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Earning and Getting Ascended Armor Feels Too Gated


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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > -


> Believe it or not, getting ascended in PVE is not a walk in the park. Time gated daily mats for crafting, which in WvW you have a chance at dropping with 0 investment from Mist Warped Packets. Unless you're doing CM's, Fractal ascended drops only from dailies (can only do once a day) and are RNG'd. And like I said, crafting takes mats which are a pain in the kitten to farm in PVE.


> On top of this, you have reward tracks and reward track potions and a guild buff to make it even faster. When I started in WvW we didnt get ANY of this, we just spent our time there for the love of the game mode.


> > - PvP: Last I recall from a long time ago (years) the only difference armor/weapons made in PvP was on wether or not you had it equiped. Not the actual choice of stats you made on the armor itself. I remember this from a friend of mine that PvP'd naked and was like "dude, I feel like I'm dying easier". He then found out it was only because his base armor stats still had an effect. Not the other stats apart from that... because you use an amulet, runes, sigils... and your pretty much good to go.


> Exactly, jump into PvP with any armor choose amulets, runes and sigils and get on with it. Its not like your skills change, or your rotations will vastly differ than when roaming. Yeah, you can't min-max as much as you can in WvW, but neither can your opponents. I'm sure you can find a stat combo that's very similar to what you roam in WvW.


> ----------------------------------


> When I first started, I never thought I'd get ascended gear cause I hated crafting. I geared up all my toons in Exotics from PVP. Then I started running Citadel of Fire dungeon daily to get more exotic armor. 20 minute investment every day.


> Once I got into WvW, I felt like you, I want to min-max, so I crafted one set of ascended light gear (back when it was ridiculously expensive). With that I started doing fractal dailies for about 6 months. I geared up about 5 toons doing a combination of fractal dailies and daily crafting. I actually started enjoying Fractals too, and do them to this day whenever I have a bit of time before my daily WvW guild gets on.


> Look you essentially have two options: You can either stick to WvW and get your rewards when you get them OR you can mix and match activities for a bit and get your gear faster and then do whatever you like to do for eternity. I suggest the latter, you might even find you like something other than JUST WvW roaming.


I agree with your overall post, but some parts of it are questionable.

The problem in WvW is there is 0 correlation between player activity, skill and rewards. Players who semi-afk get the same rewards as players who are playing full-time and very well.

In PvE; getting ascended is a walk in the park. I get at least 1 full set every month from raid clears alone. This takes me 12-15 hours per month. +1 set for doing the first collection. Too lazy for the second collection on my alts.


Compare this to WvW; where I need more than 5x that time per month to reach reward cap despite having a high WvW rank (5k+); and yet I don't get a full set... I barely get 1-2 pieces. A full set takes 6x longer in timegate, and 5x more time. In total, compared to pve raids it takes me literally 30 times longer in WvW.


Fun part? I get more cash doing raid clears in 3 hours than I get playing WvW for 10+ hours on a very kill-hungry zerg server. So no, zerging isn't particularly better either.


But we can't increase the rewards. Increasing rewards lures low-effort WvWers who aren't interested in WvW; but interested in the rewards.


Result is pretty clear; decrease or keep the "afk" rewards we have now but increase rewards for flipping, killing, ... active gameplay and getting stuff done. Not winning at the end of the week; just gettin stuff done.


Seriously tho; getting gear in PvE takes far less time and is far easier, to the point where it's not even funny.

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> The problem is that inside the same game mode "stupid" zerging and ppt gets you closer to the Ascended armor in 1/10 of the time compared to roaming or even fighting. That's something that has been a problem since the game exists. So if you just run around your borderland and take towers with your 50 ppl group and running over 5 mans you get the Ascended armor in no time.

> I'm not sure if that's good design


The design is at odds with itself, because its trying to accommodate 2 different types of players. You have Fight Guilds on side of the Argument, and PPT guilds on the other. Arguably WvW is objective-based game mode, and should reward taking and defending objectives...... which it does, but its time gated (5 min flip immunity, and the 5 min tick period). But it also has to support large fights, which the objectives are supposed to give reason for having. But the problem comes in with the nature of War Score, the nature of Loot drops, and the fact that structures take a LOT of people to assault given the type of advantage defenders have with siege.


