats, hundreds of gold, and many manhours to a guild only to have that guild leader go AWOL for extended periods of time, perhaps forever.


I do wish that they would allow players to recoup some, if not all, of their investment from a dead guild. Maybe a vote function. Guild leader inactive for 1 month and a vote ensues. Every player in that guild that logs in within a week of the initiation of the vote gets to vote. Vote can be for passing leadership, stay the same, or dissolution of the guild(refunding everyone's contributions.)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> If memory serves me, Anet/Support will not get involved in guild ownership disputes or handovers. You may have to wait 1-2 weeks for a reply, but I'm not convinced you will get a favourable response here I'm afraid.




In the past I have had to start over entirely because they will not get involved in any type of internal guild issues.

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This is why you join a guild with multiple willing-to-step-down leaders, and 3rd party contact (steam/discord/facebook or whichever), so that you can contact and/or switch leadership at any time.


In GW1 our old guild has switched leadership many times now because it's automated, and this doesn't really feel all that practical.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> It is infuriating when you have contributed thousands of mats, hundreds of gold, and many manhours to a guild only to have that guild leader go AWOL for extended periods of time, perhaps forever.


> I do wish that they would allow players to recoup some, if not all, of their investment from a dead guild. Maybe a vote function. Guild leader inactive for 1 month and a vote ensues. Every player in that guild that logs in within a week of the initiation of the vote gets to vote. Vote can be for passing leadership, stay the same, or dissolution of the guild(refunding everyone's contributions.)


Why do you need the material back, presuming all of the upgrades to the Guild Hall have been completed if you have one there's no need to get anything back. The Guild Hall won't disappear, the upgrades won't disappear neither will the Guild, just join another one and keep membership in the one with currently in active leadership, it's really that simple and one of the reasons for giving players the option of joining up to 5 guilds(besides having one for different game modes). You don't really need a leader to do anything once a guild has completely upgraded it's Guild Hall, except for certain guild functions and those can easily be distributed prior to different levels of officers if the leaders are half-ways competent.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > It is infuriating when you have contributed thousands of mats, hundreds of gold, and many manhours to a guild only to have that guild leader go AWOL for extended periods of time, perhaps forever.

> >

> > I do wish that they would allow players to recoup some, if not all, of their investment from a dead guild. Maybe a vote function. Guild leader inactive for 1 month and a vote ensues. Every player in that guild that logs in within a week of the initiation of the vote gets to vote. Vote can be for passing leadership, stay the same, or dissolution of the guild(refunding everyone's contributions.)


> Why do you need the material back, presuming all of the upgrades to the Guild Hall have been completed if you have one there's no need to get anything back. The Guild Hall won't disappear, the upgrades won't disappear neither will the Guild, just join another one and keep membership in the one with currently in active leadership, it's really that simple and one of the reasons for giving players the option of joining up to 5 guilds(besides having one for different game modes). You don't really need a leader to do anything once a guild has completely upgraded it's Guild Hall, except for certain guild functions and those can easily be distributed prior to different levels of officers if the leaders are half-ways competent.


I like to be in active guilds. Just "holding" a place in a guild isn't the point.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> It is infuriating when you have contributed thousands of mats, hundreds of gold, and many manhours to a guild only to have that guild leader go AWOL for extended periods of time, perhaps forever.


> I do wish that they would allow players to recoup some, if not all, of their investment from a dead guild. Maybe a vote function. Guild leader inactive for 1 month and a vote ensues. Every player in that guild that logs in within a week of the initiation of the vote gets to vote. Vote can be for passing leadership, stay the same, or dissolution of the guild(refunding everyone's contributions.)


What you suggesting is on the context that majority of the guild upgrades are donated by the members. What if is the other way round, like mostly from the leader? This is just something that cannot be judged fairly by automated means from a developer perspective.


What the players really need to do is don't join and contribute to a guild with a irresponsible leader, it is really for most part, a personal responsibility.

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