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Remove gold fees on shipments

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This goes for other things like unbound magic. Right now, one trophy shipment has a profit of only 40 silver. After the TP takes a cut, you get 34 silver.


This is simply garbage for the amount of time it takes to amass the volatile magic. It pretty much feels like you get nothing because you have to pay one entire gold for the shipment, aswell as the VM you worked hard to collect, completely eliminating your profits. If the gold price was removed or cut in half, it would be much more fair and in balance with time spent relative to farming VM.

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No, definitely DO NOT do that. It's not supposed to be a gold printer and considering HOW EASY it is to end the day with a couple thousand magic with barely any effort no, absolutely not.


You're literally asking for the best farm in the game to become even better.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> No, definitely DO NOT do that. It's not supposed to be a gold printer and considering HOW EASY it is to end the day with a couple thousand magic with barely any effort no, absolutely not.


> You're literally asking for the best farm in the game to become even better.


So, for an entire day of farming, and ending the day with a couple thousand magic... you get 2g 72s profit. For a day's work.

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No reward should be balanced towards how much money you get on the TP. The TP balances itself to the supply and demand of the rewards.


The amount of gold is there so that the rewards dont become way too lucrative in comparison with other sources. While also stabilizing the vale of these materials.


Volatile and unbound magic are mostly a currency for unique LW rewards. Any extra is a bonus. I dont think they are intended to be the main rewards from playing the content.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > No, definitely DO NOT do that. It's not supposed to be a gold printer and considering HOW EASY it is to end the day with a couple thousand magic with barely any effort no, absolutely not.

> >

> > You're literally asking for the best farm in the game to become even better.


> So, for an entire day of farming, and ending the day with a couple thousand magic... you get 2g 72s profit. For a day's work.


Plus all the unids that you throw on the market or break into mats. So yeah it's easy to make money with Istan. You are definitely making more gold than 2g72s.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > No, definitely DO NOT do that. It's not supposed to be a gold printer and considering HOW EASY it is to end the day with a couple thousand magic with barely any effort no, absolutely not.

> >

> > You're literally asking for the best farm in the game to become even better.


> So, for an entire day of farming, and ending the day with a couple thousand magic... you get 2g 72s profit. For a day's work.


You can get 1500 magic just from doing Palawadan ONCE


I was talking from a super casual perspective where you'd see the event is up, join and then maybe join for GH, which is another 500 or so


Barely any effort, a ton of gear and materials, yeah no.


You get 1k magic per hour, not accounting for other events. So 4 shipments + tons of loot at the bare minimum

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > No, definitely DO NOT do that. It's not supposed to be a gold printer and considering HOW EASY it is to end the day with a couple thousand magic with barely any effort no, absolutely not.

> >

> > You're literally asking for the best farm in the game to become even better.


> So, for an entire day of farming, and ending the day with a couple thousand magic... you get 2g 72s profit. For a day's work.


If you don't like your return on your time investment, find a new one. If you're only going to look at it from the point of view that it's a job and it's work, then what you do to get it shouldn't matter to you.

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It's a gold sink. Anet needs those to control the gold level in the game to some level. There are so few gold sink as it is. Waypoints? Peanuts. They don't cost anything. Salvaging/gathering tools? You can get those unlimited ones. I know players with gold reserves in the thousands. This in turns will affect the gems prices. The more gold there are in the game, the more gems will cost, which will make it impossible for new players to catch up and buy anything. I used to be able to buy 400gems for 20g.... it's now averaging at 110g. If anything, we need more gold sinks. Make them proportionate to your level like the waypoint costs? maybe... but we need them.

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Ugh, it's a gold sink on something which is purely there as a means to get PROFIT, do you understand?

The griffon is a gold sink. You get the griffon. This isn't a gold sink, at least I don't think so, because you don't get anything back except chump change.


Anyway who says I'm farming Palawadan? If I'm just getting volatile magic as rewards from events normally, you can't say "oh sure you got chump change from the VM, but look at all those unidentified gears!". And at the rate you get them normally (not from farming), the profit is a joke.


Of course nobody will agree because on this forum literally everyone is against you, is generally anti-player, shoots down any suggestions or helpful QoL things, and acts like there is nothing wrong in-game and everything is expertly and perfectly balanced the way it is.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Ugh, it's a gold sink on something which is purely there as a means to get PROFIT, do you understand?

> The griffon is a gold sink. You get the griffon. This isn't a gold sink, at least I don't think so, because you don't get anything back except chump change.


> Anyway who says I'm farming Palawadan? If I'm just getting volatile magic as rewards from events normally, you can't say "oh sure you got chump change from the VM, but look at all those unidentified gears!". And at the rate you get them normally (not from farming), the profit is a joke.


> Of course nobody will agree because on this forum literally everyone is against you, is generally anti-player, shoots down any suggestions or helpful QoL things, and acts like there is nothing wrong in-game and everything is expertly and perfectly balanced the way it is.


You know what? Let's change it. Instead of a trophy shipment costing one gold, you pay 250 VM and you get two T6 materials for free and nothing else. Because right now one trophy shipment is two t6 mats. If that sounds good to you guys then lol, have fun and good luck I guess.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Ugh, it's a gold sink on something which is purely there as a means to get PROFIT, do you understand?

> The griffon is a gold sink. You get the griffon. This isn't a gold sink, at least I don't think so, because you don't get anything back except chump change.


> Anyway who says I'm farming Palawadan? If I'm just getting volatile magic as rewards from events normally, you can't say "oh sure you got chump change from the VM, but look at all those unidentified gears!". And at the rate you get them normally (not from farming), the profit is a joke.