If I had to boil it down, its movement layer of our combat system that makes a lot of other WvW concepts impossible to mesh. We can't effectively control the movement of the enemy zerg, nor does an allied blob have to think about positioning on an individual level. Both of these are caused by lack of friendly collision and lack of friendly fire. As a result, you have 2 swarms which have near unimpeded movement under most circumstances, and makes a defensive line to protect open field siege (catas, Ballista, etc) completely impossible. This forces players to resort to cheesing Terrain; and terrain is NOT evenly arranged on any of the maps. Since the vast majority of our skills are AOE or Cleave, friendly fire is a non-start. Add collision, and things get really weird really fast. So we're stuck like this.


I outline this, because this is what drives the behavior of fight guilds and zerg combat. Line of sight is not an issue, plus all of our shared buffs are short ranged, AND the 5 hit cap on all skills...... so like PvE, stacking is the best strategy for pretty much everything. So when zergs clash, its a snow ball effect where the more players are downed, the faster the zerg collapses, and the faster the remaining players die. This generates a lot of bags, and usually generates a lot of Warscore. If some of the T1 match up manipulation has shown us, you can win a Match up on kills alone. In fact, 5 of the WvW servers are notorious bag farmers, and they all favor population stacking over PPT strategies. Hell.... Mag won't even leave SMC once they have it. The main reason they do that is because both PPT and Fight Zergs will try to take it if theres nothing else to do; They know this, and exploit it for bag farms.


This reduces PPT, Warscore and the entire server ranking system, to a tool to facilitate better fights. Captures might award more WxP overall, but Kills award lot of bags, and will readily outpace capture WxP if both zergs are constantly fighting. And it being uncapped is all the more reason to want to keep throwing yourself at the meat grinder, getting kill tags like its the Arah defense event. This summarizes the fundamental flaw of the game mode- captures and PPT aren't important to the battle, and runs into massive pacing issues.


And I can tell you right now, that Anet intended WvW to function more along the lines of multiple 5-man groups cooperating to take a Tower or something. But in practice this is just too awkward for more reasons then I can accurately describe. Like traversal time, response time, reinforcement time, the problem with supplies.... no, the entire logistics system, the rapid scaling of multiple siege (time to break walls/gates), the low durability of siege, the grave difficulty of defending it, Siege vs Zergs dynamics. Zergs are better at everything once they show up.... but they are bottlenecked by travel time and hard immunties (RI). The inconsistent scaling of these interactions is what makes a lot of things the mess that they are...... and we can't have it any other way, because EVERYTHING needs to be different to resolve the interactions we're getting.


I know this doesn't answer "time to get Ascended gear". But I think its still important discussion point if we're gonna go into why Roaming and Scouting has such a low reward rate. They even added the Participation slots to squads, because the game mode is so bad at offering tangible rewards for important strategic roles.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I just don't understand the requirement for WvW ranking to get the Ascended version. To upgrade Ascended to Legendary, sure, that makes sense. But why require a WvW rank of 1800 for a helmet, especially given how many new players are coming into GW2? Much much faster to just craft the pieces, or if you already have the Grandmaster marks, farm Fractals for pages and relics.


Because it wasn't meant to be reward for new players, but for veterans since they were playing wvw with nearly no rewards for 4 years. The whole pip/legy system in wvw gives veterans big advantage for a reason.


I believe that 1800 rank helm is just a better skin, you can get ascended helm with much lower rank.

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i play about 15 hours a week


I can easily make around 100 gold in WvW during those 15 hours. Plus I craft ascended mats and sell them for profits. It's not really hard to get ascended, you can buy it through materials. You can also use karma and spirit shards for profits. And I play primarily as a roamer or with a group of 3-5 with some odd zerging here and there. I've made so many sets very easily and at most it would take like a month.


I will agree minstrels is very expensive but that is just the market, but you are a roamer so I would have no idea why you would consider roaming in that. Trailblazer is less expensive and more feasible.


What is easily more frustrating than anything is obtaining legendary armor which with the cap on the skirmish tickets. It'll take me more than half a year to obtain a full legendary set for almost no reason other than skirmish tickets are capped.



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Ascended gear is not gated. All the mats necessary for it are available on the TP save for the vision crystal, which is circumvented by buying wvw/pvp armor. The only time gated armor is legendary, but hey, it’s future proof and it costs 250g a piece so not that bad.

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Edit, nvm other people covered it.


I honestly don't know what to tell you besides do a mix of both crafting and other things like WvW or fractals if you want ascended gear. If you absolutely need it quickly the only way to do that is to pull out the card, and convert if you don't have funds already.

Currently there are a lot of ways to get ascended gear to the point where 8 of my 12 slots have ascended gear and 2 of 12 have legendary gear.

I play more than average though, and my WvW rank is probably significantly higher than yours because I both Roam and pick for my group.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> The only thing that went in my mind while reading this is an ever increasing chant of manly "AH"s due to the overwhelming length of this epic post.


> As a short answer all I have to say is nobody cares about roamers. **If you're roaming in wvw you're having fun wrong.** Plain and simple wvw is group content not solo, if you wanted to beat everyone 1v1 just go play a single player game.


Its this toxic elitist attitude that doesnt belong in WvW, but something that I see a lot in PvP. Roamers are as important in WvW as groups. Just because someone chooses to roam in WvW and surviving on skill vs roaming in a group and being carried and spamming the 1 key doesnt invalidate a roamers existence. If solo roaming wasnt supposed to exist, then things like camps, sentries and yaks would require more people to cap it, plain and simple.


Roamers have been around since WvW was a thing and served as scouts, cutting tails off big groups and cutting off supplies. Having fun wrong would be what the hackers do, otherwise no one can dictate and tell others to "Stop playing if you are roaming". If you got beat by a roamer, there's no shame to admit such. Im sure there are some here who would be more than happy to spar with ya so you can learn to beat them.


Its a game and people who play without hacking will have fun either via Solo or group content. Theres nothing wrong.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > I just don't understand the requirement for WvW ranking to get the Ascended version. To upgrade Ascended to Legendary, sure, that makes sense. But why require a WvW rank of 1800 for a helmet, especially given how many new players are coming into GW2? Much much faster to just craft the pieces, or if you already have the Grandmaster marks, farm Fractals for pages and relics.


> Because it wasn't meant to be reward for new players, but for veterans since they were playing wvw with nearly no rewards for 4 years. The whole pip/legy system in wvw gives veterans big advantage for a reason.


> I believe that 1800 rank helm is just a better skin, you can get ascended helm with much lower rank.


Correct, the t3 armor is locked behind ranks because it's shinier, and that's the only reason. The t2 armor is just the same as the t3 just not as shiny, and can also be turned into legendary armor.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > The only thing that went in my mind while reading this is an ever increasing chant of manly "AH"s due to the overwhelming length of this epic post.

> >

> > As a short answer all I have to say is nobody cares about roamers. **If you're roaming in wvw you're having fun wrong.** Plain and simple wvw is group content not solo, if you wanted to beat everyone 1v1 just go play a single player game.


> Its this toxic elitist attitude that doesnt belong in WvW, but something that I see a lot in PvP. Roamers are as important in WvW as groups. Just because someone chooses to roam in WvW and surviving on skill vs roaming in a group and being carried and spamming the 1 key doesnt invalidate a roamers existence. If solo roaming wasnt supposed to exist, then things like camps, sentries and yaks would require more people to cap it, plain and simple.


> Roamers have been around since WvW was a thing and served as scouts, cutting tails off big groups and cutting off supplies. Having fun wrong would be what the hackers do, otherwise no one can dictate and tell others to "Stop playing if you are roaming". If you got beat by a roamer, there's no shame to admit such. Im sure there are some here who would be more than happy to spar with ya so you can learn to beat them.


> Its a game and people who play without hacking will have fun either via Solo or group content. Theres nothing wrong.