> Of course nobody will agree because on this forum literally everyone is against you, is generally anti-player, shoots down any suggestions or helpful QoL things, and acts like there is nothing wrong in-game and everything is expertly and perfectly balanced the way it is.


I don't think you understand what a gold sink is. A gold sink is to remove excess value as it can lead to inflation (as I briefly explained above). This is the devs way to balance scarcity of gold and ease of acquiring gold. Otherwise prices will shoot up (which they pretty much are because of a lack of gold sink). You don't **have** to get something back. Griffons are a good example. It costs 200g. But it doesn't have to be always like this.


With regards to the TP, it's like a tax. If you have a job in real life, your income gets taxed. Same thing here. The TP is not **purely** for profit. Otherwise, no items can be sold at a loss (which does happen). A market is to allow for a trade of items. Whether a profit is made or not is up to the buyers and sellers. In the majority of cases, a profit will be made because who likes being conned.


Finally, if you have a read at the _hundreds_ of other discussions on this forum, you'll see that many see flaws in the game. However, we don't all come onto the forums to have a go at it and expect everybody to agree with us. That's what a _discussion_ is. We weigh both sides of the argument. Sometimes, the OP may be right or they may be wrong, We come to a conclusion by discussing it.


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I have like 3k gold. This isn't about gold. I just think this particular specific thing needs to be adjusted, because right now it isn't giving enough in my opinion. You can say you think it's fine but I think you're wrong tbh. If anything I'm thinking of poorer and more casual players since this isn't how I earn gold (I don't farm either).

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I have like 3k gold. This isn't about gold. I just think this particular specific thing needs to be adjusted, because right now it isn't giving enough in my opinion. You can say you think it's fine but I think you're wrong tbh. If anything I'm thinking of poorer and more casual players since this isn't how I earn gold (I don't farm either).


COnsidering how much other loot you get from that event, including the salvage/unid gear, i think its fine, its alot of stuff to get. One or two events and youll be drowning in unids.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > I have like 3k gold. This isn't about gold. I just think this particular specific thing needs to be adjusted, because right now it isn't giving enough in my opinion. You can say you think it's fine but I think you're wrong tbh. If anything I'm thinking of poorer and more casual players since this isn't how I earn gold (I don't farm either).


> COnsidering how much other loot you get from that event, including the salvage/unid gear, i think its fine, its alot of stuff to get. One or two events and youll be drowning in unids.


What if you don't do Palawadan? Maybe you like to gather or do smaller events. Just because a different reward is fair, it doesn't mean it's balanced for this too. I just think "nah VM is fine because you get unids" is a bad argument because it assumes you're doing Palawadan.

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Guys right now all I hear is:

"Farm something else". This is a horrible argument, you don't just ignore something which isn't balanced or fair.

"VM is fine because you get unids in Palawadan". Also bad, it assumes farming Palawadan. For the average player, VM gives an unfair payout. Sometimes you can even lose money. That is just absurd.

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those shipments have been designed as an excess faucet for volatile magic, so players can still use it for something after they unlocked all the account bound rewards that are available for volatile magic.


Personally, I would take the shipment vendor out of the game completely rather than make these shipments cheaper in gold costs to make continuous farming of LS maps less profitable compared to expansion maps.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> So the single biggest unbalancing element of the GW2 economy since AB Multiloot should be furthered tuned to generate more profit?

> Yeah that's great thinking there.


How to trash economy even more, in 1 single change.

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I think it's perfectly reasonable to consider whether it's reasonable to include a gold cost for sinks of non-coin currency. At first glance, it seems like it hurts individuals too much. Balanced rewards require looking beyond the individual, to the entire ecosystem.


Adding a hard costs to shipments is a way to ensure that the value of mats can't drop too low, since, as you note, it has become far less profitable. And sure, it's bad for those people who have 500k+ VM and want to unload it quickly for something, anything. But it's good for the game overall. And that's the argument being made.


> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Guys right now all I hear is:

> "Farm something else". This is a horrible argument,


No one is making that argument with respect to why they think the gold costs are fine. They are suggesting that if the only issue is gold earned, then maybe there are better sources.


> you don't just ignore something which isn't balanced or fair.

People disagree with the contention that the shipments are imbalanced or unfair. Shipments continue to successfully serve two purposes: a sink for VM and an alternative way to acquire mats, without having to e.g. farm leather trees (which don't exist). The fact that they were also a way to make gold was always incidental (and some have argued, economically problematic).


> "VM is fine because you get unids in Palawadan". Also bad, it assumes farming Palawadan.

What sorts of players do you think regularly have beyond 100k volatile magic and aren't farming some combination of Palawadan/GH/Atli?


> For the average player, VM gives an unfair payout. Sometimes you can even lose money. That is just absurd.

The only way someone can lose money converting VM is they aren't paying attention. Plus, the so-called average player doesn't have as much "excess" VM as implied. A lot of people have complained that it is too difficult to acquire.



It's simply not true that a day's effort results in _only_ a few gold. Anything that generates a ton of VM also results in other benefits. But if the stated goal is to make gold, then of course, "farm something else" is a reasonable response.



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I don't get why you're so focused on my perhaps poorly worded example. I didn't say "farm an entire day and get 2g out of it" I said, you can easily go into the game, play for a little bit and end up with 2k magic from just Pala + GH, that's under an hour played and it nets you a bunch of VM + loot.


Either way, profit is profit. Why do you think people DO farm this for many hours a day? Because at the end of the day they can buy 60 shipments, go to Silverwastes and open their gear, sell and salvage stuff + ectos AND make profit from shipments.

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