Sorry you assume every server cares about ppt, the truth is most wvw guilds don't care about ppt anymore but instead actually getting fights, even those that are unfair. If you see a guild group that's dedicated to wvw outside of a tower or capping a camp, 8/10 times it's to

* incite the enemy to come to the tower

* fight enemies within the tower

* to get supply


One person going around flipping camps and killing yaks is not only having fun wrong because you're lying to yourself about thinking that it's fun, but you're also not being very useful when in 5 min a group can just flip it right back without issue. **You're essentially trying justify doing really degrading pve content in a pvp game mode when you could just pve outside, and that's also stupid.** Roaming is a personal thing, as well, to want to go around looking for a 1v1 is stupid, we have pvp lobbies that balance you out just for doing that, if you want to learn how to play your class go there and leave wvw instead, it's actually balanced for you so you don't have to run around for 10 minutes just to look for this one person to fight, be real dude.


I should add as well, that there's a reason nobody cares about a thief in wvw.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > The only thing that went in my mind while reading this is an ever increasing chant of manly "AH"s due to the overwhelming length of this epic post.

> > >

> > > As a short answer all I have to say is nobody cares about roamers. **If you're roaming in wvw you're having fun wrong.** Plain and simple wvw is group content not solo, if you wanted to beat everyone 1v1 just go play a single player game.

> >

> > Its this toxic elitist attitude that doesnt belong in WvW, but something that I see a lot in PvP. Roamers are as important in WvW as groups. Just because someone chooses to roam in WvW and surviving on skill vs roaming in a group and being carried and spamming the 1 key doesnt invalidate a roamers existence. If solo roaming wasnt supposed to exist, then things like camps, sentries and yaks would require more people to cap it, plain and simple.

> >

> > Roamers have been around since WvW was a thing and served as scouts, cutting tails off big groups and cutting off supplies. Having fun wrong would be what the hackers do, otherwise no one can dictate and tell others to "Stop playing if you are roaming". If you got beat by a roamer, there's no shame to admit such. Im sure there are some here who would be more than happy to spar with ya so you can learn to beat them.

> >

> > Its a game and people who play without hacking will have fun either via Solo or group content. Theres nothing wrong.


> Sorry you assume every server cares about ppt, the truth is most wvw guilds don't care about ppt anymore but instead actually getting fights, even those that are unfair. If you see a guild group that's dedicated to wvw outside of a tower or capping a camp, 8/10 times it's to

> * incite the enemy to come to the tower

> * fight enemies within the tower

> * to get supply


> One person going around flipping camps and killing yaks is not only having fun wrong because you're lying to yourself about thinking that it's fun, but you're also not being very useful when in 5 min a group can just flip it right back without issue. **You're essentially trying justify doing really degrading pve content in a pvp game mode when you could just pve outside, and that's also stupid.** Roaming is a personal thing, as well, to want to go around looking for a 1v1 is stupid, we have pvp lobbies that balance you out just for doing that, if you want to learn how to play your class go there and leave wvw instead, it's actually balanced for you so you don't have to run around for 10 minutes just to look for this one person to fight, be real dude.


> I should add as well, that there's a reason nobody cares about a thief in wvw.


Again, toxic elitist attitude. Some people may find flipping camps fun and you cannot dictate otherwise because you dont find it fun. Roamers do more than flip camps (please re-read my previous statement again). roamers can divert other groups, work as scouts so YOUR OWN ZERG doesnt get directed to a tapped point, they cut off tails of bigger groups and tend to attack the back line power hitters in a big fight, some will even solo towers and actually cap them. Yea some look for 1v1's, 2v1's...etc, however some actually pull their weight bud.


I don't expect you to understand that there is actually a world outside being carried by allies while running. The No Down week only proved this point greatly, hence the popularity. Sad that you can't see this but hopefully someday you will. Seems we are going to have to agree to disagree bud.


Also people do care about thief in WvW, again I dont expect someone that gets carried to understand how proper roamers do it.


Edit: This isnt the thread for this kind of discussion so I apologize and I am done with it :)

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > The only thing that went in my mind while reading this is an ever increasing chant of manly "AH"s due to the overwhelming length of this epic post.

> > > >

> > > > As a short answer all I have to say is nobody cares about roamers. **If you're roaming in wvw you're having fun wrong.** Plain and simple wvw is group content not solo, if you wanted to beat everyone 1v1 just go play a single player game.

> > >

> > > Its this toxic elitist attitude that doesnt belong in WvW, but something that I see a lot in PvP. Roamers are as important in WvW as groups. Just because someone chooses to roam in WvW and surviving on skill vs roaming in a group and being carried and spamming the 1 key doesnt invalidate a roamers existence. If solo roaming wasnt supposed to exist, then things like camps, sentries and yaks would require more people to cap it, plain and simple.

> > >

> > > Roamers have been around since WvW was a thing and served as scouts, cutting tails off big groups and cutting off supplies. Having fun wrong would be what the hackers do, otherwise no one can dictate and tell others to "Stop playing if you are roaming". If you got beat by a roamer, there's no shame to admit such. Im sure there are some here who would be more than happy to spar with ya so you can learn to beat them.

> > >

> > > Its a game and people who play without hacking will have fun either via Solo or group content. Theres nothing wrong.

> >

> > Sorry you assume every server cares about ppt, the truth is most wvw guilds don't care about ppt anymore but instead actually getting fights, even those that are unfair. If you see a guild group that's dedicated to wvw outside of a tower or capping a camp, 8/10 times it's to

> > * incite the enemy to come to the tower

> > * fight enemies within the tower

> > * to get supply

> >

> > One person going around flipping camps and killing yaks is not only having fun wrong because you're lying to yourself about thinking that it's fun, but you're also not being very useful when in 5 min a group can just flip it right back without issue. **You're essentially trying justify doing really degrading pve content in a pvp game mode when you could just pve outside, and that's also stupid.** Roaming is a personal thing, as well, to want to go around looking for a 1v1 is stupid, we have pvp lobbies that balance you out just for doing that, if you want to learn how to play your class go there and leave wvw instead, it's actually balanced for you so you don't have to run around for 10 minutes just to look for this one person to fight, be real dude.

> >

> > I should add as well, that there's a reason nobody cares about a thief in wvw.


> Again, toxic elitist attitude. Some people may find flipping camps fun and you cannot dictate otherwise because you dont find it fun. Roamers do more than flip camps (please re-read my previous statement again). roamers can divert other groups, work as scouts so YOUR OWN ZERG doesnt get directed to a tapped point, they cut off tails of bigger groups and tend to attack the back line power hitters in a big fight, some will even solo towers and actually cap them. Yea some look for 1v1's, 2v1's...etc, however some actually pull their weight bud.


> I don't expect you to understand that there is actually a world outside being carried by allies while running. The No Down week only proved this point greatly, hence the popularity. Sad that you can't see this but hopefully someday you will. Seems we are going to have to agree to disagree bud.


> Also people do care about thief in WvW, again I dont expect someone that gets carried to understand how proper roamers do it.


Stop lying to yourself. You know for a fact that taking camps and soloing a tower is not fun. Not even in the slightest bit can you sit there and explain to me what element of killing a veteran with a few normie mobs is actually more fun than going into pve and actually facing something with actual non brain dead mechanics. In hindsight I bet you're just a nub that can't even clear vale guardian if you think that killing the camp lords is fun.


And the chances of you actually cutting a back line off is extremely small. I've been playing wvw since launch and what always ends up happening is that roamers just die in front and if by some miracle you actually manage to kill someone in an organized group it's going to be because they're so far behind from the rest of the group and not a tail. It's always been that way no matter what. Also I will bet you all my money that no actual wvw guild gives a crap about thief unless you're in like yaks bend dragonbrand or some other lame ppt server in which case they are useful... For doing absolutely the lowest content wvw has to offer to the player period. Sorry I'm a realist not a self lying tool like you.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > The only thing that went in my mind while reading this is an ever increasing chant of manly "AH"s due to the overwhelming length of this epic post.

> > > > >

> > > > > As a short answer all I have to say is nobody cares about roamers. **If you're roaming in wvw you're having fun wrong.** Plain and simple wvw is group content not solo, if you wanted to beat everyone 1v1 just go play a single player game.

> > > >

> > > > Its this toxic elitist attitude that doesnt belong in WvW, but something that I see a lot in PvP. Roamers are as important in WvW as groups. Just because someone chooses to roam in WvW and surviving on skill vs roaming in a group and being carried and spamming the 1 key doesnt invalidate a roamers existence. If solo roaming wasnt supposed to exist, then things like camps, sentries and yaks would require more people to cap it, plain and simple.

> > > >

> > > > Roamers have been around since WvW was a thing and served as scouts, cutting tails off big groups and cutting off supplies. Having fun wrong would be what the hackers do, otherwise no one can dictate and tell others to "Stop playing if you are roaming". If you got beat by a roamer, there's no shame to admit such. Im sure there are some here who would be more than happy to spar with ya so you can learn to beat them.

> > > >

> > > > Its a game and people who play without hacking will have fun either via Solo or group content. Theres nothing wrong.

> > >

> > > Sorry you assume every server cares about ppt, the truth is most wvw guilds don't care about ppt anymore but instead actually getting fights, even those that are unfair. If you see a guild group that's dedicated to wvw outside of a tower or capping a camp, 8/10 times it's to

> > > * incite the enemy to come to the tower

> > > * fight enemies within the tower

> > > * to get supply

> > >

> > > One person going around flipping camps and killing yaks is not only having fun wrong because you're lying to yourself about thinking that it's fun, but you're also not being very useful when in 5 min a group can just flip it right back without issue. **You're essentially trying justify doing really degrading pve content in a pvp game mode when you could just pve outside, and that's also stupid.** Roaming is a personal thing, as well, to want to go around looking for a 1v1 is stupid, we have pvp lobbies that balance you out just for doing that, if you want to learn how to play your class go there and leave wvw instead, it's actually balanced for you so you don't have to run around for 10 minutes just to look for this one person to fight, be real dude.

> > >

> > > I should add as well, that there's a reason nobody cares about a thief in wvw.

> >

> > Again, toxic elitist attitude. Some people may find flipping camps fun and you cannot dictate otherwise because you dont find it fun. Roamers do more than flip camps (please re-read my previous statement again). roamers can divert other groups, work as scouts so YOUR OWN ZERG doesnt get directed to a tapped point, they cut off tails of bigger groups and tend to attack the back line power hitters in a big fight, some will even solo towers and actually cap them. Yea some look for 1v1's, 2v1's...etc, however some actually pull their weight bud.

> >

> > I don't expect you to understand that there is actually a world outside being carried by allies while running. The No Down week only proved this point greatly, hence the popularity. Sad that you can't see this but hopefully someday you will. Seems we are going to have to agree to disagree bud.

> >

> > Also people do care about thief in WvW, again I dont expect someone that gets carried to understand how proper roamers do it.


> Stop lying to yourself. You know for a fact that taking camps and soloing a tower is not fun. Not even in the slightest bit can you sit there and explain to me what element of killing a veteran with a few normie mobs is actually more fun than going into pve and actually facing something with actual non brain dead mechanics. In hindsight I bet you're just a nub that can't even clear vale guardian if you think that killing the camp lords is fun.


> And the chances of you actually cutting a back line off is extremely small. I've been playing wvw since launch and what always ends up happening is that roamers just die in front. It's always been that way no matter what. Also I will bet you all my money that no actual wvw guild gives a crap about thief unless you're in like yaks bend dragonbrand or some other lame ppt server.


Give it up bud. Like I stated (which you omitted in your quote), im done as this is not the thread to continue the toxic elitist attitude.


Have a great day :)

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I think the first ascended set is a drag for everyone. When it was released, i remember it taking everyone at least a month. But after you have the first set, you'll get a bunch of asceneded pieces just by playing the game. they accumulate to the point of it becoming just a huge burden since all you can do is salvage at that point. I think you should just bear with time gate of the first set. Think of it as a rights of passage.

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